Biographical Sketch of F.C. Hills

F.C. Hills, of the firm of Hills & McKercher, successors to Groninger, dealers in hardware, stoves, tin ware, wagon stock, barbed wire, etc., sole agents for Adams & Westlake’s non-explosive coal oil stoves, also agents for rubber paint, galvanized iron cornice work a specialty-numbers 33 and 35, Pearl St.-was born in England in 1843, came to America in 1849, and settled in Oneida County N.Y.; removed to Iowa in 1868, in the interest of the S.C.P.R.R. Co., and located in this city in March of that year. He was general traffic manager for the above road, and the first railroad agent in Sioux City. He served as 2nd sergeant in the late war in Co. E. 117th N.Y.I., under Col. Wm. R. Pease. Mr. McKercher, of the above firm, was born in Flint, Mich., and was for some times traveling salesman for a Chicago house. He came to this city in the winter of 1872-3.



Woodbury County IA,

History of Western Iowa: Its Settlement and Growth. Sioux City: Western Publishing Company. 1882.

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