Biography of Charlie N. Cotton

Charlie N. Cotton has lived in Champaign County over fifty years, and is rated as one of the enterprising and progressive agriculturists of Sidney Township. His well improved farmstead is on Rural Route No. 61 out of Homer. Mr. Cotton was born in Madison County, Indiana, April 6, 1860, and was brought to this county by his parents in 1866. He is a son of Robert and Margaret (Williams) Cotton, his father a native of Indiana and his mother of Ohio. When his father came to Champaign County he located on a farm near Catlin, and became widely known and … Read more

Deen, Forrest E. – Obituary

Forrest E. Deen, 63, of Deputy, Ind., died Feb. 24, 2008, at Scott Memorial Hospital in Scottsburg, Ind. His funeral will be at noon Saturday at Buchanan Funeral Home at Austin, Ind. The Rev. James Fugate will officiate. Burial will be at Pisgah Cemetery in Deputy, Ind. Visitations will be from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and after 9 a.m. Saturday at the Buchanan Funeral Home, 115 N. Second St., Austin, Ind. Mr. Deen was born on Jan. 15, 1945, the son of the late Frank E. Deen and Ethel M. (Williams) Tarvin. He was a member of Faith … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Henderson

William Henderson, blacksmith, Oakland; born in Gurnsey Co., Ohio, Sept 25, 1831, where he learned and worked at the blacksmith trade until the fall of 1858, When he emigrated West and located in Lawrence Co., Ill., where he followed his trade until 1862, when he enlisted as a private in the 60th I. V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union; he served with his regiment one year, when he was detailed as blacksmith in the Quartermaster’s Department at Chattanooga, Tenn., where he remained until the fall of 1865, when he returned and worked at his trade at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John G. Crawford

John G. Crawford, farmer and stock-raiser; P.O. Oakland; born in Morgan Co., Ind., Aug. 10, 1837, where he attended school in winter and was engaged in farming in summer until he was 23 years of age, when, in the spring of 1860, he removed to Illinois, locating in Douglas Co., where he engaged in farming until 1865, when he returned to his native home, remaining there two years; then coming West again, he continued farming nearly two years in Douglas Co., when in 1869, he removed to Oakland and erected a fine residence where he now lives; he also owns … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard Cole

Richard Cole, farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Putnam Co., Ind., Dec. 8, 1835, where he attended school during winter and engaged in farming until 1871, when he emigrated to Illinois and located upon his present place, where he has since continued to live. Upon his arrival here, he purchased 160 acres of land, mostly prairie, where he has since successfully followed farming. He married Catharine A. Swinford April 13, 1858; they have three children now living by this union-James P., born Feb. 25,1861; Mary E., born Jan. 23, 1863; Lucy A., born March 2, 1868. Mr. Cole has held … Read more

Biography of Marion P. Cash

Marion P. Cash, traveling salesman; P. O. Terre Haute, Ind.; born in Nelson Co. Va., April 14, 1833, he removed to Amherst Co., with the family, when 4 years of age, where he lived until 14 years of age, when he emigrated to Illinois and located in Paris, Edgar Co., in the fall of 1847; after farming one year, he learned and worked at the cabinet-maker’s trade for three years, in Paris; he came to Oakland, Coles Co., and worked one year at his trade, when he engaged with his brother in the furniture trade for two years; he then … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Zarley

John H. Zarley, miller, Oakland; born in Washington Co., Penn., April 25, 1819, where he attended school and engaged in farming until March 1837, when he located in Morgan Co., Ohio, and followed farming until 1848, at which date he located in Blackford Co., Ind., and engaged in farming until 1851, when he removed to Moultrie Co., Ill., and engaged in farming until 1853, at which time he returned to Ohio and farmed for eleven years; he then returned to Moultrie Co., Ill., for two years, and, in 1866, he engaged in the milling business in Lovington, for one year; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. J. Temples

W. J. Temples, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Oakland; born in Monroe Co., Ind., March 6, 1841, where he engaged in farming and attending school until he attained his majority, when he continued farming in Indiana until the latter part of the year of 1863, when he removed to Illinois, and located upon his present place on Jan. 1, 1864, where he has near 200 acres of land all under fence and cultivation. Mr. Temple arrived in this township without means, and during the winter cut upward of 20,000 rails under contract, and the following spring commenced farming on shares … Read more

Biography of L. C. Thornton

L. C. Thornton, farm implements, Postmaster, Oakland; one of the pioneers of Edgar Co., Ill.; born in Washington Co., Ind., Dec. 15, 1825; he removed with his parents in 1829, being then 4 years of age, and located in Edgar Co., Ill., where he attended school, and engaged in farming until Sept. 10, 1861, when he enlisted as private in Co. E, 66th I. V. I; this regiment was composed of picked men from the various Northwestern States, selected for their skill and accuracy in handling the rifle; the 66th was known in the army as the Western Sharp-shooters, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. H. Swinford

W. H. Swinford, farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Putnam Co., Ind., Aug. 20, 1844, where he followed farming until 1871, when he removed to Illinois and located in Hickory Tp., Coles Co., where he engaged in farming until 1875, when he purchased sixty acres of prairie land in East Oakland Tp., upon which he settled, and where he has since lived; he also owns forty acres in Hickory Tp., upon which he has erected good, comfortable farm buildings. He married Nov. 10, 1867, to Mary A. Cole; she was born in Putnam Co., Ind., Jan. 12, 1846; she is … Read more

Biography of S. C. Swinford

S. C. Swinford, farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 7; P. O. Oakland; born in Harrison Co., Ky., Oct. 4, 1825, where he attended school until 13 years of age, when he emigrated with his parents to Putnam Co., Ind., where he engaged upon his father’s farm until 1844, at which time he engaged for two years farming on shares, and early in the winter of 1847, employed a team to transport himself, family and such goods as he was possessed of to Illinois, where he arrived upon the 17th of February, 1847, having paid out his last dollar to defray expenses … Read more

Biography of S. A. Reel

S. A. Reel, physician and surgeon, farmer, stock-raiser and dealer in stock, Oakland; born in Gibson Co., Ind., May :3, 1829, where he attended school and engaged in farming until 18 years of age, when he taught school and studied medicine for two years in Missouri and Arkansas, when he cut a raft of lumber, which he took down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, and, after disposing of the same, he returned to Indiana, then to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he attended the Eclectic Medical School one term; in the fall of 1852, he located in Pleasant Grove Tp., Coles … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel B. Powers

Daniel B. Powers, retired farmer; P. O. Oakland; one of the early pioneers of Coles Co; born in Butler Co., Ohio, July 1, 1807, where he engaged in farming until 1836, when he emigrated West and located in Crawfordsville, Ind., where he engaged in the mercantile trade for about eighteen months, when he sold his interest in the store and removed to East Oakland Township in March, 1838, where he purchased 180 acres of land, where he has since lived during a period of forty years; he has upon his old farm upon which he lives, a fine brick residence, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nallie R. Moore

Nallie R. Moore, druggist, Oakland; born in Morgan Co., Ind., Aug. 4, 1854, where he attended school until 11 years of age, when he removed to Mattoon, Coles Co., Ill., where he attended school until 20 years of age, the last three years devoting his time to the study of geometry, physiology, and the other higher branches of education; having devoted his spare time when out of school for the last eight years in his father’s drug store, he now engaged in the same, where he was employed, compounding drugs, preparing prescriptions, etc., until May, 1876, when he associated with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Shaver

Jonathan Shaver, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; the above – named gentleman was born in Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind., July 22, 1836; his father, Jonathan M. Shaver, a native of Virginia, was an early settler in Montgomery Co., having come there about the year 1830, his mother, Susan Shaver, being also a native of Virginia; Mr. Shaver was raised on a farm. He was married Sept. 30, 1856, to Miss Mary J. Stratton, of Greene Co., Ohio; she died Jan. 8, 1860, leaving two children Rosella and Emma J. Mr. Shaver was then poor; he worked at the time … Read more

Biography of Joshua Ricketts

Joshua Ricketts, dealer in grain and produce, groceries, glassware, queens-ware, etc., Ashmore; was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, March 13, 1821. He is a son of Joshua and Sarah (Taylor) Ricketts. He remained at home until he was 13 years old, when he went to Knox County, Ohio, and engaged in study with a view to preparing for the ministry, but meeting with a change in his religious belief he abandoned the idea and engaged in farming, afterward learning the trade of a marble cutter. At the age of 23 he went to Coshocton, Ohio, and followed farming for a … Read more

Biography of W. K. Payne

W. K. Payne, retired, Ashmore; although not an early settler of Coles Co., is one of the pioneers in the adjoining county of Edgar, where he was a prominent citizen for forty-six years. He was born in Shelby Co., Ky., May 17, 1807, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Wright) Payne, both natives of Kentucky and descendants of old Virginia families. His early education was limited to such as the schools of that region afforded. In 1822, his father removed with his family to Owen Co., Ind. In 1831, Mr. Payne came to Edgar Co., and engaged in … Read more

Biography of Thomas O’Brien

Thomas O’Brien, farmer and stock raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in the city of Philadelphia Feb. 18, 1830; he is a son of John and Mary O’Brien; his father was born in Mt. Maleck, Queens Co., Ireland, in February, 1801; up to the age of 18 years, he worked in his father’s tailor-shop; he then went to London, Eng., and afterward to Leeds, spending seven years in the two cities; after paying a brief visit to his native place, he came to America at the age of 25; his first settlement was in Philadelphia, where he was married March … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eli Huron

Eli Huron, dealer in books, stationery, musical instruments, toys, etc., Charleston; was born in Hendricks Co., Ind., Oct. 14, 1836; up to the breaking-out of the rebellion he remained on his father’s farm. In February, 1862, he entered the Union army as a member of Co. A, 53d Ind. V. I., serving in the Army of the Cumberland; he participated in the siege of Corinth, and was wounded at the second battle of Corinth, on the 5th of October, 1862, from which he lost his right arm. He spent the spring and summer of 1864 as a student in Bryant … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. P. H. Harrah

J. P. H. Harrah, attorney at law, Charleston; is a native of Putnam Co., Ind.; he was born near Greencastle June 4, 18485 and is a son of Daniel F. Harrah; in 1858, he removed with his father’s family to Jasper Co., Ill., where he remained on the farm until 1867; he then engaged in teaching school in Jasper Co.; in August, 1868, he entered Westfield College, Ill., and remained as a student in that institution two years; returning home in 1870, he began reading law, and, in the fall of 1871, went to Newton, the county seat of Jasper … Read more