Biography of Charles Samuel Bendure, M. D.

Charles Samuel Bendure, M. D. One of the best known families in Southeastern Kansas is the Bendures. Many of the name have gained honorable distinction in their several vocations, and among them is Charles Samuel Bendure, one of the widely known physicians of Labette County, who has practiced for a quarter of a century at Bartlett. He traces his descent along the Bendure line to France originally, but the family has been represented in America since colonial times and were among the pioneers of the Green Mountain state. His grandfather, Stephen Weeks Bendure, was born in Vermont in 1803. He … Read more

Biography of Hon. Theodore L. Stiles

HON. THEODORE L. STILES. – Honorable Theodore L. Stiles was born at Medway, Clarke county, Ohio, July 12, 1848, and was the only child of Daniel J. and Marie S. Stiles. His mother’s maiden name was Lamme; and she, too, was a native of the same county as her son. Mr. Stiles’ father was born of German and English parents, in Danplin county, Pennsylvania. His mother’s family were emigrants from Virginia in 1809. Until the age of sixteen, he remained at his birthplace, which was a small interior farming village. But, his mother having died in 1863, his father removed … Read more

Biography of Simeon Cecil Canary

Simeon Cecil Canary is one of the progressive young business men of Southern Kansas, and is a member of a family that has some of the largest holdings in the ranch and oil districts of Southern Kansas, Northern Oklahoma, and also operates ranches in other states. Simeon Cecil Canary was born at Webber Falls, Oklahoma, May 15, 1892. His ancestors were among the pioneers of the State of Ohio, where his father, J. D. Canary, was born, in 1869. J. D. Canary was reared in Texas, and in 1898 came to Kansas. He lived for several years on a ranch … Read more

Biography of James H. Price

James H. Price. The large interests which have engrossed the time and energies of James H. Price have brought him to the very forefront among the business men of Crawford County, and particularly of that part lying adjacent to the City of Pittsburg, with which city he has been prominently identified for the past ten or more years. From the very start of his career, he has been interested, in one or another way, with the mining industry, and today he is known throughout Kansas as an extensive coal operator and contractor. Mr. Price was born in Herefordshire, England, April … Read more

Biography of Calvin L. Long

Calvin L. Long. When Calvin L. Long came to Montgomery County thirty-seven years ago he found himself associated with the very early pioneers, and is one of the residents of that county who have witnessed practically every phase of development and progress. Mr. Long is one of the oldest men in the real estate business at Coffeyville, and his reputation as a reliable dealer and man of unusual judgment and experience in that line has been in full proportion to his years of activity. Born in Delaware County, Indiana, July 12, 1852, he grew up on a farm, attended country … Read more

Biography of William E. Adamson

William E. Adamson has been a resident of Southeastern Kansas for thirty years, and his career in Neosho County has been marked by splendid service rendered as an educator and also as a civil engineer. For many years he has filled the office of county surveyor, and is still engaged in the official duties of that position with home at Erie. The Adamson family originated in England, and this branch settled in Virginia in colonial days. Others of the family also located in Pennsylvania. His grandfather, Simon Adamson, was born in Virginia in 1763, and became one of the pioneer … Read more

Biography of Herschel V. Bolinger

Herschel V. Bolinger. The assistant cashier of the Home National Bank, Herschel V. Bolinger, of Caney, is by inheritance and training well equipped for his responsible position. He comes of a family given to valuable and practical accomplishment, particularly in the line of agricultural effort, which has resided in this country for many generations. Since leaving the schoolroom Mr. Bolinger has been connected with financial institutions, and at Caney has also been identified with railroad affairs and with civic duties. Herschel V. Bolinger was born at Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana, March 19, 1884, and is a son of W. T. … Read more

Biography of James Kesling

JAMES KESLING. – This gentleman is one of those large-hearted, kindly men who are loved by all the neighbors and by all the neighbors’ children. His life embraces a wide range of interesting experiences, and covers a period of nearly forty years on this coast. He was born in Ohio in 1835, but moved with his folks to Indiana six years later. In 1852 he came with the family of Honorable Luther Elkins, now of Linn county, across the plains to Oregon. Reaching Portland, then a town of shanties and but few good houses, in the woods, young Kesling and … Read more

Biography of Harrison Rittenhouse Kincaid

HARRISON RITTENHOUSE KINCAID. – This well-known journalist of Oregon, the emanations of whose pen have appeared either originally or as selections in almost every newspaper of the state, is the eldest son of Thomas and Nancy Kincaid, pioneers of 1853, and was born in Madison county, Indiana, January 3, 1836. At the age of seventeen he came with his parents to our state, and with them made his home in Lane county. Among his early labors was work on the mill-race at the present site of Springfield. In 1855 he made a trip to Southern Oregon to operate in the … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Pocock

Charles H. Pocock. Postmaster of Tyro, in Montgomery County, a farmer and well known citizen of that locality, Charles H. Pocock for many years was identified with educational work both in Kansas and other states. In character and attainments he is type of man whom the people instinctively respect and repose confidence in, and again and again he has been called to duties of a public nature. By ancestry he is English, and his grandfather, Eliyah Pocock, came from England to Ohio in the very early days. He was a farmer and blacksmith and died in Wayne County. Mr. Charles … Read more

Biography of John A. Burt

John A. Burt. An old and honored resident of Montgomery County was the late John A. Burt, who came to that section of Kansas in the early days and who died at Tyro November 26, 1905. Mrs. Burt and some of her children are still living in the vicinity of Tyro. Born at Fort Wayne, Indiana, October 24, 1845, John A. Burt was a son of Silas Burt, who was born in Indiana in 1818 and represented a very early family in the settlement of that state. He was a farmer, and died at Fort Wayne in 1850. John A. … Read more

Biography of B. C. Kindred

B.C. KINDRED. – The immigration of 1844, although on the track of that of 1843, had a much more troublesome time. Mr. Kindred belongs to that company. He is a native of Indiana, where he was born in 1818. His parents were early settlers of Kentucky, of the days of the historic Boone. In 1836 the young man found Indiana growing stale, and went out to Iowa and in 1840 came onto Missouri. Here he met Miss Rachel Mylar; and the meeting resulted in their marriage. The Oregon fever was then devastating the land; and by 1844 Captain Gilliam was … Read more

Biography of Joseph B. Keeney

JOSEPH B. KEENEY. – The railroads have largely spoiled the big, old stage-line routes; but still a few of them remain. One of these is that between Pendleton and Heppner, Arlington, Fossil, and from The Dalles to Prineville. This route is conducted on the old style, and by a man fully up to the old-time requirements. This is Mr. Kenney. He was born in 1841, in Indiana, and came to California in 1852, and on a steamer which required sixty-six days from the Isthumus to San Francisco. In the spring of 1860 he went to Arizona and, with others, built … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John T. Jewell

JOHN T. JEWELL. – Mr. Jewell is a member of the Cove Dairy Company. He is a native of Indiana, having been born in that state in 1836. After receiving his education there and in Illinois, he was drawn west in 1859 by the Pike’s Peak gold excitement. From that point he quite naturally came on to Oregon. His first employment was at West Portland, supplying steamboats with wood. As early as 1863 he moved to the Grande Ronde, entering into business as a freighter. Two years later he located a beautiful claim at The Cove, Oregon, and has devoted … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Harriet Jewett

MRS. HARRIET JEWETT.- A mournful personal as well as historic interest lingers about those who survived the dreadful affair at Waiilatpu in 1847. Many of these feel that those who died were the happier; and no sympathetic friend, as every reader of this book must be, will care to inquire more minutely than is given in the pages of the general history of this work. But all will be glad that these sufferers from Indian atrocity outlived their great sorrow, – the butchering of a husband or father or friend, – and have for all these years been useful and … Read more

Biography of Daniel Johnson

DANIEL JOHNSON. – Among the pioneers of Oregon, no one bore a better reputation than the subject of this sketch, whose doors were always open to the homeless stranger, and whose memory will be fondly cherished by the many who have been sheltered and fed by him. Daniel Johnson was born in 1812 in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, and at ten years of age removed with his parents to Onondaga county, New York, remaining with them some thirteen years, and doing any kind of work he could get to do. However, during the latter part of this time, he labored at … Read more

Biography of James Johnson

JAMES JOHNSON. – James Johnson, a pioneer of 1844, son of James Johnson of Berkshire county, Massachusetts, was born on his father’s farm in 1814, and as a child moved with his parents to a new home in Onondaga county, New York, living there until he attained his manhood. In 1836 he gave rein to the desire for change and adventure and freedom, which ultimately made of him one of the early pioneers of Oregon, going in that year with his brother Daniel to Tippecanoe county, Indiana, and engaging in work as carpenter near Lafayette. In the winters, when there … Read more

Biography of T. C. Long, M. D.

T. C. Long, M. D., now of Independence, has been successfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Kansas for the past fifteen years. His reputation is especially based on his skill as a surgeon, and he is rated as one of the most proficient in that class of work in Montgomery County. He was near Portland in Jay County, Indiana, February 5, 1871. His grandfather, who died at the age of forty years, was a native of Ohio and moved from that state to a farm in Jay County. That farm, settled by the family more than … Read more

Benson, John J., III – Obituary

John J. Benson III, 60, of Muncie, Ind., died Oct. 13, 2002, at Williamsburg Village. A private memorial service will be scheduled later. Mr. Benson was born at Camden, N.J., the son of Virginia Campbell Benson and John J. Benson II. He taught at Royerton Elementary School and was a U.S. Air Force veteran. His memberships included St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church and the Isanogel Center, where he had been on the board of directors. Survivors include his wife of 35 years, Marianne Hardtke Benson; two sons, Dr. Sean Benson, who has a dental office in Baker City, and … Read more

Biography of Prof. Harry W. Shideler

Prof. Harry W. Shideler. For the reason that the journalistic and educational professions are in many ways so closely allied, it is a happy combination of talents that allows an individual to participate in the work of the schoolroom and at the same time to devote a part of his abilities to the editing of a newspaper. Prof. Harry W. Shideler, superintendent of schools of Girard, Kansas, has for many years been well known in educational circles as a thorough and learned instructor, and in more recent years has entered the field of journalism as one of the proprietors of … Read more