Biography of Andrew Scott

Andrew Scott. A companion of the early days of Shawnee County and a sharer in the prosperity unfolded by the zeal and understanding of its tireless workers, Andrew Scott had spent his career in the pursuit of agriculture, and at the present time is the owner of 240 acres of finely developed land, located north of North Topeka. When he came to Kansas, in 1867, he was a young man without prospects, save as they were represented by a keen ambition, willing hands and a strong heart, but these were put to such good account that he had steadily advanced in position and means, and now is adjudged one of the substantial men of his community.

Andrew Scott was born April 11, 1847, near Medora, Lawrence County, Indiana, a son of John P. and Cynthia (Dodd) Scott. His father was born about 1812, in Kentucky, a member of a pioneer family of that state which was of German origin. There he was married to Cynthia Dodd, also a member of an old and prominent family, and at an early day in the history of Indiana they removed to that state and settled in Lawrence County, where they devoted the remaining years of their lives to agricultural pursults. They were typical pioneers of that district, sturdy, courageous and God-fearing, and played a part in the development of the Hoosier State. John P. Scott was a man of very strong convictions, of high principles and of good business talents. It was very unusual for a man during his day and locality to be a total abstainer, but this was the case with Mr. Scott and his brothers. In his death his community lost a good eitizen, and an excellent type of the men who have been the means of making the country grow in whatever field their activities have been centered. John P. and Cynthia Scott were the parents of the following children: Elizabeth, who is now Mrs. Joseph Henderson, of Jackson County, Indiana; Mary Jane, who died in infancy; Newton, a resident of Lawrence County, Indiana; Andrew, of this notice; Sophia, who is now Mrs. Lockman and resided at Paris, Illinois; Louise, who lives in Mississippi, and Emily M.

Andrew Scott received his education in the public schools of Indiana and was reared on the home farm, where he assisted his father until reaching the age of twenty years. In 1867 he left the parental roof and came to Kansas, where for two years he was employed on various farms, but in 1869 located on the farm of the old Indian chief, Half Day, a property which he cultivated for three years. In 1872 Mr. Scott came to his present farm, located four miles north of North Topeka, where he had 240 acres under cultivation, devoted to general farming, in which he had met with great success. He also pays a good deal of attention to the raising of stock, Short Horns being his favorite cattle, while the Duroc is his favorite hog, although he had also done well with Poland-Chinas. He had done his full share in reclaiming Shawnee County from the condition of a wilderness and developing the region to its present productiveness and prosperity. He started in life with only a good constitution and a resolute determination to get to the front, and his successful career furnishes a strong incentive to the aspiring element of the rising generation to follow his example. While not an office seeker nor a politician, he had always taken an intelligent interest in the affairs of his community and had contributed to worthy movements which have been launched in the interests of its citizenship.

Mr. Scott had been twice married, and had been the father of the following children: Cynthia, who died in infancy; Ira Champion, whose home is in Caldwell County, Missouri; Clara and Clarence, twins, the former of whom died in 1911, and the latter assisting his father in the work of the home place; Julia, who died in 1897, as the wife of Mr. Nieodemus; Daniel, who is cultivating a homestead in Kit Carson County, Colorado; Lottie May, who resided at home with her parents; George, who also lives on the old home farm; Mildred and Madeline, twins, who reside at home; and Marguerite, the baby, aged sixteen years.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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