Killian Coerver, the well-known miller, was born in Monroe County, near Waterloo, Illinois, on April 10, 1861. He attended the parochial and public schools and also St. Vincent’s College at Cape Girardeau, Mo. After leaving school he learned the printing trade, and then clerked in a dry goods business a short time, and at the age of 18 he started to work in the circuit clerk’s office. From December, 1882, to 1886, he served as deputy county treasurer, when he was elected on the Democratic ticket as county treasurer of Monroe County and served from 1886 to 1890. On October 1, 1890, he went to work at the office of Koenigsmark Milling Company, Waterloo, Illinois, and remained there until 1906, when the Schoening-Koenigsmark Milling Company, Prairie du Rocher, Illinois. was incorporated and Mr. Coerver became a stockholder in this new company and was elected secretary-treasurer and general manager. In 1911 another company was incorporated, known as the Salt Lick Milling Company, Valmeyer, Illinois, of which Mr. Coerver was made general manager, and in 1913 he was elected secretary and treasurer of this corporation also. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus of the East St. Louis, Illinois. Council.
Mr. Coerver was married September 10, 1885, to Miss Mary Schuell of Waterloo, Illinois. Three children were born to this union: Fred H. Coerver, who at present is assistant secretary of the Prairie du Rocher corporation; Walter H. Coerver, who holds a similar position with the Valmeyer corporation; Amanda M. Coerver if the only daughter at home.
Mr. Coerver is president of the Fort Chartres Association of Prairie du Rocher, Illinois. and is one of the leading men in the community. He is a staunch member of the Catholic Church.
Mrs. Coerver was born in Waterloo, Illinois. March 24, 1864, the daughter of John Schuell, a well-known jeweler.