Biography of Raymond William Moore, M. D.

Last Updated on March 4, 2012 by

Raymond William Moore, M. D. Medicine embraces a vast field of knowledge and the successful physician must be a man of varied learning. Never at any time has the healing art demanded more in its practioners than at the present day and never has the profession given so fair an account of itself. Find the leading physician in a community and this acquaintance will indicate, with few exceptions, the man of most intellectual attainments, the keenest mind, the most progressive spirit. In this category stands Raymond William Moore, president of the Crawford County Medical Society, who since 1899 has been engaged in practice at Arcadia.

Doctor Moore was born at Marshall, Saline County, Missouri, September 22, 1872, and is a son of Levi J. and Nancy Priscilla (Horsman) Moore. The family originated in Ireland and settled at an early date in Ohio, probably during colonial times, and the doctor’s grandfather, a farmer of the Buckeye State, died there in 1858. Levi J. Moore was born May 1, 1842, in Hocking County, Ohio, where he was reared and educated and where he resided until young manhood, when he removed to Iowa. While living in the latter state the Civil war came on and in 1861 he enlisted in the Third Iowa Cavalry, with which he fought in a number of severe engagements, including the battle of Pea Ridge. Shortly after that engagement he received a severe injury which incapacitated him for further duty at the front, and he was accordingly transferred to the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, and did hospital duty during the rest of the war. Following the declaration of peace, he removed to Johnson County, Missouri, where he was employed as a stonesason for several years, and was there married, October 24, 1868, to Naney Priscilla Horsman, who was born October 2, 1848, in Hardin County, Ohio. Not long thereafter, they went to St. Genevieve County, Missouri, where Mr. Moore also followed his trade, and later to Randolph County, Illinois, where for a time he engaged in farming. In 1885 Mr. Moore returned to Missouri and located in Vernon County, and there continued to be engaged in agricultural pursuits during the remainder of his life. His death occurred on his farm, in 1896. Mr. Moore was a republican, and an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which Mrs. Moore, who survives him and resides at Nevada, Missouri, also belongs. They were the parents of seven children, as follows: Leon Louis, born November 26, 1870, a mail carrier of Nevada, Missouri; Raymond William; Annetta, born October 26, 1877, who follows photography as a vocation and resides with her mother; Carl H., born October 6, 1880, who is a master mechanic and resides at Pueblo, Colorado; Caswell A., born February 5, 1883, who is identified with the International Harvester Company, at Kansas City, Missouri; Donna V., born October 15, 1886, who is a hospital attendant; and Lynn J., born October 31, 1889, who occupies an excellent position with the Oregon Short Line Railroad, at Portland, Oregon.

Raymond William Moore received his early education in the public schools of Missouri and Illinois, following which he attended the State Normal School at Warrensburg, Missouri. He left that institution in 1893 and for four years taught in the public schools of Vernon County, Missouri, in the meantime prosecuting his medical studies. He matriculated in the University Medical College in September, 1896, and was graduated from that institution in March, 1899. At this time the Spanish-American war came on and Doctor Moore entered the hospital department as hospital steward, and was stationed at Camp Alger, Virginia, and Camp Meade, Pennsylvania, for six months. When this service was completed he returned to Missouri, and in 1897 and 1898 was interne in the University Hospital at Kansas City, and then entered that institution as a student and was graduated in 1899 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine.

On April 3, 1899, Doctor Moore established himself in an office at Arcadia, and since then has built up a large and representative practice in general medicine and surgery. He has continued to be a close and careful student, and in 1910 took a special course at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, specializing in diseases of the return and physical diagnosis of the heart and lungs. He now maintains well-appointed offices over the Home State Bank, where he has every instrument and appliance known to the profession, and a large and valuable medical library. Recognizing the value of medical societies to the physician, he has long been affiliated with the leading associations, including the Crawford County Medical Society, the Kansas Medical Society, the Southeastern Kansas Medical Society and the American Medical Association, and the high esteem in which he is held by his fellow practitioners is shown in the fact that he is president of the county society. Fraternally, the doctor is affiliated with Arcadia Lodge, No. 329, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Fort Scott Consistory No. 6, thirty-second degree; Arcadia Lodge, No. 401, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; the Fraternal Aid Union, and Arcadia Lodge, No. 159, Ancient Order of United Workmen. He has always been a friend of the schools, and at this time is secretary of the board of education. As a republican Doctor Moore was elected twice to the mayoralty chair of Arcadia, and gave the people sound, practical and businesslike administrations, which were characterized by numerous greatly needed civic reforms. He is a director of the Arcadia Building and Loan Association, and in addition to his own pleasant and modern home on Race Street, is the owner of several other dwelling properties. He has always lent his aid to progressive movements and can be counted upon to support all worthy enterprises.

Doctor Moore was married October 22, 1901, at Kansas City, Missouri, to Miss Anna May Downing, daughter of Mrs. Violetta Downing, who divides her time between the homes of Mrs. Moore, at Arcadia, and another daughter, who lives at St. Louis, Missouri. Doctor and Mrs. Moore are the parents of three children: Maude, born September 2, 1902, who is a freshman at the Arcadia High School; Ralph D., born October 27, 1903, who is an eighth-grade student in the public school; and Abby Jane, born September 10, 1907, who is in the fifth grade of the public school.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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