Biography of Edward C. Gates

Last Updated on July 30, 2012 by

Edward C, Gates. It was in 1887 that Edward C. Gates was admitted to the Kansas bar and undertook to build up a reputation and practice at Fulton, where be resided until he came to Fort Scott. In Fort Scott for the past twenty years he had enjoyed a reputation among the ablest members of the Kansas bar. Until 1913 he was actively associated with A. M. Keene in the firm of Keene & Gates, and since then had pratticed alone. The law had always represented to Mr. Gates a profession rather than an occnpation, and in all his work he had kept the dignity of the calling unimpaired. He is a strong and resourceful lawyer, and the success which had come to him had been earned by many years of conscientious and hard work.

Mr. Gates spent a portion of his early youth in Kansas, though he was born at Dixon, Illinois, September 1, 1861. His parents, Joseph and Annie (Wiggins) Gates, were both born in England, were married there and soon afterward, in 1856, cams across the ocean and located at Dixon, Illinois, Several years later they removed to the City of Cincinnati, where Joseph Gates engaged in the wholesale book, and stationery business, and was prospering until his death in 1868. His widow survived him for a number of years and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. S. K. Williams, at Winfield, Kansas, There were six children in the family: Arthur, who was born in England and dicd at Fulton, Kansas; Bessie L. is the wife of Dr. S. K. Williams, now of Allen County, Kansas; Charles J. Gates, who is connected with the United States Treasury Department at Washington, D. C.; Hnrry G. Gates, a twin brother of Edward, lives at Arcadia, Kansas.

Edward E, Gates attended school in Ohio, finished his early education in the State Normal at Fort Scott, and at the age of eighteen began teaching. He spent three years in that work in Bates County, Missouri, and in Linn County, Kansas. In 1882 he located at Fulton, Kansas, and for five years was engaged in the real estate, loan and insurance business.

While at Fulton he acquired the friendship of one of Kansas’ noted men, S. J. West, now a judge of the Supreme Court of the State. Judge West took a kindly interest in the young real estate man and gladly furnished some of his law books with which Mr. Gates could pursue his studies in preparation for the bar. Mr. Gates had always felt a debt of gratitude to the kindly judge, and had enjoyed his friendship for a great many years.

He was admitted to praetice before Hon. C. O. French, then judge of the district court. He remained at Fulton in practice for nine years, and then in 1896 located at Fort Scott and became associated with Mr. A. M. Keene. Mr. Gates had probably one of the finest law libraries in the State of Kansas. He had a scholarship and the experience for the adequate handling of a splendid practice, and also enjoys a large following of personal friends.

He is a stanch republican, and for many years had campaigned in Bourbon and adjoining counties. Besides his law practice he owned a large amount of farm land in Bourbon County and finds diversion as well as proflt in the superintendence of this property. He is a Knight Templar Mason, a member of the Shrine, and is a trnstee of the Methodist Church of. Fort Scott.

On September 25, 1886, at Baxter Springs, Kansas, he married Miss Sadie J. Wright, daughter of Rev. Dr. Wright, and Mary J. Wright. Her father was one of the pioneer Methodist preachers of Southeastern Kansas. Two children have been born to their union, both at Fulton, Kansas. Arthur C. was born in 1888 and Chester was born July 25, 1897. Chester is now a member of the State militia in Company G, and is on the Mexican border at Laredo, Texas. Mrs. Gates is one of the active workers in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and takes part in all the societies of the church.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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