Victorian Worthies

Blore, George Henry. Victorian Worthies, Sixteen Biographies. Oxford University Press, England. 1920.

Biography of William Morris

Last Updated on February 10, 2013 by Dennis Craftsman and Social Reformer. In general it is difficult to account for the birth of an original man at a particular place and time. As Carlyle says: ‘Priceless Shakespeare was the free gift of nature, given altogether silently, received altogether silently.’ Of his childhood history has almost

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Biography of Robert Morier

Last Updated on February 10, 2013 by Dennis Diplomatist. Diplomacy as a profession is a product of modern history. As Europe emerged from the Middle Ages, the dividing walls between State and State were broken down, and Governments found it necessary to have trained agents resident at foreign courts to conduct the questions of growing

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Biography of John Bright

Last Updated on February 10, 2013 by Dennis Tribune. The word ‘tribune’ comes to us from the early days of the Roman Republic; and even in Rome the tribunate was unlike all other magistracies. The holder had no outward signs of office, no satellites to execute his commands, no definite department to administer like the

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