Biographical Sketch of Benjamin C. Parrett

Parrett, Benjamin C.; real estate; born, Fayette County, O., 1879; son of Seth E. and Sarah Jane Creamer Parrett; educated, Washington C. H., Ohio, Grade and High School, Ohio State University, class 1902, degree B. Sc.; iron and steel chemist for five years; asst. supt. iron blast furnace, four years; real estate broker, two years; associate member Real Estate Board.

Biographical Sketch of Benedict Crowell

Crowell, Benedict; mining engineer; born, Cleveland, O., 1870; son of William and Mary Benedict Crowell; educated St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H., and Yale University, 1891; married, Cleveland, 1904, Julia R. Cobb; two children, Florence Cobb Crowell and Benedict Crowell, Jr.; pres. Crowell & Sherman Co., The Tavern Club and Wetherbee Concentrator Co.; director Associated Investors Realty Co., and National City Bank; senior partner Crowell & Murray; member American Institute of Mining Engineers; N. Y., Lake Superior and Canada; American Society for Testing Materials; American Chemical Society; California Miners Ass ‘n; Ohio Society of New York; member Tavern, Union, Mayfield, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bascom Little

Little, Bascom; contractor; born, Cleveland, April 24, 1879; son of Hiram H. and Laura Brown Little; educated, University School, Cleveland, Cornell University, A. B., 1901; married, Cleveland, June 2, 1906, Florence Cobb; issue, Bascom Little, Jr., Julia Little; member first Charter Commission; director of following: Citizens Savings & Trust Co., Union National Bank, Guarantee Title & Trust Co., The Crowell & Sherman Co., The Crowell-Sherman-Statler Co., Baker Motor Vehicle Co.; member American Historical Society; trustee Associated Charities and Hiram House; member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Mayfield, Union, University, Country, and Tavern Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Barton R. Deming

Deming, Barton R.; real estate and bldg.; born, Mudson, Ont., August, 1875; son of Huburt U. and Susan Wigle Deming; Ontario schools, graduated Sarnia High School; married, Chicago, Ill., July 8, 1908, Helen R. Rice; one daughter; five years with Oglebayhorton & Co., iron ore; pres., treas. and mngr. The Deming Bros. Co.; pres., treas. and mngr. The B. R. Deming Co.; member Chamber of Commerce and the Euclid and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of B. M. Duncan

Duncan, B. M.; attorney; born, Millersburg, O., June 30, 1879; son of John and Isabel Jameson Duncan; educated, St. Laurence University and Ohio State University, law course; member of firm Howell, Roberts & Duncan; member Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Delta Phi (Law) and Phi Beta Kappa Fraternities.

Biographical Sketch of B. F. Corday

Corday, B. F.; printing; born, Chicago, Ill., 1871; son of B. H. and Dora Baruch Corday; public school education, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Jan. 5, 1895; two children, one son, Ellis H., born Jan. 17, 1897, and Estelle, born Sept. 9, 1898; pres. and treas. The Corday & Gross Co.; trustee Euclid Ave. Temple; member Athletic and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Augustus Frederic Hartz

Hartz, Augustus Frederic; lessee Euclid Ave. Opera House; born, Liverpool, England, Sept. 8, 1843; apprenticed to the stage (prestidigitateur) 1851; studying with a tutor during evenings; arrived in U. S. in 1863, and remained on the stage until 1880, when he settled in Cleveland; mgr. Park Theater, 1883; took lease of Opera House, 1884, and has retained lease ever since; pres. Majestic Oil Company; pres. Trenton Rock Oil & Gas Company; veteran member Forest City Lodge, F. & A. M.; hon. life member Cleveland Lodge, B. P. 0. E.; member Excelsior, and Oakwood Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Augustus F. House

House, Augustus F.; physician; born, Cleveland, Oct. 7, 1847; son of Hudson M. and Mary Snyder House; studied at Woodville and Oberlin; graduated Western Reserve Medical College; post-graduate work at Vienna, Berlin and London; married, Cleveland, 1872, Mary Grace Cleave; two children; clinical professor of surgory, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Cleveland; director and member of finance committee of Lake Shore Banking & Trust Co.; member American Medical Ass’n, Ohio State Medical Ass’n, Cleveland Academy of Medicine (president, 1898); pres. of medical staff and trustee St. Clair Hospital; Past Eminent Commander of Oriental Commandery, K. T., Past Most Excellent High … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Augustus C. Knight

Knight, Augustus C.; lawyer; born, New York, March 24, 1877; son of Augustus Knight; educated, public schools and St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, Cleveland Law School, Baldwin University, LL. B.; married, Cleveland, June 26, 1907, Marie Agnes Bauer; issue, three daughters, Agnes Marie, Adele Irene, Arline Helen; preferred and signed the charges against Fred Kohler, Chief of Police, in May, 1910, causing his suspension by Mayor Baehr, acquittal by the Civil Service Commission; member Cleveland Bar Ass’n, State Bar Ass’n, and Cleveland Law Library Ass’n; member Knights of Columbus, Gilmour Council, Cleveland Humane Society, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, The City Club, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of August J. Hirstius

Hirstius, August J.; ex-sheriff of Cuyahoga County; born, Cleveland, 1875; son of Jacob H. Hirstius; educated, public schools; married, 1896, Miss Anna Bente of Cleveland; issue, one son, Sherwood; cash boy for E. I. Baldwin, Hatch & Co.; with G. H. Lyttle, wall paper business: remained ten years; two years clerk for the County Board of Reviews; two terms member of City Council, from 12th Ward; active in bringing about the first referendum campaign in the State of Ohio on the street railroad franchise; secured first appropriation for children’s play grounds; elected sheriff in 1908; member German Zion Lutheran Church, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Audley P. McCallie

McCallie, Audley P.; Superior Peanut Co.; born, Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 15, 1888; son of Jack and Jennie Purcell McCallie; educated, Buffalo, N. Y., Grammar School and West Springfield and Meadville, Pa., High schools; managing partner of The Superior Peanut Co.; member Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Asa Shiverick

Shiverick, Asa; merchant; born, Omaha, Neb., 1877; son of Charles and Eleanor Coary Shiverick; educated, St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H.; married, Concord, N. H., Janette Bancroft; vice pres. and gen. mgr. The Higbee Co.; vice pres. J. N. Adam & Co; member the Union Club, Cleveland, the Ellicott Club, Buffalo, the Country Club, Buffalo.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Winfield Thomas

Thomas, Arthur Winfield; bond broker; born, East Liverpool, O., May 24, 1880; son of William and Mary Shannon Thomas; educated, public and private schools; married, Cleveland, Nov. 1, 1905, Jennie H. Lucas; issue, one son, William A.; since 1900, has represented large bond houses in Cleveland; at present mgr. Colonial Securities Co., of Cleveland; industrial corporation bonds a specialty; editor Photo-Play Magazine; vice pres. The Colonial Securities Co.; director The Dreman Cleaning Co., and The Warwick Glass Co.; member Marion Lodge, No. 70, F. & A. M., Lodge No. 50, I. O. O. F.; member Sons of Veterans, Independent Order … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Wellesley Barber

Barber, Arthur Wellesley; attorney-at-law; born, Berea, O., Nov. 7, 1858; son of Gershorm Morse and Huldah Lavine Seeley Barber; educated, Western Reserve University, 1883, A. B. and A. M.; 1886, Columbia Law School; married, Lakewood, Dec. 22, 1896, Harriet May Wagar; four children; admitted to the Bar in 1885; member firm of Tanney & Barber and G. M. & A. W. Barber, 1885-1902; member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Hudson Chapter, and Sons of Veterans.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur W. Collier

Collier, Arthur W.; real estate; born, England, June, 1884; son of James and Eliza Collier; educated, Saint Thomas School and King Edward Grammar School, England, and under private tutors; pres. The Collier Realty & Trust Co.; sec’y and treas. The Farmer’s Exchange & Realty Co.; vice pres. The Collier Bro.’s Provision Co.; trustee Sunshine Cottage; member West Farmington Hunt Club. Recreations: Tennis and Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Silas Wright

Wright, Arthur Silas; educator; born, Decatur, N. Y., March 7, 1858; son of Hanson and Fannie M. (Mason) Wright; A. B., Union College, 1882, A. M., 1886; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1884-1885; University of Leipzig, 1885-1887; married, Julia B. Barbyte, of Schenectady, N. Y., April 2, 1890; junior prof. modern languages, Union College, 1887-1892; prof. modern languages, Case School of Applied Science, since 1893; member Modern Language Association of America; Modern Language Association of Ohio. Editor: In St. Jurgen (Theodor Storm), 1901; Entwicklungslehre (v. Wagner), 1903; Elektronentheorie (Kayser), 1905.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Nathan Doud

Doud, Arthur Nathan; civil engineer; born, New York, 1872; son of George C. and Martha Dunbar Doud; graduated High School, Winthrop, N. Y., class of 1895; took three years special engineering course at Clarkson Technical School, Potsdam, N. Y., finished there in 1900; married, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1901, Nellie M. Wilson; two daughters; followed surveying and engineering work in New York state for three years; then engaged on the hydro-electric development on the St. Lawrence River; for two years and nine months member of the engineering corps, War Dept., U. S. Army, as chief of field party on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Morley Worden

Worden, Arthur Morley; manager Worden-Crawford Co.; born, Dansville, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1887; son of Charles Arthur and Jane Morley Worden; educated, University of Pennsylvania, class of 1909, B. of Econ.; director Worden-Crawford Co., and mgr. Cleveland office; member Kappa Sigma Fraternity; Hermit and Rotary Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Linley

Linley, Arthur; electric business; born, Sheffield, Eng., Oct. 2, 1872; son of Perry and Eliza A. Linley; educated at Montgomery College, England; married, Cleveland, Nov. 20, 1897, Minnie V. Gaul; two children; started out to be a chemist, but drifted into the electrical business when 21 years old; has got out a number of electric patents; mgr. The Linley Electric Co.; member “Sons of Jove,” and Cleveland Cricket Club.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur J. Husband

Husband, Arthur J.; dentist; born, Toronto, Can., June, 1864; son of George H. and Helen McBride Husband; educated, Richmond Hill High School, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Can.; married, in Illinois, July 15, 1888, Elizabeth Agnes Henry; issue, Eva, born Jan. 3, 1890, Ruby, born Jan. 1, 1894, Harold, born June 3, 1895; began practice in Toronto in 1885; practiced there for sixteen years; located in Cleveland in 1905; member of Ohio State Dental Society and Cleveland Dental Society.