Biographical Sketch of Col. Jacob Coil

Col. Jacob Coil settled on Loutre Island in 1817. He was born in Pendleton County, Virginia, in 1780, and died in 1845. He was married twice, and had nine children. His eldest son by his first wife, named Jacob, Jr., was married first to Sarah Gibon and second to Mrs. Taylor, who was a daughter of Stephen Quick.

Biographical Sketch of Christopher Sanders

Christopher Sanders settled near Loutre Lick, in Montgomery County, at an early date. He was a great hunter, but somewhat indolent, and generally depended upon borrowing a gun to shoot his game with rather than perform the labor of carrying one. He raised four sons and two daughters Jack, James, Joseph, William, Nancy, and Rachel. William married Ivy Slavens, a daughter of Stewart Slavens, of Middletown.

Biographical Sketch of Christian Strobe

Christian Strobe, of Pennsylvania, removed first to Indiana, and from thence to Audrain Co., Mo. His wife was Marry Miller, of Kentucky, and they had William H., Eliza, James, Isabella, George, Rebecca, Mary, and Christian, Jr., most of whom have families, and live in Audrain and Montgomery counties.

Biographical Sketch of Chester Wheeler

Chester Wheeler, of Vermont, settled in (now) Warren County, Mo., in 1810 or 1812. He married Joanna, daughter of Henry Bryan, and they had a large family of children. Their son, Samuel H., who is at present Treasurer of Montgomery County, and a leading and influential citizen, was raised by his uncle, John Davis. He married Margaret Fulkerson, daughter of the late Col. Robert Fulkerson, of Danville. They had Nancy, Elizabeth, William, James, Richard, Frances, Jane, John, Aaron H., Henry, Mary, Catharine, and Benjamin. James married Nancy Booker, by whom he had Elizabeth, William, Richard, Mary, Martha, Nancy K., Booker, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Woodruff

Charles Woodruff, of Buckingham Co., Va., married a Miss Gatewood, and their son, Wyatt P., married Mary Talphro, and settled in St. Louis Co.; Mo., in 1825. In 1827 they removed to St. Charles County, and from there to Montgomery County in 1832. They had John, Charles E., Robert H., Francis S., and David B. all of whom live in Montgomery County.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Howard

Charles Howard, of Halifax County, Virginia, married Nancy Lewis, and settled in Warren County, Kentucky. One of their sons, named Joseph, married Malinda Lennox, and settled in Montgomery County, Missouri, in 1818. Their children were Sylvesta, Cynthia E., Elijah, Rachel, Estelle, Cordelia, and Malinda. Mr. Howard’s first wife died, and he was married again to Phoebe Saylor, by whom he had John and George. She also died, and he married a lady named McCormack, by whom he had Greenup, Nancy, and Matilda. He was married the fourth time to Sydney Hall, by whom he had Joseph W. and a daughter. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Ellis

Charles Ellis, of Virginia, married his cousin, Nancy Ellis, and they had Thomas, Polly, Stephen, Elizabeth, Nancy, Charles, Joseph, Martha, James M., and Susan. Mr. Ellis removed from Richmond, Va., to Shelby Co., Ky., in 1815. Stephen married Mary Young, of Kentucky, and settled in Warren Co., Mo., in 1826. In 1847 he removed to St. Charles County, where he died. His children were James, Charles, Nancy, Sarah C., Martha F., Mary H., and William T. Joseph Ellis was married twice; first, to Nancy Netherton, by whom he had Henry C., Mildred C., Charles M., Ann E., Lucy B., Paulina, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles C. Archer

Charles C. Archer, of England, emigrated to America and settled in Virginia previous to the revolutionary war. He married Elizabeth Prior, daughter of David P. Prior and Mary Cunningham, of Buckingham County, Va. They had William, Mary A., Thomas D., Charles C., Elizabeth P., Creed T., Fields, and John. William C. married Kittura Kahale, and settled in Montgomery County, Mo., in 1832. Elizabeth C. married Presley T. Oaks, and settled in Warren County in 1832. Creed T. married Anna Taggart, and settled in Warren County in 1832. Fields married Frances L. Wood, and settled in Warren County in 1832. John … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles B. Worland

Charles B. Worland, of Maryland, married Martha A. White, and settled in Washington Co., Ky. Their children were Benedict. Charles B., Thomas N., Maria, William T., John H., Stephen W., Edward H., James P., and Martha A. Mr. Worland, his wife, and a portion of their family settled in Montgomery County in 1839. They are excellent people; honest, industrious, intelligent, kind-hearted and friendly.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Allen

Charles Allen and his wife, Elizabeth Powell, settled in Kentucky in 1800, and came to Montgomery Co., Mo., in 1823. Their children were Joseph H., David P., Charles P., Polly E., Elizabeth B., Anna A., Martha C., Tabitha W., Lucy J., and Catharine C. Mr. Allen was a carpenter by trade, and built the jail at Lewiston. His son, Joseph H., who was a physician, died at Troy, in Lincoln County. David P. was married first to Ann Boone, by whom he had two children. After her death he married Nancy. Courtney, of St. Charles, and they had eight children. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. Hart

Capt. Hart was a native of the State of New Jersey, where, during the French and Indian war, previous to the American Revolution, he raised a company of men and was commissioned Captain. He was with General Wolf’s army at the battle of Quebec, in Canada, in 1759, where that gallant young general fell. Capt. Hart’s company behaved with great gallantry on that occasion, and the men, who were dressed in blue uniforms, were afterward known as the “Jersey Blues.” Honest John Hart, as he was called, was a son of Capt. Hart, and one of the signers of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Calvin Ford

Calvin Ford came from Ireland, and settled in Charlotte County, Virginia, where his son Hezekiah was born. The latter married Ann Garrett, by whom he had thirteen children, eleven of whom he raised. Their names were Calvin, James, Claiborne, Laban, Marley, Thomas, William, Elizabeth, Morning, Susan, and Martha. William, James, Elizabeth and Martha came to Montgomery County with their mother, who was a widow, in 1835. William was married first to Martha A. Eperson, of Virginia, and after her death he married Margaret H. Nettle. James was married first to Mary Robinson, and after her death he married the widow … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Caleb Summers

Caleb Summers was raised in Montgomery County, Maryland, where he married Rachel Crawford. In 1796 he settled in Jefferson County, Kentucky. His children were Polly, Benjamin, Robert, Thomas, and. Malinda. Robert married his cousin, Grace Summers, and settled in Pike County, Missouri, in 1834. His children were William B., Elizabeth, Caleb L., Noah, Benjamin F., George, Robert A., and Thomas. William B. married the widow Tucker, whose maiden name was Margaret J. Bryan, and settled in Montgomery County in 1840. Caleb L. married Sallie A. Bryan, and settled in Montgomery County in 1840. Benjamin F. married Antoinette Sharp, and settled … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Young

Aaron Young was married in 1804, to Theodosia Winn, of Fayette Co., Ky., and came to Missouri and settled near Marthasville in 1819. His children were James, Martha, Elizabeth, Leonard, and Mary. Mr. Young served as County Judge for several terms, and finally moved to St. Louis County, where he died. Benjamin Young was born in Fayette Co., Ky., in 1791. He married Mary Maaro, and came to Warren County in 1819. He settled at Marthasville, and opened a store, being the first merchant of the place. In 1820 he removed to Callaway County and settled in Ham’s Prairie, at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin White, Sr.

Benjamin White, Sr., was a native of Wales. He married Elizabeth Smith, and their son Benjamin, Jr., married Rebecca Chesell. They all lived in Montgomery Co., Md. Benjamin, a son of Benjamin White, Jr., was born November 4, 1796. He was married in 1821 to Rebecca Darby, who died, and in 1831 he married Lucy Scott. In 1837 they came to Missouri and settled in Montgomery County. Their children were Edward G., William H.., Richard G., Benjamin, Susan, Mary A., and Sarah E., all of whom are married and -living in’ Montgomery County.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin James

Benjamin James married Nancy Fourt, of Kentucky, and settled in (now) Warren County in 1811. He joined the rangers during the Indian war, and saw some active service. His children were William, John, Walter, and Peter. John fell from a mill dam on Charrette creek, and was drowned. Peter lived in St. Louis County, and never married. Walter married Sally Wyatt, and they had Frank, Mary A., William J., John, Elizabeth, Walter R., Joseph, and Lycurgus.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Gammon

Benjamin Gammon, of Madison County, Va., married Sarah Maddox, and settled in (now) Montgomery County, Mo., in 1812. They had John, Henry, Anderson, Stephen, Jonathan, Benjamin, Jr., Harris, Elizabeth, Julia, and Sarah. John, Anderson, and Benjamin all died unmarried. Jonathan married Martha Dickerson, and lives on Hancock’s Prairie, in Montgomery County. Sarah married Alfonzo Price. The other children married and settled in different States. Mr. Gammon, Sr., built a hand-mill on his farm, which was the first in that part of the country, and it supplied his own family and his neighbors with meal for some time. The meal for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Estell

Benjamin Estell, of Kentucky, married Anna Claughnaugh, and settled in Boone Co., Mo. They had ten children, and one of their sons, named James, married Matilda VanBibber, daughter of Major Isaac VanBibber, and settled in Montgomery County. Their children were Horatio, Elizabeth A., William K., Isaac V., Pantha, Colelia C., Robert G., Jonathan, Arrata, James W., Benjamin, and Sarah N., Philemon Estell, a brother of James, settled in Montgomery County, and was married three times.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Ellis

Benjamin Ellis settled on South Bear creek in 1815. He was a wheelwright and chair maker, and also had a hand-mill. He had ten children. James Ellis settled on Bear creek in 1819. He married Elizabeth Bowen, and they had six children Edmund, Benjamin, Leeper, William, Fanny, and Martha. Benjamin married Catharine McGarvin, and now lives in Callaway County.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin A. Clements

Benjamin A. Clements was a soldier of the revolution. He married his cousin, Susan Clements, and they had nine children six sons and three daughters. Two of the sons, Robert and David, settled in Missouri. Robert was born in Fluvanna Co., Va., January 19, 1783, and is still living in Montgomery Co., Mo., in his 94th year, being the oldest man in the County. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and settled in Montgomery County in 1842. He married Elizabeth Thomas in 1809, and they had eleven children, six sons and five daughters.