Biographical Sketch of R. S. Wasser

This grocery and queensware establishment was formed in 1885 by R. S. Wasser and J. L. Bleakly of Ida Grove, Ia., Ida County. They first opened business at a stand, then moved to a brick building. R. S. Wasser, head of the firm, is a native of Northumberland County, Pa., born November 17, 1860. His parents were Joseph B. and Susan A. Persing Wasser. Mr. Wasser married Mollie L. Dutcher on September 19, 1888. She was a native of Franklin Grove, Illinois, and died at 26 years of age on August 1, 1891.

Biographical Sketch of R. C. Newland

Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Newland were married March 20, 1856, in Bedford, Indiana, which was also their birth place. Mrs. Newland’s maiden name was Catherine J. Swan and she was born August 17, 1834. Mr. Newland was born Dec. 24, 1836. In 1864, they moved to Galva, Illinois, where they resided until 1881 when they moved to Ida County, Iowa and made their home on a farm near Clarendon. Through the influence of Mrs. B. M. Miller (their daughter) who was born at Galva, Illinois, the name of Clarendon, Iowa, was changed to Galva, Iowa. They had 5 children: … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Peter Morrison

Peter Morrison was reared and educated in New York where he learned the trade of a carpenter, and was engaged there in railroad contracting. In 1867 he came to Ida County, Iowa, in 1872 located in Garfield township, and in 1874 settled in Battle Creek when that place contained only a post office. He immediately began contracting and building. In 1861, in Dane County, Wisc., he enlisted in Company H, 8th Wisc. Infantry, known as Runnell’s Guards. He took part in the battles of Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Antietam, Murfreesboro, Lookout Mountain, and in the Peninsular Campaign. He was twice wounded … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mathias Clouse

Mathias Clouse was a pioneer of Silver Creek Township, Ida County, Ia. He was born in Alsace-Lorraine, France, in 1843. He was the son of Charles and Elizabeth (Fisher) Clouse, natives of same country. The Clouse family had once lived in Amsterdam, and were a trading family. When the sons became of age they were sent up the Rhine River to establish trading posts. They emigrated to America and settled in Erie County, New York. Mathias received his early training and education principally in New York state. The grandfather Clouse also emigrated to the country, dying in Ohio at the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mary Allison Harrison

In the summer of 1875, Will came West to live 5 miles north of Schaller, in Sac County, and “broke prairie.” Wm. E. Harrison was the son of John and Susan Harrison, born June 6, 1851, at Sigourney, Keokuk County, Iowa. He moved with his parents when a small boy to a farm located near Hopkinton, in Delaware County, Iowa. He returned to Delaware County to be married to Mary Ellen Allison, daughter of Samuel and Emmeline Allison, Dec. 21, 1875. The spring of 1876, Will drove a team and wagon to his land north of Schaller, Iowa. Mary and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Julia Hickey

John & Julia Hickey emigrated to the United States from Ireland. John came in 1802. Julia was born in Ireland in 1814 and then the time of famine was in her country. Her parents sent her and her brother away from home “to try to make their way to America” because there was no food at home for them. Her mother’s last words as she shut the door were “never look back.” She and her brother started walking to the sea. Julia boarded a ship as a “stowaway” and reached the United States. She never saw or heard from her … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Rinehart

Hotel Rinehart was one of the hostelries of Battle Creek, Iowa, situated a short distance from the railroad depot. It had 14 bright, cheery, neat and comfortable rooms and was inviting to the dusty, fatigued traveler. There was a restaurant and lunch counter where the best of meals and all temperance drinks were provided. Mr. Rinehart was born in Frederick County, Maryland, February 21, 1859, son of Daniel and Margaret (Hyder) Rinehart, both natives of the same state. Joseph Rinehart joined the westward tide of emigration in 1882 and moved to Ida County, Iowa, where he entered the employ of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonas Collin

Jonas Collin, a farmer and stockraiser of Section 23, Silver Creek Township, Ida Co., Iowa, was born in Sweden on April 12, 1830. As he advanced toward manhood, he conceived the idea of obtaining a fortune in a foreign land. In 1869, he and his family embarked for America. They landed in New York, made their way to Iowa, settled in Benton County, and remained there 18 months. They moved to Marshall County, Iowa, and remained there until the spring of 1880. Mr. Collin purchased a farm of 80 acres in Ida County, Silver Creek Township, Iowa. He broke the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Preston

He came to the Battle Creek, Iowa, Ida County, in 1872 to farm. He was born in Forfarshire, Scotland, June 27, 1857, son of John and Matilda (Hill) Preston. His parents are from Scotland and they reared a family of eight children with John being the 7th born. He received a good education in his native land, and clerked in a drug store for a short time at Dundee, Scotland. In 1872, when he was 15, he came to America to Ida County where he had two brothers, Andrew and James C. Here he went to school in the winter. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Harrison

John Harrison, one of the early pioneers of Douglas Township, Ida County, Iowa, was born in County Monaghan, Ireland, in December, 1824, a son of James and Elizabeth (Clendening) Harrison, natives also of that county. He moved to Scotland with his parents when a lad and was raised and educated there. In 1845, John was united in marriage to Jeanette Stevenson at Argyleshire, Scotland, near Glasgow. Her father was Peter Stevenson. In 1855, he came to the United States, locating in New York, but afterwards he engaged in a sawmill for J. Irvin at Savanna, Carroll Co., Illinois. In 1864, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Brechwald

J. A. Brechwald was born near Mayence, in the German Rhineland, on June 21, 1858 and he passed away May 22, 1919. He came to Ida County with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Brechwald in the winter of 1881 and grew to manhood in this locality. He and his brother Ferd established and incorporated the cigar making firm of Brechwald Bros. in Ida Grove. He and his family went to Florida in 1907 and were engaged in the nursery business, doing carpentry work, and selling real estate. He was buried in the Ida Grove Catholic Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James J. Rogers

He was a farmer residing near Holstein, Iowa, in Battle Township in Ida County, 1883. He was a native of Muskingum County, Ohio, born December 21, 1835. His limited education was received in a log schoolhouse, built with puncheon floor and slab seats. He came to Ida County in 1883. He married Agnes Miller of Pa., a daughter of Michael and Jane (Currey) Miller of Pa. They had 5 children: Samuel L. of Holstein, Ia.; Jacob E.; Leila; Henry C.; and Nora (a teacher in Ida County, Ia.). Henry Rogers, his father, was born in Pennsylvania, son of Robert Rodman … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Fair

James H. Fair was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1853, son of Thomas and Mary Ann Fair, natives of Ireland, and descendants of Scotch ancestry. At the age of 20, he came to America. He settled in Delaware County, Iowa, in 1873. In 1877, Mr. Fair was united in marriage to Miss Lindsay, a native of Ireland, who came to America that same year. Her parents, James and Sarah (Irwin) Lindsay, remained in Ireland. For 3 years they lived in Section 18 of Silver Creek Township, Ida County, Ia., and then moved to Section 32 and opened up a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Brown

Jim Brown purchased land in Section 25 of Battle Township, Ida County, Iowa, on October 10, 1873. On March 29, 1874, he came back to live on the farm. James Brown was born in Perry County, Ohio, January 16, 1843. He was from a family of 13 children, nine sons and 4 daughters. His father was John Brown and he was born in 1800 in Waterford County, Ireland, and at the age of 15 came to the United States, landing at New Orleans. He worked for 7 years in the Carolinas and Georgia, and then located in Perry County, Ohio, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Anderson

He lived in Section 21, Silver Creek Township and was a stock raiser. He was born in the Emerald Isle, in Tyrone County on November 12, 1838. He was the oldest of 8 children born to Thomas and Phoebe (Cook) Anderson, natives of Ireland. He was educated in the common schools of Ireland, coming to America in 1871. He located first in Delaware County, Iowa, for 5 years and then came to Ida County to live on the same farm when he located in Ida County. He kept buying land until he owned a section, 640 acres. Silver Creek runs … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. T. Payne

Mr. Payne was born in Clay County, Indiana, in 1851 and was the son of William Benjamin and Malinda (Sturdevant) Payne. He was reared and educated in Boone County, Iowa. May 18, 1875 he purchased prairie land in Section 20, Hayes Township, Ida County, Iowa. Two years later he erected a small house and began farming the land. In 1890 he built a fine, frame residence. He assisted in organizing and naming Hayes Township in 1878, which was taken from Corwin Township. He organized the school districts and was Secretary of the Board during the erection of six school buildings. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. O. Crawford

James O. Crawford, a farmer of Garfield Township, Ida County, was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, February 17, 1828, a son of Alexander and Mary (Floyd) Crawford, natives also of Scotland. The father was a farmer and weaver by trade. The parents reared a family of four children: William, James O., Alexander, and John. James O. was reared and educated in his native land. He was there engaged for many years in a cotton factory, then in boiler making, and ship building. He then became a member of the police force in Glasgow. In 1879 he came to America, locating near … Read more

Biographical Sketch of I. V. Miller

He was the proprietor of the Rink Livery, Sale & Feed Barn, Battle Creek, Iowa. The building was 30 x 80 feet, well arranged, and equipped throughout. Mr. Miller kept a full line of carriages and buggies, with ten to sixteen good driving horses, speedy and gentle. His kind courtesy to patrons secured for him a good trade. He was born near Monroe, Green County, Wisconsin, September 24, 1858. His father, Charles Miller, was a native of Pennsylvania. His mother’s maiden name was Martha Adams, born in Tennessee, and moved to Martin County, Minnesota. I. V. Miller was the second … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Lee

Henry Lee, proprietor of Summit Heights stock farm, near Battle Creek, Ida County, Iowa, was born near Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, March 17, 1833. He was married November 24, 1863 to Maria Fishburn, the daughter of John and Catherine Fishburn. Henry and Maria had 4 children: Harry F., Kate M., Myra M., and Thomas H. Mr. Lee’s ancestors were natives of the Emerald Isle. His father, Thomas Lee, was born in Lancaster County, Pa., June 22, 1785, died May 21, 1871. Mr. Lee’s father was a soldier in the War of 1812. His mother’s name was Mary Noble, and she … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry K. Ferguson

Henry and Eliza Jane (Anspach) Ferguson moved to Silver Creek Township in 1874. They purchased their land several years before the railroad was built through this area and trains went through in October 1877. They bought railroad lands for $6 per acre. There were no doctors or banks in Ida County then. Before the railroad came through Ida Grove, they did their trading at the nearest railroad points at Storm Lake or Denison, hauling the materials by team. He built his house on the Ida County prairie with lumber purchased and hauled from Storm Lake, Iowa. There were no roads … Read more