Biography of James T. Casey

A broad stretch of waste at San Francisco’s door, which was spanned by an almost impassable road and a set of rails twenty years ago, is now one of the most highly developed and thickly populated parts of San Mateo County, a district of homes, boulevards, large industrial plants and towns. This is the first township of San Mateo County. At present the first township is represented on the Board of Supervisors by James T. Casey, a man who was born and raised in this district and who has passed through, with it, all its successive stages of development. Born … Read more

Biography of George E. Jones

The same high standards which mark all departments of Burlingame’s city government are found in the police department which has been built up to its present state of efficiency and usefulness by George E. Jones who still retains the position he has held for many years as Chief of Police. In this capacity Mr. Jones has done much for Burlingame. Being a man of lofty ideals he has kept the city free from anything that would cast a single reflection on its moral status. He has had traffic rules enacted and directed the passage of vehicles through Burlingame in such … Read more

Biography of George Carl Plump

George Carl Plump is one of Redwood City’s citizens who can really say that he grew up with the town. Born in Redwood City 45 years ago when Redwood City was a scant settlement, Mr. Plump has watched a full-fledged city gradually unfold and cover the green fields and pastures that he used to romp over as a boy. Mr. Plump never wavered from his belief that the town of his birth was destined to become a thriving commercial city. After receiving his education in Redwood schools, Mr. Plump’s business activities over several years finally focused on Plump’s Grocery store, … Read more

Biography of Eugene Charlie Cottier

Eugene Charlie Cottier who owns a plumbing and tinning establishment at No. 37 B Street, San Mateo, is a man who did not learn his trade “from the ground up” but “from the box up.” He was just a youngster in short pants when he first took up the solder irons, and in order to work on the high bench he had to stand on a soap box. This old shop in Minneapolis where he learned his primary lessons in the trade, still stands; and Mr. Cottier is still known to the old hands there as the man who learned … Read more

Biography of Erik O. Lindblom

No fiction story teems more with interest than the biography of Erik O. Lindblom, millionaire mine owner, capitalist and banker. From the time he left his home in Sweden at the tender age of seventeen until he uncovered untold riches in the frozen, gravel of Alaska, his life has been one of adventure with hardship and good fortune intermingling. Mr. Lindblom’s father was a wealthy and highly respected land owner and school master in Sweden. Misfortune dealt him a severe blow when by going bondsman for a relative, a large dam which he signed the bond for was washed out, … Read more

Biography of Edward W. Howard

Upon leaving College, Edward W. Howard entered the Export & Commission Firm of Otis McAllister & Company. The will of his father, William H. Howard, who died in 1910, appointed him executor of the estate, which embraced vast holdings in San Mateo County, immediately adjacent to San Francisco, and a magnificent Ranch of forty-six thousand acres on the westerly side of the San Joaquin Valley. These properties he handled with extraordinary ability, and In 1905 formed the Howard Cattle Company, of which Corporation he acted as the executive head from its inception to his death. By its business integrity this … Read more

Biography of Dr. Isaac R. Goodspeed

For fifty-six years-more than half a century, Dr. Isaac R. Goodspeed has been one of the foremost citizens of San Mateo County; coming here when a young doctor with the ink on his diploma hardly dry, he remained in the county ever since. During this time he has been identified with many successful business enterprises and has faithfully filled the various offices he has held for both San Mateo City and County. Dr. Goodspeed was born in China. Maine, on May 30, 1831. In 1854 he graduated from Bowdoin Medical College, one of a class of nineteen. Today he is … Read more

Biography of Dr. F. Holmes Smith

Dr. F. Holmes Smith is a comparatively young man, yet he has already passed through a most interesting career, one phase of which was a stirring trip up into the frozen north where he faithfully followed the call of medical duty in Alaska, upon the shores of the Behring Sea, as the company doctor for the North American Commercial Company. Upon his return to civilization he took up the less arduous duties of a practicing physician and surgeon at San Bruno in 1909. Dr. Smith was born at Lake City, Minnesota, on October 29, 1879, and received his college education … Read more

Biography of Clarence S. Crary

Mr. Clarence S. Crary is not only a banker, but has in the comparatively few years of his business career, earned the title of “Builder of Banks.” Mr. Crary is the Cashier of the Bank of Burlingame, and resides in Burlingame, where he is prominently identified with the business and social life of that city, being the Treasurer of the Burlingame Commercial Club and the Treasurer of the Merchants’ Association of San Mateo and Burlingame. He is also a member of the San Mateo lodge of Elks, and a member of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity at Stanford University, where … Read more

Biography of Charles N. Kirkbride

Charles N. Kirkbride, the City Attorney of San Mateo, came to the town in 1889 and started the San Mateo Leader, taking in R. H. Jury as an associate. He subsequently became editor of the Times-Gazette and moved to Redwood City, but in 1891 resumed the study of law, begun at the College of the Pacific in San Jose, under Justice John E. Richards, now of the Appellate Court. Mr. Kirkbride entered Northwestern University College of Law at Chicago, Ill., and had lectures under such eminent men as Justices Harlan and Brewer of the United States Supreme Court; Henry Wade … Read more

Biography of Charles E. Hart

“Let’s go to Hart’s Theatre tonight.” The writer took out his pencil and paper and started to figure out, just how many times San Mateans said these magic words each evening after supper as they were planning the evening’s amusement. How many times do they say this each month and how many hundreds of thousand times a year? Mr. Hart is known as the owner and manager of Hart’s Theatre located in the heart of town on B Street, and has earned the reputation of being a sterling business man who has made most of his money right here in … Read more

Biographies of San Mateo County California

The Woodside Store San Mateo County California

San Mateo County’s History with its exposition of contemporary local conditions, resources and advantages, would be incomplete without the following 140 biographical sketches of pioneers and leading business and professional men. These supplement the history and add that intimate and personal touch, without which no work of this kind could be truly interesting. A collection of biographies of this kind is always interesting; but their greatest value lies in the fact that they chronicle much that might otherwise be forgotten, thereby becoming of greater value as time goes on.

Biographical Sketch of William Henry Barg

Few of the San Mateo county offices have a better reputation for efficiency than the office of County Recorder William Barg. His system, modern and up-to-date in every respect, is known through the bay regions as a model of its kind. Mr. Barg is the son of one of Redwood’s best known and highly respected citizens and is himself well known throughout the county. When the Supervisors elected him to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Harold O. Heiner, Mr. Barg’s agreeable personality, accommodating manners and ability to carry on the work of his office, soon made him … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Toepke

Mr. Toepke has been identified with the profession of architect for the last eighteen years both in San Francisco and in San Mateo County. He drew the plans for the San Mateo Union High School, the San Mateo central fire station, the Elk’s Club,. and numerous residences of Burlingame, San Mateo and Redwood City. Among the many edifices for which Mr. Toepke has drawn plans in San Francisco might be mentioned the Flatiron Building at Market and Sansome Streets, an apartment for the Cuneo Estate and the Doe Estate, the Mission High School and the Maskey Building, where Mr. Toepke … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Brown

No person is more responsible for San Mateo County’s highway system than William H. Brown, Supervisor from the Second Township. The scenic boulevards which lure thousands of autoists into the county every day is a realization of Brown’s dream of years ago. The second township shows Brown’s good roads mania. Practically all its paved roads and boulevards have been built during his term of office. At a cost of $10,000 he has just completed the resurfacing of the road from Beresford to Redwood City. As a member of the Board of Supervisors and chairman for one term, Brown has worked … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Alexander Moore

The subject of this sketch was born July 19, 1851 on his father’s ranch north east of the village of Pescadero. His father Alexander Moore was one of California’s earliest settlers, coming to California from Jackson County, Missouri, in 1847 and making the trip over the plains with ox teams, arriving at Johnson’s ranch on Bear river, October 2, 1847, where he remained until he removed to Santa Cruz, Nov. 15, 1847. The early life of Moore was spent in farming and stock raising with such success that he has continued to follow this vocation. On April 9, 1883 he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Albert Crowell

William Albert Crowell, manager and proprietor of the James Crowe Co., of Redwood City, the oldest undertaking establishment of the county, has made a host of friends since his arrival in Redwood City three years ago. Mr. Crowell has made the interests of his new place of residence his interests and few newcomers have taken a more prominent place in the community than that held by Mr. Crowell. . When Mr. Crowell took over the establishment that was founded in 1868 by the late James Crowe, a pioneer undertaker of San Mateo county, Redwood City gained a man of wide … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. L. Glascock

Mr. Glascock is principal of the San Mateo Union School. This short statement is perhaps the most interesting faut in Mrs. Glascock’s life; and is the keynote to his chosen vocation, education. He was born in Indiana, and has been a resident of California for a period of seventeen years, four of which have been spent in San Mateo with the school department of that city. Mr. Glascock graduated from the University of Indiana, in Bloomington, with the degree of A. B., having worked his way through that college. His next move was to come out to California and take … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Edward Throwell

Stephen Edward Throwell is one of San Mateo county’s citizens who testifies to his loyalty by having lived here from the time of his birth. Born here 45 years ago Mr. Throwell has turned a deaf ear to flattering offers to leave his native home, and preferred to stake his lot with this community. Mr. Throwell is one of Lomita Park’s energetic residents. When this district was covered with large ranches, and the few residents were the inhabitants of the houses on those large undivided tracts, Mr. Throwell saw a future in the present Lomita Park where the man of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sebastian Lombardi

Successful dairyman, farmer and cattleman. Thus in a few words we can outline the interesting career in San Mateo county of Sebastian Lombardi. Nevertheless success did not come without effort and a hard struggle. When Mr. Lombardi first came to San Francisco to go into the dairying business he was without money, but he soon had established a paying business. With the capital he realized in his San Francisco venture he again entered the dairying business in San Bruno upon a larger scale in 1900. He rented a place here in the beginning. Today he owns this place together with … Read more