History of Portland Oregon

Harvey Whitefield Scott. History of Portland, Oregon: with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Prominent Citizens and Pioneers. Portland, Oregon. D. Mason & Company, 1890.

The Holladay Cases

Last Updated on April 12, 2013 by Dennis The most remarkable litigation, however, is the series of cases known as the Holladay cases. Ben Holladay, whose name appears more than once in these pages, was the prince of borrowers, and among other creditors for large sums, was his brother Joseph. The two men were as

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River Navigation

Last Updated on April 12, 2013 by Dennis In approaching this subject one finds that, as in all other lines, Portland has gradually become the center of all the navigation companies of Oregon. To indicate the sources of her present facilities it will therefore be proper to mention the efforts made in other places in

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Reorganization of the Judicial System after the Creation of Oregon Territory

Last Updated on December 7, 2014 by Judge William Strong arrived by water in August, 1850, and Judge Nelson in April, 1851. On the same ship with Strong came General Edward Hamilton, territorial secretary, who subsequently took up his residence at Portland and became an active member of the bar there. He was associated for

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Portlands Commercial Growth and Development During Recent Years

Last Updated on April 12, 2013 by Dennis The purely domestic commerce in the Willamette Valley was conducted with the old-time energy, employing forty steamers, with an aggregate tonnage of thirteen thousand, seven hundred and ninety-one, and twenty-one sailing vessels of various descriptions aggregating two thousand and thirteen tons. The Oregon and California Railway was

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Portland Oregon’s Growth and Improvements

Growth and Improvements: Appearance of the City in 1850 – The First Brick Building – Brick Buildings Erected From 1850 to 1860 – List of Buildings in 1855 – Portland During the Indian War of 1855 and ’56 – Rapid Growth in 1862 – Increase in Population and Wealth, Improvement and Growth From Year to Year – Present Development and Importance of Portland.

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Portland Oregon Social Features and Noted Public Events

Portland Oregon Social Features and Noted Public Events: The Cosmopolitan Character of Portland-Changing Character of its Early Population-Their Vices and Habits-Moral and Social Conditions of Early Days-General Stability of Present Society-Culture and Refinement of the People-Public Amusements-Excursions, Public Festivities and Celebrations-Events Connected with the Celebration of the Completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad.

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Portland Oregon Parks

Last Updated on April 12, 2013 by Dennis Going down the slow hill once more one finds that B street heads, to speak in the manner of the mountaineer, in a stony canyon, whose natural roughness has been aggravated by gravel-diggers. Out of this rises, or did rise King’s Creek, a stream of most delicious

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