Biographical Sketch of Lucien B. Noah

This subject is a native of Ohio, and was born August 23, 1829. At sixteen years old he came with his parents to Daviess County, Missouri, and lived here till he was grown and had completed his education. He then returned to his place of birth and there learned cabinet-making, at which he worked some four years. After this he began working at the carpenter’s trade, and continued in that calling till 1861, when lie commenced farming.. In 1866, he, in addition to his farm business, became engaged in milling operations and still continues to push these enterprises. He owns … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lewis Evans

Lewis Evans was born in the village of Watertown, Jefferson county, New York, December 1834. His parents were natives of Massachusetts. Mr. Evans remained on the farm with his parents until he was twenty years of age, during which time he obtained his education. Going to Minnesota in 1854, he worked on a farm nearly two years, then returned to Jefferson county. At the expiration of three years more he cattle to Daviess county, first settled near Winston, afterward moved to Caldwell county, and from thence back to Daviess county, where he now resides, engaged in farming. February 22, 1866, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Levi Slone

Was born in Clermont county, Ohio, November 7, 1818, and was educated in the common schools of Ohio. In 1838 he moved to Boone county, Indiana, where he learned the blacksmith trade, which has been his principal occupation since. He came to this county in 1866, settled near Bancroft, and in 1880 abandoned his trade and settled on a farm, where he now re-sides. Mr. Slone was married, October 10, 1839, to Miss Maria J. Jolley. By this union they have six children: Ann E., born July 4, 1840; John D., born December 15, 1842; Mary E., born March 21, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lawrence T. Dale

Lawrence T. Dale, the subject of this sketch was born in London, England, January 27, 1840. His parents emigrated to this country when he was about five years old, and settled in Livingston county, New York, and there the son was reared and educated. When sixteen years old, in the fall of 1856, he went to Jasper county, Iowa, and remained till the spring of 1857, and then went to Michigan, where he remained a little over a year. In the fall of 1858 he went to Jefferson county, Mississippi, and engaged in the wood-contracting business. He went to Minnesota … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lafayette F. Myers

This gentleman is a native of this County and was born June 1, 1844. When about eleven years old he went with his brother to California, and there grew up and was educated. He went into the stock business there, and was also engaged in freighting till the fall of 1866. In that year he returned to his place of birth and has ever since resided here, engaged chiefly in farming and stock-raising. He owns a good farm of 280 acres in Liberty township, on which he has an elegant brick residence, beautifully located, .and a large orchard with other … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joshua W. Alexander

Joshua W. Alexander, only son of Thomas W. and Jane Alexander, was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, January 22, 1852. When he had reached the age of four years, his parents removed to Anoka County, Minnesota, and settled upon a farm. There his father died in 1859, and in 1860 his mother removed to Canton, Lewis County, Missouri, and soon after returned to Cincinnati, where the subject of our sketch attended school until July, 1863, when they once more made Canton their home, and there he attended the graded school until 1868, when he entered the Christian University at Canton, graduating … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joshua H. Higdon

Joshua H. Higdon was born in Franklin County, Indiana, June 25, 1845. He is the son of Peter W. Higdon, a native of Ohio, and was reared and educated in his native State. He learned the blacksmithing business in Decatur county, Illinois, and worked at that trade in connection with farming until the outbreak of the ” War between the States.” He enlisted in October, 1863, in Company H, One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment Indiana Volunteers and served bravely in the cause of the Union throughout the war. He was engaged in the battles of Chattahoochie, Kenesaw Mountain, Columbia and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph T. Forth

Joseph T. Forth. This gentleman is a native of Virginia, born September 17, 1849, though he did not reside in that State after he was two years old, for the reason that his parents moved to Grundy county, this State, and brought the subject of this sketch with them. He went with the family on the Arkansas trip mentioned in the sketch of James Forth, and returned when they did. He received his education wholly in Missouri, and after his school-days were over, chose farming as a business, and is still engaged in the same laudable calling. He owns a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Speaker

Was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, March 14, 1824. He was reared upon the farm, and divided his time between farm work and his attendance upon the common schools of the county. In 1851 he came to Daviess county as an agent for some heirs to settle up an estate; was in the real estate and collection business for several years. In 1861 he began farming, and has since given his attention to agricultural pursuits and stock-raising. Mr. Speaker was united in marriage, on the 14th of March, 1861, to Miss Martha J. Haven. The date of her birth was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph S. Chenoweth

Joseph S. Chenoweth, the subject of this sketch, was born in Ross county,. Ohio, on the 18th of February, 1833. His father, Richard Chenoweth, was a native of Kentucky,. and a farmer; his mother’s maiden name was Elizabeth Smith, and she was a native of Maryland. They became the parents of eight children, of whom Joseph is the sixth, and when he attained the age of three years, they removed to Tippecanoe county, Indiana, and three years later to Missouri,. settling in Grundy county. There Joseph was reared and educated’, and there his father died in 1861, and his mother … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Rader

Joseph Rader was born in Franklin county, Indiana, February 19, 1842, where he continued to reside till ten years of age. His parents then moved to Missouri and settled in this county, where Joseph grew to manhood and acquired his education. He was reared a farmer and continued in that calling till August,. 1861, when he enlisted in Company H, Twenty-third Missouri Volunteers as a soldier and served creditably until the time of his discharge in September, 1864. He took part in the battle of Pittsburgh Landing in April,. 1862, and was there captured by the enemy and held till … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Offield

Was born in Sullivan County, Tennessee, October 9, 1827. His parents, Jesse and Polly Gallant Offield were also natives of Tennessee. His father was a blacksmith by trade and carried on that business in connection with farming; was a soldier in the War of 1812, and died in this County in 1851. His mother died in this County, May 3, 1880. In 1836 the parents of our subject removed from Tennessee to Schuyler County, Illinois, where they lived four years, and then, in 1840, migrated to Missouri and settled in Daviess County. Here Joseph was reared upon the home farm, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Henry Mallory

Joseph Henry Mallory was born near where Winston is now located, March 22, 1844, where he was reared. He is the son of George and Elizabeth Mallory, pioneers of Daviess county, of 1838. His mother dying when he was only three weeks old he was taken and reared by J. H. Mallory, a relative, until he was seventeen years old. He had no educational advantages but by personal application has acquired a fair business education. January 25, 1866, when nineteen years old, he married Miss Matilda Man-ring, of Daviess county, and began to farm which he followed until 1863, when … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph H. Carlow

Was born near Petersborough, in Canada, April 2, 1838. His parents, .John and Susan Lee Carlow, were natives of Ireland; his father died in Canada in 1879, and his mother still resides there. When twenty-five years .of age, Joseph H. Carlow left his native place and went to Saginaw, Michigan, where he remained two years engaged in building. From the Wolverine State he went to Franklin, Venango County, Pennsylvania, where he remained until the fall of 1865, when he migrated to Caldwell County, Missouri, and there lived some ten years, when he removed to this County, where he has since … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph D. Feurt

Was born in Scioto county, Ohio, August 15, 1817. His father, Thomas Feurt, was a native of Maryland, and his mother, Mary Feurt, was born in Pennsylvania. Our subject was educated in the common schools of Ohio, and at the age of seventeen learned the blacksmith trade, which was his principal business until 1870. He came to this county in 1840 and put up a shop that year in the old town of Di-Amon, which was the first blacksmith shop, north of Gallatin, in Daviess county. After four years working there he bought a farm in what is now Grand … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Critter

Was born in Putnam County, Ohio, March 4, 1843. His parents, Isaac and’ Mary Nichols Critten, are both natives of the Buckeye State, and are at this writing residents of Daviess County. Our subject was twelve years of age when he accompanied his parents in their removal from Ohio to this County, where he has been reared upon his father’s farm and received an education in the district schools. In 1861 he gave his services to the cause of the Union, enlisting in the Missouri State Cavalry, under Colonel James H. B. McFerran, for four months, and at the expiration … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Caraway

Joseph Caraway is a native of Greenbrier county, Virginia, and was born October 18, 1811. He was reared in the county of his birth and educated in the common schools of Virginia. In 1837 he left Virginia and traveled on horse-back to Vermillion county, Illinois, and after taking a rest there of two years, rode on to this county and entered the land where he now lives in 1839. He pitched his tent for once and all, and has never moved, except out of his first log cabin into his present dwelling, since 1839, or before he was married, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph A. Wickham

Joseph A. Wickham was born in Monroe, Michigan, November 14, 1844. When he arrived at the age of ten years his father died, and he left his native place and went to Brunswick, Chariton county, Missouri, to live with an uncle. There he lived for five years and attended the common schools of that place. In 1861 he served in the Missouri State Guards under General John B. Clark, and in 1862 went to Norwalk, Huron county, Ohio, to finish the jeweler’s trade under James A. Wilkinson, with whom he worked a year before leaving Brunswick. In 1863 he enlisted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jordan L. Harlow

Jordan L. Harlow is the son of William H. and Parmelia J. Tilberry Harlow, natives of Shelby county, Kentucky. His father’s occupation was that of a fanner. Jordan L. was born near the city of Frankfort, Shelby county, Kentucky, January 19, 1850. His parents migrated to Livingston county, Missouri, when he was nearly four years of age, and there they resided for thirteen years. During this time he was engaged partly in farming and partly in working in a saw-mill. After this he returned to Kentucky, and farmed for a year, and then in 1867 came back to Daviess county, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Watson

John Watson was born in Lancashire, England, September 22, 1828. He was reared and educated in England and learned the engineer’s trade. In 1865 he came to America and settled at Nebraska City, Nebraska, remained three years, then moved to Peru, same State, where for two years he- was engaged in the saw-mill business. From there he went to Hamburg; Iowa, and entered the agricultural, implement, and flouring business, and was there burned out. In 1876 he located in Pattonsburg, and began anew the milling business, now being the owner of a flouring-mill and also a saw-mill, and is doing … Read more