Biography of James Hindes

James Hindes came from New Jersey in 1800, locating upon the farm now owned by Aaron Hindes, in that part of the town known as “Nortontown.” The homestead descended from James to Aaron, and thence to Aaron, jr., who has been a prominent man in town affairs, being now upwards of seventy-five years of age.

Biography of J. Q. Atwood

Atwood, J. Q., Cornwall, was born in Cornwall, Addison county, Vt., on August 13, 1825, and was the oldest son of Benjamin and Cynthia (Eastman) Atwood. Benjamin Atwood was born in Sandown, New Hampshire, on December 5, 1791, and came with his father, Benjamin Atwood, sr., to Addison county, Vt., at the beginning of this century, remaining in Cornwall two or three years, and at the end of that time removing to Rutland county, Vt. He then with his parents started for the State of Pennsylvania, but while on their way there his parents died. Their seven children then made … Read more

Biography of Ira Ward

WARD, IRA, fourth child and third son of Jesse Ward, was born in a log house in the northern part of Waltham, Vt., on the 9th day of April, 1796, and has therefore attained the remarkable age of ninety years. His father was born in Connecticut on the 20th of July, 1763, and served three years on the side of the patriots in the Revolutionary War; married Olive Nye, of Connecticut, in June, 1788, and some time before 1800 settled on the place where Ira Ward was afterward born. He was the father of five children: Chester, born on the … Read more

Biography of Horatio Nelson White

White, Horatio Nelson, Panton, Vt., was born in St. Armand, P. Q., on October 23, 1802. He was the eldest child of Ebenezer and Candace (Smith) White, who were natives of Worcester county, Mass. Soon after the birth of their son they removed to Essex, Vt., and shortly after to Burlington, Vt., where they ever after lived, and where they died. It was there his boyhood days were spent; but as the parents were poor and other children were added to the family, it became necessary that as early as possible they should become self-supporting. While quite young he obtained … Read more

Biography of Hon.Rollin J. Zebulon Jones

JONES, HON. ROLLIN J. Zebulon Jones, the ancestor of the family in this country, was born on June 9, 1723, and was a son of Benjamin Jones, who died on February 5, 1754. Zebulon Jones went to sea when a boy and rose to the command of a merchantman engaged in the East India trade. He was married on October 13, 1744, to Annie Kibbe, a daughter of Jacob and Grace Kibbe. Zebulon died on September 27, 1776. His son, Zebulon Jones, jr., was born in Somers, Conn., on March 19, 1747, and was married on October 7, 1767, to … Read more

Biography of Hon. Lucius E. Smith

SMITH, HON. LUCIUS E., was a son of Luman B. and Lucia (Collins) Smith, of Monkton, Vt. He was born at that place on the 5th of October, 1824, and was the second of five children, of whom the others were Hon. A. T. Smith, of Vergennes; Daniel C., of Addison; Jerome B., of Burlington; and Mrs. B. F. Sutton, of Middlebury, Vt. The subject of this sketch had exceptional educational advantages, and made good use of them. He entered and was graduated from Juliet College, a Catholic institution at Moscow, Canada, where many priests have been and are now … Read more

Biography of Hon. Edward S. Dana

Edward S. Dana

DANA, HON, EDWARD S. It is believed that every person by the name of Dana in the United States entitled to that name by birth, traces descent from Richard Dana, who came to Cambridge, Mass., from England in the year 1640. Tradition states that Richard’s father emigrated from France to England in 1629, on account of religious persecution. We have it on good authority that the name in France was Dunois, and belonged to a noble family. Judge Bell states that in the southern part of New Hampshire there are families bearing the name who do so by authority of … Read more

Biography of Herrick Stevens

Herrick Stevens

STEVENS, HERRICK. The subject of this sketch was born in Westport, N. Y., on the 18th day of October, 1820, and in his infancy was brought to Vergennes by his father, Thomas Stevens, who, during the eight or ten years previous to his death, was proprietor of the hotel now known as the Grand Union Hotel, but then called the American House. He died on the 6th day of July, 1835, aged forty-six years. During his boyhood Herrick Stevens attended to the various duties incidental to that period of a young man’s life. At the age of twenty years he … Read more

Biography of Henry G. Sumner

Sumner, Henry G., Bristol, grandfather of Hiram S. Sumner, of Bristol Flats, Vt. Henry G. married Sally Hall, and to them were born a large family, of whom Thomas, the father of Hiram S., was the eldest. He married Dorcas M. Fuller, of Potsdam, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., where they resided until 1841, when they settled in Middlebury, Vt., where they engaged in farming. They had a family of four children born to them — Charlotte, Mrs. Elia Austin, of Bristol, Vt.; Mary E., now Mrs. Harrison Gove, of Bristol, Vt. After the death of his first wife he … Read more

Biography of Henry D. Maynard

Maynard, Henry D., Middlebury, was born in Starksboro, Addison county, Vt., on October 31, 1834. His parents were Leland and Mary (Elliott) Maynard. He was educated in the common schools. He was thrown on his own resources at an early age, his father having died before he was six years old. He went to New Haven, Vt., and there engaged in farming for two years. When nineteen years old he served as an apprentice, and after acquiring the trade he worked as a journeyman until September, 1861, when he enlisted in Company A, Sixth Vermont, and with that regiment participated … Read more

Biography of Gideon W. Whitford

Whitford, Gideon W., Addison, was born in Addison, Addison county, Vt., on August 10, 1828. His parents were William T. and Almina S. (Seeger) Whitford. William T. was born in Addison county, on the Whitford homestead, in 1802. On reaching manhood he settled on the place now owned and occupied by his son, Ezra Whitford. He spent his days on this place, remodeling and improving it. He was a successful man during his life, and reared a family of ten children to maturity, nine of whom are now living. He was a member of the Baptist Church for many years, … Read more

Biography of Gideon Seeger

Gideon Seeger, from Shaftsbury, Vt., located upon the farm now owned by Byron Smith in 1791. He was one of the early postmasters, an office he retained for many years, and which was afterwards held for a long time by Gideon, jr. Luman Seeger, here now, is a grandson of Gideon.

Biography of George W. Sneden

Sneden, George W., Weybridge, was born in Weybridge, Vt., October 2,1839. His parents were James T. and Artamisia (Gully) Sneden. At an early age he removed with his parents to New Haven, Vt., where he continued to reside up to the time he attained his majority, working with his father summers at the carpenters’ trade, and teaching school winters. George W. was educated in the common schools, at the high school in Vergennes, and at Beeman Academy, New Haven. In the spring of 1861 he enlisted in Company B, First Vermont Volunteers, being the first man from the town of … Read more

Biography of Gen.William Nash

NASH, GEN. WILLIAM, is a descendant in the sixth generation from Thomas Nash, who with his wife and five children emigrated from Lancashire, England, in the ship Hector, which landed at Boston July 26, 1637. He was by occupation a gunsmith. He died in New Haven, Conn., May 12, 1658. The youngest of his five children, Timothy Nash, was born in England, or at Leyden, in Holland, in 1626; married Rebekah Stone in 1657; in 1660 moved to Hartford, Conn., and thence a few years thereafter to Hadley, Mass., which town he represented in the General Court of Massachusetts in … Read more

Biography of Gen. David Whitney

General David Whitney came here soon after the Revolution and located upon the farm previously owned by Kellogg; but subsequently removed to a farm on the north bank of Ward’s Creek, where lie resided until a few years previous so his death, when he removed to Bridport. He died May 10, 1850, aged ninety-three years. He was a member of the constitutional conventions of 1793, 18I4, 1836 and 1843; represented Addison in the Legislatures of 1790, ’92, ’93, ’97, 1808 to 1815 and ’24, and was during his long life here one of the leading men of the town.

Biography of Franklin H. Dean

Dean, Franklin H., Cornwall, was born in Monkton, Addison county, Vt., on July 9, 1810, and was a son of Ashbell and Rachel (Barnum) Dean. Ashbell was born in New Jersey in 1775, and when fourteen years of age was present with his father at the battle of Bennington. He came to Monkton, Addison County, Vt., when a young man and cleared a place there, and afterwards purchased the Barnum place, where he spent the latter part of his days. He had a family of ten children, two of whom are now living — Franklin H. and Sylvia (now Mrs. … Read more

Biography of Franklin D. Barton

BARTON, FRANKLIN D. The family of Barton was among the first settlers of the town of Waltham. Andrew Barton was the first settler on the farm now owned by A. B. Rose. His son, Andrew Barton, jr., was the first town clerk and also the first justice of the peace. He was a well-educated man for his time, with native talents of a high order. He died in 1802, in the prime of life, aged forty-one years. William Barton, son of Andrew Barton, represented the town in the Legislature in the year 1532; George Barton, in the years 1833, ’34, … Read more

Biography of Frank Adams

Frank Adams, from Salisbury, one of the original proprietors, was an early settler. His father, Benjamin, came on subsequently, locating upon the farm now owned by his great-grandson, William Adams. Benjamin was commissioned a second lieutenant by President Hancock in 1776, and afterwards took a prominent part in the war.

Biography of Frank A. Williams

Williams, Frank A., Bridport, was born in Bridport, Addison county, Vt., on July 29, 1831. He was educated in the common schools at Bridport, and also at the select schools at Vergennes and Bridport. He was brought up on the homestead to farming pursuits. He was lister of the town in early years, selectman for three years prior to 1878, when he represented his town in the Legislature; he also had charge of the Fletcher Cemetery fund for two years. He is a successful breeder of fine sheep, horses, and also has a large and very fine dairy, and owns … Read more

Biography of Esq. Philip Battell

BATTELL, PHILIP, Esq., was born at Norfolk, Ct., November 28, 1807. His father was the elder Joseph Battell, a prosperous and public-spirited merchant of that town; his mother Sarah Battell, daughter of the Rev. Ammi R. Robbins, for fifty-two years the beloved pastor of the Norfolk Church. When hardly twelve years old, young Philip was sent to Lennox Academy, Mass., to prepare for college under “Father Gleason,” who in those days was held in high repute as an educator of youth. After studying two years at the academy he finished his preparation for college by spending one year more with … Read more