Biography of Nicholas J. McCuen

McCUEN, NICHOLAS J. resident of the city of Vergennes, Vt., son of Robert and Mary (Foster) McCuen, was born in Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland, on the 15th day of August, 1851, and came to this country at the age six months. A portion of his father’s early days was passed in England. Later he owned and carried on a farm, owned and ran a number of looms for the manufacture of linen; also he speculated quite extensively in grain and mill stuff. Adverse circumstances, caused by the failure of crops in 1847, induced him to come to this country, where … Read more

Biography of Nathaniel Higbee

Higbee, Nathaniel, Monkton, North Ferrisburgh p. o., was born in Monkton, Vt., on January 10, 1831. He was married in 1854 to Eliza A. Patterson, who was born in England in 1832. They have had four children born to them — Mary Louise (born in 1857 ; was married in 1878 to Albert Baill; she died in 1882, leaving one daughter — Edith), Etta I. (was born in 1859 and died in 1879), Wilbur E. (was born in 1863), and Frederick N. (was born in 1868). Eliza A. Higbee was a daughter of William and Mary A. Patterson, who were … Read more

Biography of Nathan Smith Bennett

Nathan Smith Bennett

BENNETT, NATHAN SMITH. Among the early settlers in the town of New Haven, Vt., was Daniel N. Bennett, who was a brother of John N., first town clerk of Bridport, Vt., who came from Connecticut with his family. He secured a farm in that town, and his son, Benjamin G. Bennett, on the 27th of November, 1805, married Lucy Smith, daughter of Nathan, born October 4, 1784, and granddaughter of Samuel, the Addison county pioneer.[For a further account of the Smith family, see biography of Sheldon Smith, in these pages.] In the year 1814 Benjamin G. Bennett removed to the … Read more

Biography of Miles Storey

STOREY, MILES, was born in Salisbury, Vt., on August 23, 1807, and was third in the family of six children of Rufus and Laura (Miles) Storey. Solomon Storey, his grandfather, was born in Norwich, Conn.; was a farmer and a sailor alternately, as interest dictated. He made several voyages to the East Indies and was several times shipwrecked. He married Dorcas Branch, by whom he had a family of children, as follows: Lydia, Olive, Sabrah, Roger, Asa, Sarah, Jonas, Jesse, Rufus, and Martha. He moved from Connecticut and settled in Dalton, Berkshire county, Mass., in 1772, where he remained until … Read more

Biography of Martin W. Winans

Winans, Martin W., Ferrisburgh, Vergennes p. o., was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt., on February 12, 1823. He was married in 1865 to Ida A. (Newton) Webster. Mr. Martin W. Winans died on May 19, 1885, leaving three sons — James F., born 1869; Herbert W., born 1874; and Frank L. N., born June 15, 1877. Mrs. Ida Winans married for her first husband Doctor Jonas Webster, in 1856. He died in June, 1863. She was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1833, and was a daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Smith) Newton. Joseph was a native of Dutchess county, N. Y., … Read more

Biography of M. D. Smith

M. D. Smith

SMITH, M. D., M.D. This family of Smith is of French origin. The emigrant from France to this country was the sixth generation removed from the doctor. Amos Smith, son of the emigrant, lived in Cheshire, Mass. He raised a family of nine children, four sons and five daughters, of whom Henry Smith was the eldest child. He was born on October 6, 1769, in Cheshire, Mass. He married, on February 7, 1790, Anna Blanchard, of Cheshire, Mass. She was born on November 13, 1770. In the same year of his marriage he moved from Cheshire and settled in Addison … Read more

Biography of Lyman H. Payne

Payne, Lyman H., Cornwall, was born in Warren, Vt., on February 17, 1835. His parents were Horace and Sarah (Blood) Payne. He came with his parents to Addison county, in 1837, first settled in Orwell, Vt., and remained there two years; they then went to Shoreham, where his father engaged in farming, and remained there about seven years. In 1845 he purchased the farm now owned and occupied by his son. He had a family of two daughters and two sons — Susan C. (who is the wife of Deacon Samuel James, of Weybridge, Vt.); George N. (of Bridport, Vt.), … Read more

Biography of Loyal Case Remele

REMELE, LOYAL CASE, was born in the town of Whiting, Addison county, Vt., May 5, 1807, the eldest son of Jonathan and Clarissa (Hutchinson) Remele. John Remele, his grandfather, was a minister in the Congregational Church, owned a farm in the town of Whiting, and was pastor of the Congregational Church in that place, and was a chaplain in the War of the Revolution, in Colonel Doolittle’s regiment. He had four children – three sons and one daughter. The sons were Jonathan, Samuel, and Stephen. The daughter was Polly. Jonathan married Clarissa Hutchinson, and by her had two children, Loyal … Read more

Biography of Lieut. Benjamin Everest

Lieutenant Benjamin Everest came with his father to Addison when he was sixteen years old; his father’s name was also Benjamin, and Zadock was his brother. He is said to have been a man of prowess and courage, and with his brother was conspicuous in aiding Allen and Warner to drive out the “Yorkers” from the county. On receipt of news of the battle of Lexington, Everest repaired to Allen’s headquarters, and was given a lieutenant’s commission. He was with Allen when he entered the fort at Ticonderoga, and went with Warner to the capture of Crown Point. After Allen … Read more

Biography of L. L. Wright

Wright, L. L., Cornwall, was born in Weybridge, Vt., on June 18, 1811. His parents were Samuel and Electa (Langdon) Wright. Samuel Wright was born in Amherst, Mass., on August 18, 1785, and came with his father, Silas Wright, to Addison county, Vt., in 1796. He died October 4, 1860. Silas Wright was born on March 17, 1760, and settled in Weybridge, Vt., on the place now owned by Mrs. John Childs and son. He had a family of three daughters and four sons, only two of whom are now living — Daniel L. (born on April 20, 1799 ; … Read more

Biography of Julius Preston Douglas

DOUGLAS, JULIUS PRESTON. Among the pioneers of Addison county was the family of James Marsh Douglas, who came from Cornwall, Conn., to the town of Cornwall, Addison county, in 1784, where James Marsh Douglas died in 1790. His son, Benajeh Douglas, was born in Cornwall, Conn., August 5, 1780; was a successful farmer and hotel keeper in Cornwall, Vt., for many years. He was much interested in militia affairs in the early days. His first wife was Salome Scott, by whom he had two children, one daughter and one son. His second wife was Betsey Preston. To that union were … Read more

Biography of Judge William Silas Wright

WRIGHT, JUDGE WM. SILAS, was born in Weybridge, Vt., Jan. 6, 1819, and at the age of sixteen took a preparatory course at the Vergennes Classical Institute; in 1838 entered college at Middlebury, Vt., where he studied nearly two years, after which he returned to his father’s homestead in New Haven, Vt., where he remained (except an interval of four years spent in his native town) until the death of his father, in 1866. In 1867 he removed to Waltham, Vt., where he has since resided. He has taken an active part in public affairs, and has held many of … Read more

Biography of Judge Henry Lane

Henry Lane

LANE, JUDGE HENRY. James Lane, grandfather of Henry, born in 1769, came from Mansfield, Conn., and settled in Cornwall, Vt., in the year 1800 on the farm now owned and occupied by the judge. He died July 3, 1801. He left three sons — Job, James and William. James Lane pursued his professional studies with Doctor Ford, of Cornwall, and practiced his profession many years in Ohio. He died there, leaving a family of three children. William Lane was an enterprising and successful farmer, a public-spirited and useful citizen ; but in the midst of his activity he lost his … Read more

Biography of John Wolcott Stewart

John W. Stewart

STEWART, JOHN WOLCOTT, of Middlebury, ex-governor of Vermont, and member of Congress from the First Congressional District of Vermont. Born in Middlebury, Vt., November 24, 1825. The first ancestor of Governor Stewart’s family on the paternal side whose record has been preserved, was Robert Stuart, of Edinburgh, Scotland. Samuel, son of Robert Stuart, emigrated first to Londonderry, Ireland, and secondly from thence with the historical Scotch-Irish colony which crossed the Atlantic and settled in Londonderry, N. H., in the early part of the eighteenth century. Samuel Stuart was the father of five sons and five daughters, of whom John was … Read more

Biography of John Vanderhoof

John Vanderhoof, from New Jersey, located upon the farm now owned by his grandson, Oliver Vanderhoof, early in the present century.

Biography of John Strong

The Strong family has been a prominent one in this town. The Hon. John Strong was born in Salisbury, Conn., in 1738 and came to Addison in February, 1766, as before noted. After he was driven away from his settlement by the British he went to Dorset, which town he represented in the Legislature from 1779 to 1782, and in 1781 he was elected assistant judge of Bennington county, and re-elected in 1782. In 1783 he returned to his former home in this town. His first dwelling here was built near the lake and destroyed by the British. In 1796 … Read more

Biography of John M. Nash

Nash, John M., Middlebury, was born in Middlebury, Vt., on December 28, 1844. His parents were Asahel M. and Jane (English) Nash. Asahel M. was born in Northfield; was a shoemaker, a trade which he followed in Middlebury after settling there. He had a family of three sons and one daughter, all of whom are now living. His widow is also living. He died on September 9, 1867. J. M. Nash was educated in the common schools; was brought up to farming, which he followed until 1861, when he enlisted on the first call for 75,000 men, three months, in … Read more

Biography of John Fisher

John Fisher, from Massachusetts, located in the eastern part of the town, upon the farm now owned by Osman H. Fisher, at an early date. The homestead passed into the hands of his son Henry, and from him reverted to Osman H. John, whose remains rest in the cemetery near Olin Smith’s place, had a family of five children.

Biography of Jared Booth

Booth, Jared, Ferrisburgh, Vergennes p. o, was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1839. He is one of the prominent general farmers of his town. He was town representative in 1880 and 1881, and was a justice of the peace of this town in 1880 and 1884. He was married in 1860 to Julia A. Porter, who died in 1871 leaving three children, who have also died since her death. Mrs. Booth was a daughter of George W. and Julia H. Porter. Jared Booth then married his second wife, Phila F. Hurlburt, of Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1873. They have had two … Read more

Biography of James Stickle

James Stickle, born in New Jersey in 1769, came to Addison in early life, locating in the eastern part of the town, where he died December 18, 1850. The homestead came into Charles Stickle’s possession in 1847, who was born in 1807, and in 1878 reverted to H. A. Stickle, the present owner, it having never left the family since it was reclaimed from the wilderness.