Biographical Sketch of Dr. William James Johnston

(III) Dr. William James Johnston, son of John Johnston, was born at Minesing, Canada. September 11, 1866. He was educated in the public schools in Canada, and the Ontario Veterinary College, from which he graduated in 1889. In the spring of 1889 he commenced to practice his profession at Tillsonburgh, Canada, and continued there until the spring of 1893, when he came to Geneva, New York. From that time until 1905 he was in business alone, and since then he has had Dr. Newell D. Backus as partner, and they have practiced at Geneva tinder the firm name of Johnston … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. William B. Clapper

Dr. William B. Clapper was born in Bristol, New York, December 13, 1864. His mother was of English descent and his father German. He attended the public schools and Starkey Seminary, and after a year in Syracuse University, entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Baltimore, Maryland, from which he was graduated, April 19, 1894. He began to practice his profession, July 5, 1894, at Farmington, New York, and continued there until 1901. Since then he has been located at Victor, Ontario county, New York. He has made a specialty of the diseases of women and children. Dr. Clapper … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Theodore D. Rupert

(III) Dr. Theodore D., son of William P. and Catherine (Bell) Rupert, was born in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, April 23, 1855. He attended the public schools and Geneva Academy, and spent one year at the Monroe Collegiate Institute at Elbridge, New York. He then matriculated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, from which he was graduated in ,880, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. For ten years he practiced medicine in Mendon, Monroe county, New York, and in 1890 opened his office in Geneva, New York, and engaged in general practice, making … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Joseph Bryon Hayes

(VI) Dr. Joseph Byron (2) Hayes, son of Joseph Byron (1) and Sarah (Antis) Hayes, was born in Canandaigua, May 11, 1834. He prepared for college at Canandaigua Academy, from which he entered Williams College, graduating with the class of 1854, and his professional studies were completed in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was graduated a doctor of medicine in 1860. His life was spent in Canandaigua, in the practice of his profession. He was an active member of the county and village medical societies and was a deacon of the Congregational Church from early … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. James H. Stephens

Dr. James H. Stebbins, who was engaged in medical practice for about half a century, was born in Greece, Monroe county, New York, in 1834, and died in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, in 1908. He was graduated from the Medical College in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the greater number of his active years of practice were spent in Geneva, where he was one of the most prominent physicians. Dr. Francis Lansing Stebbins, son of Dr. James H. Stebbins, was born at Geneva, Ontario county, New York, in 1866. His elementary education was acquired in the public schools and he then … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Frank Herrick Newland

Dr. Frank Herrick Newland, one of the rising young physicians of Clifton Springs, whose practice is an unusually large one for the time it has been in existence, is a son of Fred H. and Elivy (Crandall) Newland. Dr. Newland was born in East Bloomfield, New York, December 13, 1873. He attended the schools at Clifton Springs, Cook Academy at Montour Falls, New York, and Colgate University. He then became a student at the Homoeopathic Medical College, in Cleveland, Ohio, from which he was graduated in the class of 1902 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He immediately established … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Daniel Arnold Robinson

(IV) Isabella, daughter of Isaac Richardson, married Dr. Daniel Arnold Robinson, son of Benedict Robinson, of Jerusalem, Yates county, New York, and a descendant of Rowland Robinson, of Rhode Island. Benedict Robinson and a Quaker named Hathaway purchased township No. 7, second range, of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase in 1790. Of his 14, 000 acres he gave a thousand to Jemima Wilkinson, a prominent Quakeress, with whom he came to Yates county. He married Susan Brown in 1795. Children of Dr. Daniel Arnold and Isabella Robinson: Susanna Brown, married Robert Howland, of New Bedford; Dr. Benedict, of Union Springs: … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Chauncey W. Grove

Dr. Chauncey W. Grove, a physician and surgeon in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, and throughout that section is descended from an old family of Germany. The family name was originally spelled Von Graffe, and this by successive changes has finally developed into Grove. From the earliest times the family has adhered to the Protestant denominations, and it was during the very early days of the settlement of the colonies that the first members came to this country and made their homes here. Dr. Chauncey W. Grove, son of Jay C. and Zettirah (Fry) Grove, was born in Fredonia, Pennsylvania, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Charles Andrew Rowley

Dr. Charles Andrew Rowley, son of Franklin Rowley, was born in Victor. January 13. 1863. He attended the public schools and the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, New York. He entered the Cleveland Medical College in Ohio, and was graduated in due course, March 10, 1888. Since then he has practiced at Victor and has been very successful, especially in the diseases of women and children, of which he has made a specialty, and in surgery. His practice is extensive a, d his calls are numerous at a distance from his home, as well as in Victor. His office practice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Israel Skinner

Israel Skinner, grandfather of Dr. Skinner, was a native of Prattsburg, Steuben county, New York. He followed the occupations of farmer, tanner and harness maker, and thus was enabled to earn a comfortable livelihood for his family and a competency for his old age. He married, at Canandaigua, New York. October 6. 1812. Betsy Maria Haves, who bore him the following children : Maria Betsy, Emily. Emily. Holly, Henry Godfrey, Lemira, Edward Hayes, Edgar Beach. Elizabeth E.

Biographical Sketch of Dorrance L. Kirtland

Dorrance L., son of Daniel and Huldah (Stevens) Kirtland, was born in Durham, Greene county, New York, December 16, 1818, died in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, August 11, 1885. He received his education in the public schools and at the high school in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. He came to Phelps in 1839. and after working on a farm there for a short while, returned east, where he remained until 1842. He then came to the western part of the town of Phelps, where he bought a farm on which he lived for seven years, when he settled on his final … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dolphin Stephenson

(II) Dolphin, son of Harvey Stephenson, was born in the town of Galen, New York, in 1812, died in 1883. He came to Phelps with his father, where he was engaged in legal practice for many years, being at the time of his death the oldest attorney in the county. He served as postmaster of Phelps for many years, and was elected as a member of the assembly. He was also appointed by the government to represent it at Panama, and remained there for some time. A portion of his life was also spent in California. He was married in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Samuel Childs

(III), Deacon Samuel Childs (as he spelled the name), eldest child of Richard and Elizabeth (Crocker) Child, was born in Barnstable, Massachusetts, November; 6, 1679; died in Deerfield, Massachusetts, March 18, 1756. He was a blacksmith and early in life settled in Deerfield, where his, services in that capacity were highly appreciated. As a deacon of the Congregational church and a man of character and influence, he was much esteemed by his fellow townsmen. He was married (first), July 7, 1709, to Hannah Barnard, who died May 16, 1727; married (second), about two years later, Experience , who died May … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Nathaniel Horton

(VI) Deacon Nathaniel (2) Horton, son of Nathaniel (1) Horton, was born in Southold, in 1741, and married, 1761, Rebecca Robinson, born June 21, 1742, died December 14, 1819. He died August 13, 1824. Children, born in Chester: Huldah, January 14, 1762: Rebecca, December 31, 1763: Jonah. 1765; Susan, 1767: Polly, 1769; Nathaniel; Hiram; Mehitabel : Elisha, about 1777, mentioned elsewhere; Nathaniel, 1778; Esther, about 1782.

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Ebenzer Hamlin

(III) Deacon Ebenezer, eighth child and fifth son of James and Mary (Dunham) Hamlin, was born July 29, 1674. He occupied the homestead farm at Coggin’s Pond until about the time of his second marriage when he removed to Rochester, Massachusetts, now (1910) Wareham. He was one of the original members of the Wareham church which was organized December 25, 1739. He was chosen deacon, February 18, 1740. He was dismissed to the church at Sharon, Connecticut, May 30, 1742, which is about the date of his removal to that town and state. In his will he bequeathed “twenty-four pounds, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of De Witt C. Lapham

(II) De Witt C., son of Nathan Lapham, was born in Macedon, Wayne county, New York, in 1846, and died on the family homestead in 1909. He was engaged in agricultural pursuits during the active years of his life, and was prominent in the public affairs of the community, having filled with ability a number of local offices. He was a staunch supporter of the Republican party, and his religious affiliations were with the Methodist church. He married Amelia J. Finley, born in 1847, now (1911) residing in the village of Macedon, daughter of David Finley, of the same town.

Biographical Sketch of David White

David White, the founder of this family, was the son of George White, a sea-captain, and was born in Scotland, in 1844. Emigrating to America, he settled in Phelps, Ontario county, and engaged in farming. He was elected road commissioner at one time. He married Melissa Van der Mark, who died in 1884. Children: Edith, married Myron D. Crozer; Lillian, married George Peirce; Charles D., referred to elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of David Mead

David, son of John Mead, was born about 1665, and married, December 16, 1707, Abigail Leane. He died in February, 1727. He settled early in the town of Bedford, New York, and was one of the resident proprietors there in 1692. Childreni David, born September i, 1708, reported to have been killed in the revolution; Charity, born 1710; Rachel, born 1712; Nathaniel, born October 9, 1714; William, mentioned elsewhere; Betsey, born 1719; Anna, born 1722.

Biographical Sketch of David Jamieson

(I) David Jamieson, of an old Scotch family, resided in Dumferline, Scotland. He married Anne Stuart, who was a cousin of Prince Charles, of the royal Stuart line. Children, born at Dumferline: 1. David, mentioned elsewhere. 2. Daniel, August 2, 1802. 3. Christine, August 5, 1804. 4. Annie, August 14, 1806. 5. Francis, June 3, 1808. 6. Christine, June 21, 1810. 7. William, September 14, 1812. 8. William, July 11, 1815.

Biographical Sketch of David Jamieson

(II) David (2), son of David (1) Jamieson, was born at Dumferline, Scotland, September 19, 1800; married at Collinton, Scotland, March 17, 1828, Margaret Muir (Parish Church records at High Edinburgh, Scotland, Rev. Lewis Balfour, minister). Margaret Muir was born in Edinburgh or Glasgow, 1809-n, and died in March, 1870. David died in 1886 in Canada. He came to America when a young man in 1834 and after living for a short time in New York City, removed to Toronto, and thence to Yorkville, Canada. Children: I. David, born in Scotland. 2. Jane, born in New York City, October 7, … Read more