1876-1878 Pacific Coast Business Directory

The Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78

“The Pacific Coast Business Directory is intended to be a triennial publication, which will contain the name and post office address of each merchant, manufacturer, and professional engaged in business in the States and Territories bordering on or in the immediate vicinity of the Pacific Coast, with such information connected with the resources of that section of the country as will best exhibit their variety, character, and extent; together with any other data of general interest that will add to the value of the work as a useful manual of reference.” The above extract from the preface of the first … Read more

1875-1876 Brattleboro Vermont Directory

1875-1876 Brattleboro Vermont Directory

This is the 1875-1876 Brattleboro Vermont Directory as published in 1876 by Fitzgerald & Co. This directory contains an alphabetical listing of all known residents in Brattleboro Vermont for the year of 1875. It also contains a business directory, listing of churches and pastor, streets, societies, newspapers, and other organizations of the city of Brattleboro.

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer, comprising a brief history of Colorado up to 1871 … together with a complete and accurate directory and history of Denver, Golden City, Black Hawk, Central City, Nevada, Idaho, and Georgetown.

1825-1854 Marriage Bonds of McCracken County Kentucky

Marriage bonds No 1, McCracken County, Kentucky, 1825-1854

This is a list of 870 marriage bonds from McCracken County, Kentucky, covering the years of 1825 to 1854 and extracted from the McCracken County Marriage Bonds Book No. 1. In 1957, Mrs. Briles extracted information about these bonds and compiled them into this self-published book. The text in this book was done with an old manual typewriter and has the usual faint and filled-in type often found with such papers.