Georgia Census Records

Our Georgia census pages were initially broken down by years instead of by counties… we shall be updating them in the near future, and break them down by county which we’ve found to be the preferable manner most people search. In the mean time, please access each counties information by going first to the year of the census… thanks! 1820 Georgia Census Records 1830 Georgia Census Records 1840 Georgia Census Records 1850 Georgia Census Records 1860 Georgia Census Records 1870 Georgia Census Records 1880 Georgia Census Records 1890 Georgia Census Records 1900 Georgia Census Records 1910 Georgia Census Records 1920-1930 … Read more

Florida Census Records

1910 Florida Census Map

This information reflects what is available online from various websites for Florida census records. 1825 Leon County CensusThis document represents the entire census return for Leon County, Florida, as enumerated by James Cameron in September 1825. Cameron recorded 996 inhabitants in the county, including 608 whites, 387 slaves, and one free person, “of Colour.” 1830 Florida Census Records 1840 Florida Census Records 1850 Florida Census Records 1860 Florida Census Records 1864 Florida State Census 1870 Florida Census Records 1880 Florida Census Records 1885 Florida State Census 1890 Florida Census Records 1895 Florida State Census Records 1900 Florida Census Records Baker County Florida Bradford County Florida 1910 Florida Census Records … Read more

Delaware Census Records

Delaware Census online research should begin with what is available online for free. If this proves fruitful then congratulations! If not, then I would suggest signing up for the online census images (links to the right) where you can access all the available online Delaware census information directly from your computer at home. 1790 1800 “Other Free” Heads of Household in the 1800 Delaware Census See Census Images Online. 1810 “Other Free” Heads of Household in the 1810 Delaware Census See Census Images Online. 1820 “Free Colored” Heads of Household in the 1820 Delaware Census See Census Images Online. 1830 … Read more

Connecticut Census Records

Federal censuses for the state of Connecticut began in 1790, and continue every ten years thereafter. They are currently available through 1930. There is a special index from 1790 to 1850 at the Connecticut State Library, taken from a duplicate set of schedules housed at the Connecticut State Archives. It is not collated in the same way as the “official” set at the National Archives and consequently cannot be used for locating a particular individual on that set of returns. No state population censuses were taken for Connecticut, although a number of inventories and enumerations of population exist (with and … Read more

Colorado Census Records

Colorado Census online research should begin with what is available online for free. If this proves fruitful then congratulations! If not, then I would suggest signing up for the online census images (links to the right) where you can access all the available online Colorado census information directly from your computer at home. 1860 Census 1870 Census 1880 Census 1885 State Census 1890 Census 1900 Census Phillips County 1910 Census 1920 Census 1930 Census  

California Census Records

The first federal census conducted in California was taken in 1850, while the Gold Rush was in full swing. Adventurers were pouring into the state, and they were very mobile in their search for the next paydirt. As a result, the accuracy of the count was questionable. Also, records for the counties of Contra Costa, San Francisco, and Santa Clara were lost or destroyed. To obtain a more reliable picture of the population, the State of California conducted its own census in 1852, the only one in the state’s history. The original census is housed at the State Archives, but … Read more

Arkansas Census Records

Starting in 1790, the United States government took a census every 10 years. Arkansas residents have been included in the censuses since 1830, however, settlement occurred by white men in the territory prior to that census. In 1819 the Missouri Territory had approximately 14,000 white settlers, many of them resided in what became Arkansas. Many of the earlier census, including those in 1810 and 1820 for this territory have been lost, leaving scant resources for researchers. The entire 1890 census for Arkansas was destroyed by fire. However, several sources are listed which are attempting to compile records which existed in … Read more

Arizona Census Records

Starting in 1790, the United States government took a census every 10 years. Census records exist for the territory and state of Arizona from 1860-1930. Arizona territory was separated from the New Mexico territory in 1863. As a result, those living south of the Gila River in 1860 were enumerated in New Mexico Territory. It is often encouraged to substitute the great registers of Arizona for early research prior to 1910 as they provide an often yearly picture of the inhabitants of Arizona. 1864 Arizona Territory Census Arizona Territory (hosted at USGenWeb Archives) First Judicial District First Judicial District First … Read more

Alaska Census Records

Starting in 1790, the United States government took a census every 10 years. Census information exists for the 1900, 1910, 1920, and 1930 census for Alaska. Unfortunately, earlier census enumerations (1880-1890) did not survive. Even though Alaska was purchased in 1867, there was no 1870 census taken. Ronald Vern Jackson wrote a book in 1976 (currently out of print) that went into depth about the Alaska State census 1870-1907. The information from this book which will prove invaluable to Alaskan researchers, can be found online at Ancestry. I have not found any of this information online for free yet.  Alaska … Read more

Alabama Census Records

Starting in 1790, the United States government took a census every 10 years. Alabama residents are included in the censuses for 1820 through 1950. Alabama’s early census records are limited in comparison to other states of the same age, but there are still several resources available for those looking to explore their family history in the state. A state census was taken in 1820, although records exist for only eight counties, including Baldwin, Conecuh, Dallas, Franklin, Limestone, St. Clair, Shelby, and Wilcox. These records have been published and indexed, and an online database is available on for subscribers to … Read more

1790 North Carolina Census Records

North Carolina Census online research should begin with what is available online for free. If this proves fruitful then congratulations! If not, then I would suggest signing up for the online census images where you can access all the available online North Carolina census information directly from your computer at home. 1790