L Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. L Surnames Basil Laban Pierre Labon Francois Labone Deman Labordas Fortne Laborde Frederick Laborde Anton Laca Michael La Casawyne John Lack Christopher Lacon Oliver Lacope Guilham La Coque Anthony Lafart … Read more

K Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. K Surnames Mark Kadoody Jonn Kam Lewis Kale Barney Kane Edward Kane John Kane Patrick Kane Thomas Kane Sprague Kean Thomas Kean Nathaniel Keard William Keary Tuson Keath Daniel Keaton … Read more

J Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. J Surnames Michael Jacen Black Jack John Jack (2) John Jacks (2) Frederick Jacks (2) George Jacks (2) Henry Jacks John Jacks John Jackson James Jackson Josiah Jackson Nathaniel Jackson … Read more

I Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. I Surnames Joseph Ignacis Ivede Sousis Illiumbe Benjamin Indecot Isaac Indegon John Ingersall Henry Ingersoll (2) John Ingraham Joseph Ingraham Joshua Ingraham Philip Ignissita Joseph Irasetto David Ireland James Ireland … Read more

H Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. H Surnames Samuel Hacker John Hackett Benjamin Haddock Caraway Hagan Anthony de la Hage James Haggarty John Haglus Ebenezer Hail David Halbort William Haldron Matthew Hales Aaron Hall Ebenezer Hall … Read more

General Washington And Rear Admiral Digby

Washington’s best vindication against the charge of undue neglect of American prisoners is found in the correspondence on the subject. We will therefore give his letter to Rear Admiral Digby, after his interview with the committee of three sent from the Jersey to complain of their treatment by the British, and to endeavor to negotiate an exchange. GENERAL WASHINGTON TO REAR ADMIRAL DIGBY Head-Quarters, June 5 1782 Sir: By a parole, granted to two gentlemen, Messrs. Aborn and Bowen, I perceive that your Excellency granted them permission to come to me with a representation of the sufferings of the American … Read more

G Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. G Surnames Eudrid Gabria Francis Gabriel Franes Gabriel Hernan Gage Isaac Gage Matthew Gage Stephen Gage Jonas Gale Joseph Galina Andrew Gallager John Gallard John Gallaspie Richard Galley William Gallway … Read more

Further Testimony Of Cruelties Endured By American Prisoners

“Neither pen, ink, or paper allowed (to prevent their treatment being made public) the consequence of which indeed, the prisoners themselves dread, knowing the malignant disposition of their keeper.” Mr. Fell’s notes on his imprisonment present the best picture we can find of the condition of the Provost Jail during the term of his captivity. We have already seen how Mr Elias Boudinot, American Commissary of Prisoners, came to that place of confinement, and what he found there. This was in February, 1778. Boudinot also describes the sufferings of the American prisoners in the early part of 1778 in Philadelphia, … Read more

Fourth Of July On The Jersey

“The poor, helpless prisoners retreated from the hatchways, as far as their crowded situation would permit, while their cowardly assailants followed as far as they dared, cutting and wounding every one within reach, and then ascended to the upper deck, exulting in the gratification of their revenge.” – Captain Dring A few days before the fourth of July we had made such preparations as our circumstances would admit for an observance of the anniversary of American Independence. We had procured some supplies with which to make ourselves merry on the occasion, and intended to spend the day in such innocent … Read more

F Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. F Surnames Jean Paul Fabalue John Faber Ashan Fairfield Benjamin Fairfield John Fairfield (2) William Faithful Henry Falam Ephraim Falkender George Falker Robert Fall Thomas Fallen Henry Falls Francis Fanch … Read more

Extracts From Newspapers Concerning Prison Ships

“This is the just punishment of your rebellion. Nay, you are treated too well for rebels; you have not received half you deserve or half you shall receive. But if you will enlist into his Majesty’s service, you shall have victuals and clothes enough.” At the risk of repetition of some facts that have already been given, we must again refer the reader to some extracts from the newspapers of the day. In this instance the truth can best be established by the mouths of many witnesses, and we do not hesitate to give the English side whenever we have … Read more

Ethan Allen’s Account Of The Prisoners

“Those who had the misfortune to fall into the enemy’s hands at Fort Washington were reserved from immediate death to famish and die with hunger: in fine the word rebel was thought by the enemy sufficient to sanctify whatever cruelties they were pleased to inflict, death itself not excepted.” – Ethan Allen The doctor spoken of by Jabez Fitch as Dr. Dibuke is perhaps the notorious character described by Mr. Elias Boudinot in the Journal from which we have already quoted. On page 35 of this book he gives us the following: “When the British Army took possession of New … Read more

E Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. E Surnames David Each Simon Eachforsh David Eadoe Benjamin Earle Isaac Earle Lewis Earle Pardon Earle (2) Michael Eason Amos Easterbrook Charles Easterbrook John Eaves Joseph Ebben John Ebbinstone Avico … Read more

Dame Grant And Her Boat

“One indulgence was allowed us by our keepers, if indulgence it can be called. They had given permission for a boat to come alongside the ship, with a supply of a few necessary articles, to be sold to such of the prisoners as possessed the means of paying for them. This trade was carried on by a very corpulent old woman, known among us by the name of Dame Grant. Her visits, which were made every other day, were of much benefit to us, and, I presume, a source of profit to herself. She brought us soft bread and fruit, … Read more

D Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. D Surnames Guilliam Dabuican Jean Dabuican John Daccarmell Isaac Dade (2) Jean Dadica Silas Daggott John Dagure Benjamin Dail James Daily (2) Patrick Daily Robert Daily Samuel Daily (2) William … Read more

Correspondence Of Washington And Others

General Washington cannot with justice be blamed for any part of the sufferings inflicted upon the naval prisoners on board the prison ships. Although he had nothing whatever to do with the American Navy, or the crews of privateers captured by the British, yet he exerted himself in every way open to him to endeavor to obtain their exchange, or, at least, a mitigation of their sufferings, and this in spite of the immense weight of cares and anxieties that devolved upon him in his conduct of the war. Much of his correspondence on the subject of these unfortunate prisoners … Read more

Captain Roswell Palmer

“The remains were huddled into blankets, and so slightly interred on the neighboring slope that scores of them, bared by the rains, were always visible to their less fortunate comrades left to pine in hopeless captivity.” – Captain Roswell Palmer In the year 1865 a son of Captain Roswell Palmer, of Connecticut, wrote a letter to Mr. Henry Drowne, in which he narrates the story of his father’s captivity, which we will condense in these pages. He says that his father was born in Stonington, Conn., in August, 1764, and was about seventeen at the time of his capture by … Read more

C Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. C Surnames Abel Cable Louis Cadat Louis Pierre Cadate Michael Cadate John Caddington Nathan Caddock Jean Cado John Cahoon Jonathan Cahoone Thomas Caile David Cain (2) Thomas Cain Samuel Caird … Read more

Benjamin Franklin And Others On The Subject Of American Prisoners

“The King’s Ambassador recognizes no letters from Rebels, except when they come to ask mercy.” – Lord Stormont When Benjamin Franklin and Silas Deane were in Paris they wrote the following letter to Lord Stormont, the English Ambassador to France. Paris, April 2nd, 1777. My Lord:– We did ourselves the honor of writing some time since to your Lordship on the subject of exchanging prisoners: you did not condescend to give us any answer, and therefore we expect none to this. We, however, take the liberty of sending you copies of certain depositions which we shall transmit to Congress, whereby … Read more

B Prisoners of The Old Jersey

The following is a list of men who were imprisoned upon the ship called “The Old Jersey” during the Revolutionary War. The tales the men told of their sufferings can be compared with those suffered by the North imprisoned at Camp Sumter (Andersonville Prison) during the War of the Rebellion. To find out more about the condition of life upon this ship during their incarceration, see the source listed below. B Surnames Franklin Babcock William Babcock James Babel Jeremiah Babell Jean Babier Abel Baboard Vascilla Babtreause Francis Bachelier Jonathan Bachelor Antonio Backalong Francis Backay Benjamin Bacon Esau Bacon Judah Bacon … Read more