Biography of Edward R. Callender

Edward R. Callender, proprietor of the Callender Printing Company of Kansas City, Kansas, had lived in this state for over thirty-five years and for a quarter of a century had been a resident of Kansas City, Kansas. He learned printing when a boy, and his name is widely known through his connection with the printing trade and also at different times as a publisher of newspapers. Mr. Callender was born at Berlin, Wisconsin, August 31, 1867, the third in a family of six children whose parents were John H. and Marian (Russell) Callender. His father was a native of Canada … Read more

Biography of Edward Payson Allen

One of the most conspicuous figures in the financial and civic life of Southern Kansas was removed with the death of Edward Payson Allen at his home in Independence, November 27, 1915. He had already passed the age of three score and ten and with many ripe achievements to his credit and with the honorable associations of a long and useful life he went to his reward. He was a Civil war veteran, a pioneer in Montgomery County, Kansas, had filled public offices and had long borne the responsibilities of managing one of the largest banks in the state. His … Read more

Biography of Edward P. Ray

Edward P. Ray. Fortunate is the man who finds his work in the world early in life and concentrates all his energies upon discharging his duties and responsibilities with credit and efficiency. One of this fortunate class was Edward P. Ray of Arkansas City. His father and grandfather before him were in the produce business, established one of the early concerns of that kind in Southern Michigan, and the old house is still flourishing and doing a large business at Coldwater, Michigan, today. Edward P. Ray grew up in that business atmosphere and after breaking home ties and family associations … Read more

Biography of Edward P. Pitts, M. D.

Edward P. Pitts, M. D.,is a well known specialist at Atchison, where he had practiced as an eye, ear, nose and throat physician and surgeon for fifteen years. He is a native of Virginia and his ancestry for several generations lived in that part of the South. He was born in Northampton County, Virginia, October 13, 1880. This branch of the Pitts family came out of England and settled in Maryland in Colonial times. Doctor Pitts’ grandfather, Edward P. Pitts, was born in Somerset County, Maryland, in 1821, and became a prominent lawyer. He lived at Norfolk, Virginia, where he … Read more

Biography of Edward P. Moulton

Edward P. Moulton. In making a study of the lives and characters of men who have risen to acknowledged position in business, in the professions or in public life, it is but natural to inquire into the secret of their success and the motives that have prompted their actions. Real success comes to but a comparatively few, and a study of the careers of those who occupy places of prominence proves that in nearly every case those who have perseveringly followed one line of procedure have gradually but surely risen. Self-reliance, honesty, energy and conscientiousness are characteristics that appear to … Read more

Biography of Edward Montieth Moore

Edward Montieth Moore, vice president and manager of the Hutchinson Office Supply and Printing Company, is one of the veterans of the newspaper and printing industry at Kansas, and in point of continuous service is one of the oldest men connected with the Hutchinson Daily News. Mr. Moore had spent most of his life in Kansas and is a son of the late Rev. D. M. Moore, D. D., one of the pioneer ministers of the Presbyterian Church in this state. Edward Montieth Moore was born at Greenfield, Ohio, April 27, 1861. His grandfather, Samuel Moore, was a native of … Read more

Biography of Edward J. Ryan

Edward J. Ryan. It is somewhat remarkable, wheu the fact is considered, that nine-tenths of the prominent men of the country were reared on a farm and with very many a love of out-door life continues with them ever after. In Edward J. Ryan, mayor of Lincoln, Kansas, is found a livestock dealer, and a man who understands agricultural matters as thoroughly as he does the insistent needs of the municipality he governs. Mayor Ryan is of Irish ancestry and parentage but was born at West Union, Iowa, November 30, 1859. The pioneer settler of his family in America was … Read more

Biography of Edward J. Fleming

Edward J. Fleming is one of the men who apparently realized early in life that the only help for them in attaining success is through their individual efforts. About twenty years ago Mr. Fleming was clerk in a store at Arkansas City. Not long afterwards, and before he reached his majority, he was running a small business of his own at Anthony. The chief comment made by his associates in those early days was that he was a hard worker and willing to earn a little more than his wages. About that time his ambition to become a lawyer took … Read more

Biography of Edward Henry Leitzbach

Edward Henry Leitzbach. The thirty odd years since he came to Humboldt have dealt kindly with Edward Henry Leitzbach. In that time he had attained one of the most substantial business positions in the community, had acquired a large share of material prosperity, and had used his means and ability wisely to promote those institutions and affairs which are most vitally connected with a city’s welfare. Though of German ancestry, as his name indicates, Mr. Leitzbach was born in Connecticut at Robertsville in the town of Colebrook on August 6, 1864. His father, Nicholas Leitzbach, was born on the River … Read more

Biography of Edward Grauerholz

Edward Grauerholz. On the official record of citizens who have served the community of Esbon in public capacities involving the discharge of duties of responsibility and trust the name of Edward Grauerholz frequently appears. He had been a member of the city council for several years and had also served in the position of city clerk, and since January, 1916, had had charge of the mail service of this locality, having been appointed at that time postmaster of Esbon. He had been a resident of this locality for a decade, and prior to giving the greator part of his time … Read more

Biography of Edward F. Green

Edward F. Green. One of the most interesting citizens of Kansas lives at Arkansas City in the person of Edward F. Green. Mr. Green had known Kansas as a resident upwards of half a century. He came out to the state in 1869. His life’s activities have been chiefly identified with agriculture and with the farming interests. However, he was trained and educated as a lawyer and admitted to practice at Ottawa, Illinois, in the winter of 1864, but never followed that profession. He devoted his attention to farming and stock raising in Kansas, at which he was fairly successful. … Read more

Biography of Edward F. Erbacher

Edward F. Erbacher is manager of the Kingman Mills of the Kansas Flour Mills Company. He was promoted to that responsibility when a little past his thirtieth birthday, and at the time of his promotion was the youngest man among the many employed in the plant. The Kingman Mills are among the largest and best equipped flour mills of Kansas. Mr. Erbacher belongs to a prominent family of business men of St. Mary’s, Kansas, where he was born February 17, 1887. His father is Mr. John Erbacher, who was born in Germany in 1856, and was chiefly educated there. Coming … Read more

Biography of Edward Everett Hazlett, M.D.

Edward Everett Hazlett, M. D. From 1880 until his death on June 17, 1915, Doctor Hazlett practiced medicine and surgery at Abilene, Kansas. That was a period of thirty-five years. He was one of the pioneers in his profession at Abilene, and began practice there when the city to some extent still retained the prestige and the somewhat unenviable prominence it derived as a center of the great cattle industry. Without disparaging the merits and attainments of his contemporaries, it can be stated that Doctor Hazlett was always the leader of his profession in that city, not only in point … Read more

Biography of Edward E. Doughty

Edward E. Doughty, who had been cashier of the Troy State Bank since the organization of that institution eleven years age, while not a native of Kansas, represents a family which had been identified with the northeastern part of the state since territorial days. Mr. Doughty was born in Nodaway County, Missouri, September 20, 1877, a son of William L. Doughty and grandson of Abel Doughty. The family came originally to New York in Colonial times. They were Scotch people. Abel Doughty was born in New York State and in 1856 came to Kansas when it was a territory and … Read more

Biography of Edward E. Dix

Edward E. Dix. The vocation of railroading continues to attract many ambitious young men when they enter upon life’s activities, and this field of activity has often proven rich in opportunity to those who have possessed the inclination to work industriously and faithfully, to scorn hardships, to face heavy responsibilities, and to give absolute devotion to the interests of the great systems which employ them. There is no place for those who do not thus prove themselves. Among the officials of almost every other line of business there are found men of sterling worth who would have succeeded well in … Read more

Biography of Edward Charles Ryan

Edward Charles Ryan is secretary of the Mutual Building & Loan Association of Emporia, which is his native city, and he represents one of the old family names in that section of the state. The Mutual Building & Loan Association, whose other executive officers are A. H. Plumb, president, and M. C. Little, treasurer, was established in 1907, and after eight years of business now had assets of over $800,000. It receives money in payment on stock deposits and loans on real estate and buildings in Emporia and farms in that section. It is one of the best managed and … Read more

Biography of Edward Carl Johnson

Edward Carl Johnson. Identified with the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan since the fall of 1912, Edward Carl Johnson is now dean of the division of college extension and is also superintendent of farmers’ institutes and state leader of county agent work. At first his work was that of superintendent of institutes and demonstration in the division of college extension. Since September, 1915, his duties have been as just described. Mr. Johnson is an expert in several departments affecting the broad science of agriculture. His authorship of a number of bulletins and monographs prove this. But his work has … Read more

Biography of Edward C. Willis

Edward C. Willis, superintendent of the State Orphans Home at Atchison, is a graduate of Dartmouth College and came to kansas nearly forty years ago with the equipment and training of a oultured New Englander. His work in this state had been largely of an educational nature, and he had taught, had been superintendent of schools, and was finally appointed to his present post at Atchison, where he had served with the exception of two years since 1907. Nearly all of Mr. Willis’ ancestors were colonial families of New England. The Willis family came originally from the northern part of … Read more

Biography of Edward C. Kassebaum

Edward C. Kassebaum. On the highest point of bottom land between Kansas City, Missouri, and Manhattan, Kansas, is located the forty acre farm belonging to Edward C. Kassebaum, who carries on general farming, but who, perhaps, is more widely known as a grower of water melons, a field in which he has attained something more than a local reputation. This farm is situated in Menoken Township, Shawnee County, and has been brought to a high state of cultivation under the practical and intelligent efforts of Mr. Kassebaum, who has been a resident of this locality all his life and who … Read more

Biography of Edward C. Gates

Edward C, Gates. It was in 1887 that Edward C. Gates was admitted to the Kansas bar and undertook to build up a reputation and practice at Fulton, where be resided until he came to Fort Scott. In Fort Scott for the past twenty years he had enjoyed a reputation among the ablest members of the Kansas bar. Until 1913 he was actively associated with A. M. Keene in the firm of Keene & Gates, and since then had pratticed alone. The law had always represented to Mr. Gates a profession rather than an occnpation, and in all his work … Read more