Biography of Harry L. O’Bryan

Harry L. O’Bryan is a Chetopa business man who has made himself very active in local affairs there for a number of years. He is a banker, an extensive farm owner, and operator, his name is associated with several of the leading business and commercial enterprises, and at the present writing he is serving as postmaster of the city. He is of Irish descent. His great-grandfather came out of Ireland as early as 1760, settled in Maryland, and about 1800 moved across the mountains into the new State of Kentucky. Mr. O’Bryan’s grandfather Sydney Francis O’Bryan was born in Kentucky … Read more

Biography of Harry L. Hinckley, M. D.

Harry L. Hinckley, M. D. Visitors of a decade past at Barnard, Kansas, who found good reason, especially in bad weather, to hasten the transaction of their business so that they might pass on to a more attractive and modern village, would scarcely recognize the present beautiful town, with its substantial buildings, its fine graveled streets and its air of progress and civic pride. There are few of the satisfied residents who do not gratefully acknowledge that much of this change had been brought about through the admirable administrative efforts of Dr. Harry L. Hinckley, who is serving in his … Read more

Biography of Harry Jiencke

For about a quarter of a century Harry Jiencke traveled about over the State of Kansas as a salesman, building up a large acquaintance and business relationship, but for the past twelve years had been prominently identified with the oil and gas and various other industrial affairs of Independence, where he is one of the well known citizens. Of an old German family of Mecklenburg, he came to America when only a youth. He was born May 27, 1858. His father, Joachim Jiencke, was born in Mecklenburg in 1806 and died there in 1869. He was a man of more … Read more

Biography of Harry J. Miller

Harry J. Miller has been one of the business factors in the Town of Olsburg for over a quarter of a century. He was formerly engaged in agricultural pursuits in that rich and fertile district of Pottawatomie County, but now gives all his time to the management of a garage and the real estate business in Olsburg. His people were pioneers in two states, Tennessee and Illinois. His grandfather was born in Tennessee about twenty years after the close of the Revolutionary war and before the opening of the nineteenth century. In 1818 he took upon himself the responsibilities of … Read more

Biography of Harry Haynes Culmer

Harry Haynes Culmer, superintendent of the Staudard Asphalt and Rubber Company at Independence, is one of the expert technical men connected with the oil industry and has had a wide range of experience in his profession both in the United States and Canada. He came to Independence in 1906, and laid out the works of the Standard Asphalt and Rubber Company, which he has since served as superintendent and chemical engineer. Mr. Culmer was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, October 30, 1878. He comes of notable ancestry. Records show that the Culmers go back to the year 862 A. … Read more

Biography of Harry G. Lambert

Harry G. Lambert has been a resident of Pottawatomie County since 1879, and for many years had been a successful farmer and business man in and around Belvue. He still owned and looks after a farm and is manager of J. Thomas & Son Lumber Yard. Mr. Lambert is of an old Ohio family. He was born in Morgan County at what was then called Seeleyville, now Woodville, October 10, 1868, son of George W. and Elizabeth (Maxwell) Lambert. The Lamberts were of German stock and were pioneers in Pennsylvania. The Maxwells were English people and were Colonial settlers in … Read more

Biography of Harry E. Floyd

Harry E. Floyd. Prior to coming to Caney, Kansas, in 1907, Harry E. Floyd had been without experience in the journalistic field. He was familiar with the business of farming, had known the cattle ranches for ten years, and for several years had been identified with mercantile affairs, but the newspaper business was one in which he had not engaged. However, since taking hold of the Caney News, Mr. Floyd has built it up to be one of the strong papers circulating in Montgomery and the surrounding counties, and that he has been able to do so may doubtless be … Read more

Biography of Harry E. Coulter

Harry E. Coulter. One of the old and reliable business establishments of Chanute which has enjoyed a steadily increasing patronage ever since the time of its inception is the Coulter Transfer and Storage Company, in which two generations of a family have been interested. Founded by the father, the policy, of the business under his direction was based upon strict honesty and honorable principles, and this same course has been followed by the son. The present owner of the business is Harry E. Coulter, a man of broad and diversified experience in business, and a citizen who has contributed through … Read more

Biography of Harry D. Hall

Harry D. Hall. A very necessary business house in every community is a first-class drug store, one conducted, in an open and honorable way, by a well qualified man who holds himself responsible for the remedies he compounds and recommends. A druggist of this character is found in Harry D. Hall, who is the leading man in his line in Lincoln, Kansas, his drug store on Main Street being an old landmark, the site of the first drug store in this section of the state. Harry D. Hall was born at Toulon, Illinois, February 17, 1872, the fourth in a … Read more

Biography of Harry C. Weible

Harry C. Weible. When it is stated that Harry C. Weible moved out from Pennsylvania to Independence about thirteen years ago, it will be readily surmised that he is connected in some way with the oil or gas industry, and he is in fact one of the large oil producers in the Mid-Continent field and from his headquarters at Coffeyville directs extensive operations not only in Southern Kansas but in Oklahoma and Texas. Practically reared in the oil fields of Western Pennsylvania, he is the son of a veteran of the industry. Mr. Weible was born in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, … Read more

Biography of Harry A. Mendenhall

Harry A. Mendenhall. Though his home is in the largest city of Kansas, Harry A. Mendenhall’s business and civic activities have been such as to constitute him one of the best known men of Kansas City, Kansas. For nearly thirty years he had given his best time and energy to the building up of an organization and equipment for the efficient handling of local traffic and freight in the transfer line, he is a former sheriff of Wyandotte County, and is also prominent as a banker. He was born January 11, 1865, on a farm at the edge of the … Read more

Biography of Harry A. Kunkle

Harry A. Kunkle. Kansas as one of the greatest agricultural sections of the world had bestowed its riches abundantly upon the disciples of farming, but it will be found an almost invariable rule that those who have benefited most from the prosperity of Kansas have relied upon those old virtues of industry and unceasing vigilance which have their rewards in other less favored communities. Hard work was no doubt the keynote in the success of the late Aaron Kunkle, who developed a splendid estate as a farmer in Kansas, and his only heir, Harry A. Kunkle, had not been bebind … Read more

Biography of Harrison E. King, Mrs.

Mrs. H. E. King is one of the capable business women of Leon, Kansas, where since her husband’s death she had managed the estate, is a director in the State Bank of Leon, and had many other extensive interests in Butler County. Her husband, the late Harrison E. King, was a man of great business ability, and his untimely death at the age of forty-seven, on February 7, 1914, was a matter of general regret throughout the large community in which he was so well known. Mr. King was a man of striking appearance, possessed business judgment in a marked … Read more

Biography of Harrison Clay Taylor

Harrison Clay Taylor was one of the first settlers in Rice County, and he had had a very interesting career and one filled with business achievement that places him among the notable men of Lyons. He is a veteran merchant of that city and in the passing years had done much for its improvement and welfare. Mr. Taylor was born at Piqua in Miami County, Ohio, November 12, 1849. He is of English ancestry, his forefathers having settled in New Jersey in Colonial times. His grandfather was a native of Pennsylvania, was a member of the Quaker Church, and during … Read more

Biography of Harris Winfield Hutchinson

Harris Winfield Hutchinson, deputy state grain inspector at Hutchinson, had been in the grain business the greater part of his active life and had as many and diverse qualifications for his present position as any one could ask. While he had lived at Hutchinson only a few years, he feels that the town had some specially intimate associations for him. It will be recalled that Hutchinson, Kansas, was established in 1871 and named for C. C. Hutchinson. A brother of this Kansas man, Asa Hutchinson, also founded the Town of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Mr. H. W. Hutchinson is related to both … Read more

Biography of Harris W. Manning, M. D.

Harris W. Manning, M. D. The country along the banks of the Cottonwood River around Emporia had become a landmark in Kansas literature, largely due to the ability of William Allen White in investing those scenes with literary color and description. It was along the hanks of the farnous Cotton wood, four miles west of Emporia in Lyon County, that Dr. Harris W. Manning, a prominent physician and a specialist at Eureka, was born September 20, 1868. His father, Patrick W. Manning, belonged to the colony of earliest settlers in Lyon County, having homesteaded a claim there about the middle … Read more

Biography of Harold McGugin

Harold McGugin. The McGugin family came from Ireland to the United States many years ago, the first of the name in America appearing in Pennsylvania. Removal was subsequently made to Ohio and the family records do not definitely prove whether David McGugin, the grandfather of Harold McGugin, one of the able young attorneys of the Coffeyville bar, was born before or after the family exodus. He was a farmer and a merchant and died in Montgomery County, Kansas, prior to the birth of his grandson. He may thus be numbered with the pioneers of this section. William McGugin, son of … Read more

Biography of Hans E. Mayer

That he had authoritative knowledge of the details of the life-insurance business and is also an able execntive needs no further voucher than the statement that Mr. Mayer holds the responsible office of manager of the Missouri State Life Insurance Company for the State of Kansas. He maintains his administrative headquarters and his residence at Wichita and is one of the popular and progressive citizens of this vigorous city of the Sunflower State. Mr. Mayer was born in Coblentz, Germany, and in the excellent schools of his native place he acquired his early education, which was supplemented by a higher … Read more

Biography of Hanmond R. Heal

Hanmond R. Heal is enrolled among the progressive young business men of Coffeyville, where he is secretary and treasurer of the Kansas Oil Refining Company. An Indiana man by birth, be grew up and received his education in that state, and has been a resident of Kansas the past twelve years. In that time he has acquitted himself creditably in every business and civic relation. He comes of an old Pennsylvania family, the Heals having come from England and settled in that state during the colonial days. Mr. Heal was born at Marion, Grant County. Indiana, January 18, 1884. His … Read more

Biography of H. T. Laidlaw

H. T. Laidlaw. One of the biggest crops of Kansas is the hay crop. The buying of hay from the individual producers and its marketing naturally forms a big business in itself. It is the distinction of H. T. Laidlaw, of Yates Center, that he is the premier hay merchant of Kansas. In certain years, if not as a regular thing, he had undoubtedly handled greater quantities of hay than any other individual dealer in the state. Mr. Laidlaw is a well known business man of Yates Center, and is one of the leading cattle men of that locality. His … Read more