Biography of Joseph Chesky

Joseph Chesky has had his home in Kansas nearly forty years, and is one of the old time business men of Nickerson. Though retired from the mercantile field in which his activities were engaged for so many years, he is still a man of affairs in that community and is president of the Nickerson State Bank and is one of the largest land holders in Reno and adjoining counties. In this outstanding figure of Nickerson is represented the Province of Posen, Prussia, Germany, where Mr. Chesky was born February 6, 1853. His father, John Chesky, spent his life in Posen, … Read more

Biography of Joseph Cameron Lockhart

Joseph Cameron Lockhart, a veteran Union soldier and a resident of Kansas for nearly forty-five years, had had a successful business career as a farmer and rancher and is now enjoying the fruits of his well spent lifetime at Eskridge in Wabaunsee County. Mr. Lockhart was born in Salem Township of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, February 12, 1838, and is now in his eightieth year, still active and vigorous for all his experiences. The Lockhart ancestors were Scotch and settled in Pennsylvania in colonial times. His father, George Lockhart, was born in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, in 1807, spent his life there … Read more

Biography of Joseph C. Wilson

Joseph C. Wilson. Aside from the prominance which is his in the business world by reason of his position as sales manager for the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, at Topeka, Joseph C. Wilson had the distinction of belonging to a family which for three generations have been active in the business, civic and moral development of Kansas. The name had always stood for honorable and public-spirited citizenship and for participation in progressive movements, and Mr. Wilson is proving himself a worthy representative of this old and respected family. Mr. Wilson was born in the City of Topeka, Kansas, June 28, … Read more

Biography of Joseph C. Merritt

Joseph C. Merritt, chairman of the board of directors of the First National Bank of Chanute, the largest financial institution in Neosho County, is a pioneer Kansan. He came to Iola in 1871, and for a number of years was engaged in the cattle business. His home had been in Chanute since 1878. For more than thirty years, until he sold out in 1909, Mr. Merritt conducted a hardware store at the corner of East Main and Harlan Avenue. As successful merchant, it was only natural that he should participate in other business affairs in the city, and he early … Read more

Biography of Joseph B. Blades, M. D.

Joseph B. Blades, M. D. For a period of twelve years the health and sanitation of Randall, Jewell County, had been safeguarded by the zeal and skill of Dr. Joseph Brewer Blades, whose entire professional career had been passed in this community. He is one of the men who have brought to their honored calling high scholarship, thorough training and equipment and a full realization of the importance and responsibility of their profession, and his professional associates and the public generally have been prompt to testify to his ability and to the value of his services in their midst. Joseph … Read more

Biography of Joseph Allen Fuller

Joseph A. Fuller is clerk of the district court of Greenwood County, with home and offices at Eureka. For a man not yet thirty years of age he had had a great variety of experience, had been a successful teacher, and had also been a participant in the farming and stock raising activities of his home county. His Fuller ancestors came to the colonies in the Mayflower. His grandfather was Joseph Allen Fuller, for whom he was named. The grandfather was born in Illinois, and in 1860 came out to Kansas and was one of the early settlers at Emporia. … Read more

Biography of Joseph A. Wells

Joseph A. Wells was one of the earliest settlers in Neosho County. He moved into that section in March, 1866, less than a year after he was discharged with an honorable record as a soldier of the Union. On April 4, 1866, he took up his claim of a quarter section of land three miles northwest of the townsite of Erie. For over half a century he has been identified with that community. After farming for a year and a half, Mr. Wells sold his claim, and moved to Erie. In the meantime he had been elected to the office … Read more

Biography of Joseph A. Butler

Joseph A. Butler, prominent and well known in local politics in Kansas City, Kansas, had been a factor in the business life of that city for many years and is proprietor of a complete service and equipment as an undertaker at 749-753 Central Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. Mr. Butler had lived in Kansas since he was nine months of age. He was born June 21, 1870, in the City of Cleveland, Ohio. He is the sixth in a family of eight children, all but one still living. Five are in the State of Kansas, one in Missouri and one … Read more

Biography of Jonathan G. Miller

Jonathan G. Miller. Ever since the arrival in Crawford County of William Lewis Miller, in 1872, the members of the family bearing this name have been leading factors in the upbuilding of Mulberry and the surrounding community. They have developed its soil as agriculturists, have advanced its prestige as coal operators, have added impetus to its growth along commercial lines as merchants, have contributed to its financial strength as bankers, and to its character have given strength by a fine type of citizenship. One of the worthy representatives of the family of Jonathan Garrett Miller, banker, merchant, landowner, coal operator … Read more

Biography of Jonas P. Johnson

Jonas P. Johnson. In the life and affairs of Saline County, particularly in the locality around Assaria, the late Jonas P. Johnson played a notable part. He was one of those stanch and true men who have given their chatacter to the community, so that Saline County in its institutions and its moral standards largely reflects the personalities of such men as Mr. Johnson. He had begun life poor, but reached a place where he was surrounded with ample material welfare and bore an influential part in community development. He was born in Sweden March 1, 1849, a son of … Read more

Biography of Johnson S. Williams

Johnson S. Williams is the pioneer of the pioneers. When he arrived he made settlement in what is now Riley County. Besides reclaiming a portion of the land from the wilderness he did other effective work in making Kansas a free state, and afterwards fought for the perpetuation of the Union in the Civil war. Some years ago he retired from active responsibilities, and now resides in comfort at his home at 1203 Colorado Street in Manhattan. He was born in Henry County, Kentucky, October 25, 1834, and is now at his eighty-third birthday. His parents were Hanson N. and … Read more

Biography of Johnathan T. Snyder

Jonathan T. Snyder. One of the old homesteads of Williamsport Township in Shawnee County is that of Jonathan T. Snyder. He had been a resident of Kansas nearly fifty years, and during almost all that time had been continuously devoted to farming and stock raising. At the same time he had borne an infinential part in the affairs of his home community and is one of the highly respected men of that section of Shawnee County. He was born on a farm near Johnsville, in Morrow County, Ohio, August 14, 1845, a son of John and Mary (Held) Snyder, the … Read more

Biography of John Wilson Lauk, M. D.

John Wilson Lauck, M. D. Since 1903 Doctor Lauck had been engaged in his work as a physician and surgeon at Olsburg in Pottawatomie County. During that time Doctor Lauck had become a citizen of prominence in that community. He had done something toward the development of modern farming in that locality and is also a factor in the commercial enterprise of the village. Doctor Lauck is a native of Kansas, having been born in the City of Atchison October 28, 1875. He is of Scotch ancestry and his forefathers came from that country to Maryland in early days. His … Read more

Biography of John Wilson Bogue, Hon.

Hon. John Wilson Bogue. It is not possible for every man to succeed in both business and public life. Each line of endeavor demands certain specific characteristics, and few there are who have so many differentiating ones, or are capable of adapting those which they possess so as to make them eminently fitting for divergent avenues of progress. Conditions in any live community are exacting; they demand much from the citizens of a prosperous and growing city before they are crowned with success. But there are some men who seem possessed in equal degree of the qualities which make for … Read more

Biography of John Wilson

John Wilson. Indelibly interwoven with the early and later history of Leavenworth and one of the great industrial captains of his day, was the late John Wilson, one of the solid men of this city for many years. His life story is interesting from every point of view, not alone because of the great business enterprises he fostered and founded, but also for achievements in other fields where his personality counted and where the life he lived so closely touched others that his memory will long be kept green. Mr. Wilson became a permanent resident and property owner in 1857 … Read more

Biography of John William Wilhoit, M. D.

John William Wilhoit, M. D. For a period of more than thirty years Doctor Wilhoit had quietly and efficiently preformed his services as a doctor at St. George and is the oldest resident physician of that town of Pottawatomie County, one of the oldest established in this part of the state. Doctor Wilhoit is a man of high standing in his profession, with attainments that rank him among the leaders of the profession in the state. Perhaps there are none who will say he had not chosen wisely in spending his career in a country community where the opportunities for … Read more

Biography of John William Wallace

John William Wallace is one of the able and progressive educators in Kansas, now superintendent of schools at Reading. He came to this city from Americus in the fall of 1716. He is a young Kansan by birth and tradition, and had brought to his work as an educator not only thorough training but also a loyal appreciation of this great state and her institutions. He is of Scotch stock, his great-grandfather having come from Scotland to Massachusetts about the time of the Revolutionary war. Later the family settled in Mohawk Valley of New York. Professor Wallace’s father is J. … Read more

Biography of John William Waldron, Rev.

Rev. John William Waldron is well known in a number of towns and cities of Kansas through his active ministerial labors in behalf of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is now living at Galena, where he is pastor of the local church of his denomination. He had spent most of his life in Kansas, and by unusual talents as a preacher and unselfish devotion to his church had become a recognized leader in Methodism in this city. Both he and his people for many generations back are English. His grandfather, John Waldron, spent his life in England and was a … Read more

Biography of John William Moser

John William Moser has been a figure in the commercial life of Meriden, Kansas, for over thirty years. Besides his large mercantile enterprise and the ownership of considerable property Mr. Moser is active in various public and semi-public movements and enterprises of Jefferson County. He was born March 3, 1857, in Georgia Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, in which state his ancestors, the Mosers, have lived since Colonial times, locating there from Germany. His great-grandfather, Abraham Moser, was born in Pennsylvania in 1767 and spent his last years in Georgia Township of Fayette County, where he belonged with the pioneer stock. … Read more

Biography of John William Farrow, M. D.

John William Farrow, M. D. In addition to the service rendered by him as a physician and surgeon, Doctor Farrow had played a conspicuous part in business and other affairs in Elk County. He is president of the Elk Falls State Bank and a stockholder in the Waumega First National Bank. He is one of the principal property owners at Moline, and for fourteen years consecutively he served as a member of the United States Pension Examining Board. He was first appointed by President McKinley and was reappointed by Presidents Roosevelt and Taft. His service on the board terminated in … Read more