Biography of Benjamin M. Custer,

Benjamin M. Custer, of Homer, where he lives retired, is now serving as township supervisor. His main business in life has been farming, and he still owns a fine place in Champaign County, where the family were among the pioneer settlers. Mr. Custer is one of the many men in Champaign County who have won financial independence through the avenue of agriculture. He was born in Vermilion County, Illinois, January 23, 1852, a son of Jacob M. and Elizabeth O. (Ochiltree) Custer. His parents were both natives of Virginia, and they came to Illinois in 1848, locating in Vermilion County. … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Franklin McGath

Benjamin Franklin McGath is one of the old-timers in Champaign County, and has witnessed its growth and development since 1861, the same year that he went out to do service as a Union soldier. He made a creditable record in the army and his entire life has been a record of patriotic devotion and duties worthily and successfully performed. His birth occurred in Vermilion County, Indiana, March 15, 1841. He is the only survivor of a family of ten children, six sons and four daughters, born to William and Nancy (Fannon) McGath. He was the eighth in order of birth. … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Franklin Harris

Benjamin Franklin Harris. Love of land, of peace and industry, cardinal virtues in the lives of men and nations, were ever present influences in the long life of the late B. F. Harris of Champaign County. To say that he left “a good name” as a legacy to his family, is to state only part of the truth. It was a strong name, one that is vital today, and the memory of it has an inspiration to all those who have the resolution and the will to labor in order to secure worthy places in their respective spheres. Without disparaging … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Franklin Harris

Benjamin Franklin Harris, grandson of the late B. F. Harris and son of Henry Hickman Harris, was born on the old Harris farm in Champaign County, where his father was also a native, on September 30, 1868. He had of course liberal advantages during his youth and every incentive to make the best of his personal talents. Besides the common and high schools he attended the University of Illinois 1887 to 1889, and in 1892 was graduated from the law department of Columbia University. The law was only part of his preparation for life, not a profession. He returned home … Read more

Biography of Benjamin C. Paine

Benjamin C. Paine. Among the substantial citizens and large property owners of Champaign County, one who has contributed to his community’s welfare and prestige by his splendid citizenship no less than by the honorable success which he has gained in a material way, is Benjamin C. Paine. Belonging to a family that has been well known in the county for more than sixty years, Mr. Paine has maintained the high reputation borne by the family name and in offices of public trust and responsibility has vindicated the faith and confidence placed in his ability and integrity. Mr. Paine was born … Read more

Biography of Augustus M. Evans

Augustus M. Evans. In the administration of the affairs of county government the duties of few offices are more important than are those of the sheriff. To occupy this position acceptably the incumbent must be a man of unquestioned courage, for even in the most law abiding communities he is frequently called upon to face situations demanding quick, decisive and fearless action; he must possess no inconsiderate amount of detective ability, to be used in the solving of perplexing cases, and he must, withal, be a man of executive ability and force of character in order to inspire respect in … Read more

Biography of Arthur T. Walls

Arthur T. Walls. There are certain lines of business so necessary to the growth, life and comfort of a community that they have become standard, as it were, and fill a stable, definite place in the commercial world. They are solid and dependable and it is not unusual to find a business of this kind descending from father to son, and very often the old established firm name is carefully preserved. Such is the case with W. W. Walls & Company at Champaign, dealers in lumber, building material and coal, the able manager of the concern being Arthur T. Walls, … Read more

Biography of Arthur Sheridan

Arthur Sheridan is one of the live and enterprising real estate men of Champaign, and has been broker and agent for some extensive blocks of central Illinois farm lands and has handled a number of important transactions in that field. He is also well known in local politics and is one of the citizens of Champaign who can be counted upon for effective exertion of public spirited service. Mr. Sheridan was born in Champaign, September 16, 1874, a son of Patrick and Catherine (Sullivan) Sheridan. His father was a native of County Mayo and his mother of County Cork, Ireland. … Read more

Biography of Arthur Robinson Stewart

Arthur Robinson Stewart’s chief work in Champaign County has been as an unusually competent and capable farmer. It is one of the larger and better managed places in Champaign Township where he has put into practice the accumulated wisdom and experience of many years as an agriculturist and stockman. Mr. Stewart and family are well known socially in their country community and also in the city centers of the county. He was born in Ross County, Ohio, July 25, 1855, but in the same year was brought to Champaign County by his parents, Samuel G. and Jane (Evans) Stewart. His … Read more

Biography of Arthur C. Singbusch

Arthur C. Singbusch, now city electrician of Champaign, is a man of thorough technical training and wide experience in his profession, and his proficiency is due to a combination of practical work in various industries and to the advantages afforded by the great technical schools of his native city. Mr. Singbusch was born in Champaign October 13, 1882, a son of August C. and Anna (Wascher) Singbusch. His parents were both born in Germany, the father coming to America when about ten years of age. For twenty-five years August C. Singbusch was in the grocery business at Champaign, though with … Read more

Biography of Archie Ernest Strode

Archie Ernest Strode. One of the important industries of Champaign is the tent and awning business which for a number of years has been carried on by the Strode family. The owner and proprietor of the business at present is Archie Ernest Strode, who gave up his active trade as a boiler maker to take charge of this business at the time of his fathers death. Mr. Strode was born in Bristol, England, May 11, 1879, but was brought to this country when a child of about four years. His parents, George and Elizabeth (Frank) Strode, were both natives of … Read more

Biography of Archibald B. Campbell

Archibald B. Campbell went through a long and thorough apprenticeship in business affairs, at first as a railway employee, afterwards as a newspaper editor and publisher, later as postmaster, and for a number of years before his death as a banker at Tolono, where he was one of the effective leaders in business and civic affairs. Mr. Campbell was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, August 4, 1870, a son of Archibald B. and Christina (Stewart) Campbell. His parents were both natives of the bonny land of Scotland. The father followed the business of contracting for the laying out of estates. He … Read more

Biography of Antony H. Blue

Antony H. Blue. The poet who said, “Sweet are the uses of adversity,” had a true understanding of life’s meaning, since it is true that those are happiest who have lived most and have had experiences in which the sweet and the bitter have been mingled. It is the prosperity and contentment won by years of faithful toil, self-sacrifice and economy that Mr. and Mrs. Antony H. Blue enjoy in their beautiful home south of Thomasboro. Mr. and Mrs. Blue have lived in Champaign County since 1870. Years have brought their honest endeavors a full reward and besides their material … Read more

Biography of Anthony Coyle

Anthony Coyle

Anthony Coyle. With the lengthening perspective of years more and more honor is paid the participants in that struggle by which the Union was preserved and the liberty of all men assured in the United States. Only a handful of the survivors of this great struggle remain as a reminder to patriotism in Champaign County. Those who are familiar with his career say that Anthony Coyle was one of the bravest men Champaign County sent into the war. Mr. Coyle, after a life of honorable effort and service, is now enjoying the comforts of a pleasant country home a half … Read more

Biography of Andrew, Scott Rev.

Rev. Andrew Scott. The qualities of real manhood and the power of leadership were never in greater demand in church work than today. The clergy have always been men of education and of fine moral standing, and with these qualities the successful pastor must now combine the spiritual enthusiasm and some of the same enterprise and energy which are such vital assets in the business world. A better type of this modern minister Champaign County does not have than in the case of Rev. Mr. Scott, pastor of the Christian Church at Fisher. Mr. Scott is a man of letters, … Read more

Biography of Andrew Tornquist

Andrew Tornquist when he came to America from his native Sweden in 1879 had as his equipment some experience in mechanical trades and also as a farmer. Otherwise his capital was extremely limited. An earnest purpose, hard work, and that wisdom that comes with experience, have put him far ahead in the game of life, and while he is not wealthy as wealth is understood at the present time he is financially independent and for all that he has he has given an adequate reward in service and practical value to the communities where he has lived. Mr. Tornquist was … Read more

Biography of Andrew Ekblaw

Andrew Ekblaw. For forty-one years Andrew Ekblaw has been a resident of Champaign County. The management and cultivation of the land and its resources have furnished him an occupation and business, and as a practical agriculturist he has few peers in this part of the state. Mr. Ekblaw was born in Sweden in 1854, a son of Johannes and Charlotte Ekblaw. He was reared and educated in his native land and was eighteen years of age when with other members of the family he came to America in 1872. The Ekblaws first located near Springfield, at New Berlin. There were … Read more

Biography of Amos Elliott

Amos Elliott has had his home in Champaign County fifty-four years, grew to manhood here, and his active life has been one of unremitting industry and capable management as a farmer. His home is in Ogden Township on Rural Route 15 out of St. Joseph. His birth occurred at Rushsylvania in Logan County, Ohio, January 9, 1851. His parents were Moses and Mary (Bonner) Elliott, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Ohio. The Elliott family came to Illinois in 1860, lived in Coles County a time, but in April, 1863, while the Civil War was at … Read more

Biography of Ambrose W. Strong,

Ambrose W. Strong, who is spending the quiet years of his retirement in a beautiful home at 706 Main Street in Urbana, is one of the few men now living whose recollections go back in Champaign County for nearly eighty years. Though not a native of the county Mr. Strong came here in early infancy and as a boy he knew many of the first settlers and his own life has been closely identified with those changing developments which have transformed this part of the state into a garden spot of the world. Mr. Strong was born in Hancock County, … Read more

Biography of Alvin E. Huckins

Alvin E. Huckins is head of the leading clay products business of Champaign County. A mechanical engineer by profession, Mr. Huckins has been identified with several large industrial corporations in the United States, and now gives his time and energies to a plant at Urbana which is capable of turning out any form or class of product from clay. It is a big business, and Mr. Huckins is considered one of the big business men of this community. He was born in Chicago, July 31, 1884, and as a young man made his way through difficulties to success. His parents, … Read more