Muster Out Roll of 7th Michigan Cavalry – Company F

Stephen B. Mann, Capt. James L. Carpenter, Capt. James L. Carpenter, 1st Lieut. Asa B. Isham, 1st Lieut. Winchester T. Dodge, George Ferris, 2nd Lieut. Charles Lyon, 2nd Lieut. Charles Lyon, 2nd Lieut. Almer Warner, 1st Lieut. William Phelps, Sergt. Irving Rose, Sergt. Harmon Smith, Sergt. Peter C. DeGraff, Sergt. Jasper Braden, Sergt. Asmas Hanson, Sergt. Alvin P. Russell, Corp. Porter Brown, Bugler. Austin George N., Farrier. Curry, James A. Dopp, Charles Dorman, Henry Duff, Norman Fish, John B. Goodno, Francis H. Green, John Hogan, John Hurd, John M. Hurd, Lysander D. Jessup, Charles H. Keyes, James G. Kimmerly, Levi … Read more

Muster Out Roll of 7th Michigan Cavalry – Company E

Wellington Willits, Capt. George W. McCormick, Capt. John A. Clark, 1st Lieut. William H. Fisher, 1st Lieut. Henry Canfield, 1st Lieut. Roswell Holmes, 2nd Lieut. Henry Canfield, 2nd Lieut. Albert Crane, Sergt. Allen B. Hanson, Sergt. Harvey Hyde, Sergt. Rufus I. Neal, Sergt. Daniel O. Vaughn, Sergt. David Genney, Sergt. Bateman, Byron C. Baldwin, Henry Baird, Erastus Bennett, Norman Blane, Amon Casady, John Colstock, Alfred Ebberly, Samuel Finch, Robert Gillett, Charles H. Gordon, John A. Greenleaf, Joseph Hanson, William H. Hendrick, Jacob D. Hopkins, Horace House, Barnum B. Isham, Almond H. Johnson, Francis Jones, James K. Kemp, Arthur Kitchen, Aaron … Read more

Muster Out Roll of 7th Michigan Cavalry – Company D

George A. Armstrong, Capt. James G. Birney, Capt. John Q. A. Sessions, 1st Lieut. Daniel W. Littlefield, 2nd Lieut. Edwin Knight., 2nd Lieut. Erastus B. Crocker, 2nd Lieut. Vincent H. Bowles, 2nd Lieut. Henry Nevins, 2nd Lieut. Henry F. Thomas, Sergt. Albert Shotwell, Sergt. Hiram J. Covey, Sergt. John Mitchel, Sergt. Isaac Wilcox, Sergt. Martin Karcher, Sergt. Charles Holmes, Sergt. Andrew Pray, Sergt. Levi M. Hill, Corp. Lewis S. Goshorn, Corp. Hartland Hobert John M. Fordham William Drier Adelbert Kent Michael V. Hammell George I. Hale Levant C. DeWolf Elijah A. Preston Joseph W. Reed William H. Pollard Bingham Benjamin … Read more

Muster Out Roll of 7th Michigan Cavalry – Company C

Daniel H. Darling, Capt. Joseph J. Newman, Capt. John H. Hamlin, Capt. Bradley M. Thompson, 1st Lieut. Robert Sproul, 1st Lieut. George W. McCormick, 1st Lieut. Erastus B. Crocker, 1st Lieut. James G. Birney, 2nd Lieut. Charles M. Holton, 2nd Lieut. William H. Carpenter, 2nd Lieut. William J. Cameron, Sergt. William Van Voorhees, Sergt. James Smith, Sergt. Joseph Rayne, Sergt. Hiram Bentley, Sergt. Joshua Tharrett, Sergt. Gilbert B. Munro, Sergt. Preston Honsinger, Sergt. Nelson B. Sherman, Corp. Peter Gross, Corp. Francis M. Dunton, Corp. Bryant Rudd, Corp. Henry Austin, Corp. Timotey B. Gallagher, Wagoner Philander Towser, Saddler Aharan, Martin Banks, … Read more

Muster Out Roll of 7th Michigan Cavalry – Company B

Linus F. Warner, Capt. Rolla Glover, Capt. Elliot Gray, 1st Lieut. James C. Boughton, 2nd Lieut. George W. Stoneburner, 2nd Lieut. Phillip Dillingham, Sergt. Albert McLouth, Sergt. Orford John, Sergt. David L. Gould, Sergt. Kellogg B. Martindale, Sergt. Edward House, Corp. George H. Heddon,Corp. Norman H. Badger, Corp. William Millson, Corp. Rogers Pane, Corp. Hiram Tutzel, Blacksmith. Barney James, Bugler. Arbor, James M.% 9 Reno, Daniel Butler, Jonah M.% 9 Stevenson, Charles Cornell, Milton. A.% 9 Schmul, Albert Carouth, William% 9 Smith, Elizah Childs, Nathan% 9 Twitchell, Charles Champlin, Sylvester% 9 Toms, Oscar M. Conley, James% 9 Towns, Jesse Cobb, … Read more

Muster Out Roll of 7th Michigan Cavalry – Company A

Alexander Walker, Capt. W. H. Fisher, Capt. George G. Briggs, 1st Lieut. James B. Loomis, 1st Lieut. G. E. Smith, 1st Lieut. Franklin P. Nichols, 2nd Lieut. Calyin C. House, 2nd Lieut. Henry L. Anthony, Sergt. William G. Graham, Sergt. William H. H. Knight, Sergt. Marshall Bellinger, Sergt. Albert E. Cains, Sergt. Gilbert C. Perine, Sergt. Nelson Bennett, Corp. Ray T. Streeter, Corp. Charles Cook, Corp. James Edwards, Corp. John H. Stead, Corp. Oscar I. Hunt, Corp. G. W. Vosburgh, Farrier. Alexander E. McNeal, Blacksmith. Peter Horsch, Bugler W. D. Davis, Wagoner Allen, Henry Armstrong, William J. Fish, Putman M. … Read more

Muster Out Roll of 7th Michigan Cavalry – Un-Assigned Seventh Cavalry

Anderson, Henry Aldrich, Stephen L. Avery, Charles Ackley, Albert J. Alexander, Richard Armstrong, James W. Annabel, Edwin Backus, Jacob Bagley, Charles H. Baker, Henry C. Bremant, Norman Bishop, Charles E. Brown, John W. Burham, William Bostie, George Calkins, John Casside, Michael Loomis, Amos Lestie, Edward Leiseneing, Oscar Lee, William McRidenan, John Miller, Carl Metley, George McDonald, Stephen Mooney, John Meade, Philander Ogden, Edmund Ormsby, Reuben W. Orden, William C. Phillips, Charles Phillips, Ira H. Potter, John M. Payne, Jacob Casey John Cobb, William H. Clark, James Coates, Lewis B. Choate, Rodney W. Coffman, John Carmichael, Daniel Chatfield, Asahel C. Champlain, … Read more

History of the 7th Michigan Cavalry

Seventh Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry - title page

The 7th Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry was an cavalry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. It was a part of the famed Michigan Brigade, commanded for a time by Brigadier General George Armstrong Custer.

Battles of the 7th Michigan Cavalry

Participated during the Civil War. 1. Hanover, Virginia, June 30, 1863. 2. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July. 3, 1863. 3. Hagerstown, Maryland, July 6, 1863. 4. Boonsborough, Maryland, July 8, 1863. 5. Falling Waters, Maryland, July 14, 1863. 6. Culpepper, C. H., Virginia. September 14,1863. 7. Brandy Station, Virginia, October 11, 1863. 8. Buckland Mills, October 19, 1863. 9. Richmond, Virginia, March 1, 1864. 10. Wilderness, Virginia. May 6-7, 1864. 11. Yellow Tavern, Virginia, May 10-11, 1864. 12. Hawe’s Shop, Virginia, May 28, 1864. 13. Coal Harbor. Virginia, May 30, 1864. 14. Travillian Station; June 11-12, 1864. 15. Front Royal, Virginia, August … Read more

Articles of Association of The 7th Michigan Cavalry

Whereas, we surviving members of the 7th Michigan Cavalry Volunteers, desiring to establish an organization for the purpose of preserving the friendship formed while defending our country against armed rebellion and treason, and to honor the cause for which we fought and the memory of our comrades who gave their lives that our nation might live, do, there-fore, adopt the following Articles of Association: 1st. This organization shall be known as the Association of the 7th Michigan Cavalry, and all persons who have been honorably discharged from this Regiment, shall be considered members by signing the Articles of Association, and … Read more