1894 Michigan State Census – Antrim County

The following data is extracted from 1894 Michigan State Census. United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Antrim County. Banks Township Wm. H. Blow, Daniel Flanagan, Sylvester Brown, George 0. Glazier. John Sprick. Amasa Hartwell, John Levene, Wm. Greenman, James Arnold, Oscar H. Whitney, Harvey P. Wing, Joseph Washer, Amos Richardson, Burr Lewis. Charles Flanagan, Edw. Skinner, Gilbert M. Randall, William Blissett. Fred Ladue, William Burns, Fredric L. Church, Lewis Deline, Russell T. Sleeper, [Gilbert Bently, Geo. Fuller]. Central Lake Township Jesse Lambert, Nelson W. … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Alpena County

The following data is extracted from 1894 Michigan State Census. United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Alpena County. Alpena Township A. Trakey, David Kitterick, William Hamilton, Charles H. Beneway, James Talmie, John D. Sheahy, Joseph Rasicho, Louis Van Sipe, Sen., C. R. Taylor, Edward H. Sine, Charles H. Davis, L. 0 Bradbury, William H. White, Conrad Wessel, James Trodden. Green Township Horatio A. Green, Warner Welsworth, Charles Kimball, James Kimball, Thomas McDowell, John P. Wintworth, George W. Rose, James N ouland, Samuel T. Nichols, … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Alger County

The following data is extracted from 1894 Michigan State Census. United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Alger County. Autrain Township Casper Kuhn. Jas. S. Knowlton, Wm. Greenwood, Edw. Parrett, E. Reffrushinni. Burt Township Jas. Jones, Sam’l Martin. Jas. Rountree, Peter P. Pine. Mathias Township Hubert Weber, Peter Miser. Jno. C. Carney, Francis 0. Dougherty. Munising Township W. J. Hammond. Julius Gogarn. Josiah Clark, Earl D. Pattee, J.M. Carr. Onota Township Andrew Dickinson. Allegan Township Edward Amsden, Fred Lichti, Lewis Blaisdell, Albert Wetmore, Charles T. … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Alcona County

The following data is extracted from 1894 Michigan State Census. United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Alcona County Alcona Township Sam’l Savers, Wm. Clearwater, Wm. Spoon, Jas. Moore, Dan’l Hecox, Wm. Bickford, Chas. H. Stafford, Jas. H. Harrison. Caledonia Township Nathan II. Gorsuch, Jno. Nelson, Jno. Bougie. Curtis Township Wm. H. Deacon, Elijah Deacon, Jno. C. Pelton, Jos. Bell, Wm. P. Blake, Peter Simons. Robt. Goodfellow. Greenbush Township Geo. A. Joslyn, Geo. H. Stevens, Silas Coon, David A. Monroe, Sam’l L. Govro, Wesley Hess, … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census

1894 Thornapple Barry County Michigan Sample Census Image

If you had an ancestor residing in Michigan during 1894 then you may have the chance to fill some of that census gap by using the 1894 state census of Michigan, of which parts are available online for free.