Biography of Charles S. Browning

CHARLES S. BROWNING-A successful druggist of Ludlow for nearly a half century, Charles S. Browning is also treasurer of that town and one of its prominent citizens. He is a banker, and active in all important public affairs. Charles S. Browning was born in Chicopee, July 7, 1854 the son of John C. and Joanna (Peck) Browning, both natives of Colerain, Franklin County, Massachusetts. Charles S. Browning was educated in the public schools of Chicopee. When he was sixteen years old he entered the employ of his brothers, A. W. and L. C. Browning, druggists, at Windsor Locks, Hartford County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Marks

William R. Marks, who has for many years been connected with the commercial interests of Yates and Ontario counties, New York, and has held numerous public offices, is descended from the early settlers in Connecticut. (I) William Marks, grandfather of William R. Marks, was born in Burlington, Connecticut. He was an influential member of the community in which he lived. Served as a member of the legislature of Connecticut, both houses; was a justice of the peace for a period of forty years; and was prominently identified with church and Masonic affairs. He married Polly Roberts, of Burlington.

Biographical Sketch of William Marks

(II) William (2), son of William (1) and Polly (Roberts) Marks. was born in Connecticut, and migrated to New York. where he was a merchant and farmer for many years at Naples, Ontario county. He married Emily Holcomb.

Biographical Sketch of Simeon Hayes

(IV) Simeon, son of Captain Samuel (2) and Rosanna (Holcombe) Hayes, was born in Simsbury, February 17, 1768, or January 17, 1769, and died in Plattsburgh, New York, August 18, 1841. In , 806 he removed from his native state to Plattsburgh, where he engaged in farming and also turned his attention to mechanical pursuits. He was a mechanical genius and an inventor, and at different times worked at wagon-making, shoemaking and coopering. Above all he was a man of unsullied integrity and deep religious principle. He married (first), March 22, 1790, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Israel Holly, a Congregational … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Carpenter

(XI) John (5), son of William (4) Carpenter, was born in England about 1628, died May 23, 1695. He came from England with his father, and when about seventeen went to Connecticut. For several years he lived in different towns in the latter state, and worked at his trade as carpenter. He was in Stratford, Connecticut, in 1646, and in 1660 bought land in Hempstead, Long Island. He was chosen townsman of Hempstead in 1663, and was made freeman of the state of Connecticut, May, 1664. He bought land in Jamaica, Long Island, in 1665. In 1673 he was made … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Carpenter

(XII) John (6), son of John (5) Carpenter, was born in Connecticut, in 1658. His will was proved July 30, 1732. He lived in Jamaica, and took the oath as captain of troops there, November 22, 1703. He married Mary – . Children; born at Jamaica: Nehemiah, about 1685; John, about 1685; Solomon, about 1685; Joseph, about 1687; Increase, about 1688, mentioned elsewhere; Mary; Hannah; Susanna; Phebe.

Biographical Sketch of Barnabas Horton

(I) Barnabas Horton, immigrant ancestor, is supposed to have been the son of Joseph Hotrod, of Mousely, Leicester county, England, and was born there, July 13, 1600. He emigrated to America id the ship “Swallow,” Captain Jeremy Hotrod, master and owner, in 1635 or 1638, and landed at Hampton, Massachusetts. He removed to New Haven in 1640, with his wife, Mary, and two children, Joseph and Benjamin. He settled permanently in Southold, Suffolk county, New York, October, 1640. Children, the first two born in England, the others in Southold: Joseph, about 1632; Benjamin, about 1634; Caleb, about 1640, mentioned elsewhere; … Read more

Biography of Lieutenant Joseph Kellogg

(I) Lieutenant Joseph Kellogg was born in Great Leigh, England, April 1, 1626, and died in 1707. The immigrant ancestor of the family, he at first settled at Farmington, Connecticut, where he was living in 1651. He removed to Boston in 1675, and thence to Hadley, where he had charge of the ferry between Hadley and Northampton, and kept a tavern, and he and his sons had land grants in Hadley. He was a sergeant of militia and was in command of the Hadley troops in the famous Turners Falls Fight at the time of the King Philip War, May … Read more

Biography of Joseph Raymond Hampson

JOSEPH RAYMOND HAMPSON – The work in which Joseph Raymond Hampson is engaged is eminently vital and important to the welfare of the people and the progress of the civic body. Mr. Hampson has had wide experience in this general field and has executed many large and important contracts, both for private individuals and for the United States Government. His outstanding success in these various achievements has given his name unusual recognition for a man still looking forward to many years of useful and progressive activity. He is a son of Louis and Viola (Lasher) Hampson, former residents of New … Read more

Biography of Charles Hulbert Wilson

CHARLES HULBERT WILSON – A man of character who has had a thorough business training under the tutelage of his able father is Charles H. Wilson, of Pittsfield. From the time ha entered his father’s woolen manufactory he has shown ability and a liking for his work and has risen rapidly from one position to another until he is now shouldering the responsibilities of the offices of treasurer and vice-president. The concern is now doing business under the title of James & E. H. Wilson, Inc., and are manufacturers of woolen materials (for details of the business see biography of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Albion Perkins

Treasurer of the Perkins Appliance Company, Inc., of Springfield, Massachusetts, and one of Springfield’s representative business men, he is a brother of Julian L. Perkins. James Albion Perkins engaged in the lumbering business when his school days were over, and operated sawmills in Blanford, Williamsburg, and Goshen, Massachusetts. When he attained his majority, however, James Albion decided to make a change and went to Hartford, Connecticut, where for a time he was engaged in photo-engraving. He came to Springfield and entered the employ of the Springfield Photo-Engraving Company; but after a time he transferred his association to the Phelps Publishing … Read more

Biography of Robert W. Adam

ROBERT W. ADAM – No name in Western Massachusetts represents more faithful service to the people or more honorable activities in a position of large trust than does that of the late Robert W. Adam, of Pittsfield, who served as treasurer of the Berkshire County Savings Bank for a period of forty-six years. This man of brilliant mentality and devoted spirit was one of the most accessible men of his time, always meeting rich or poor alike with the cordiality of the true brother of mankind, while at the same time his courtly manner and distinguished presence marked him as … Read more

Biography of Frank Lyman Gold

FRANK LYMAN GOLD-A man of wide and varied activities, each of which he has carried on successfully after he had gained full knowledge of the field of business into which he was entering, the story of Frank Lyman Gold is full of interest. (I) He belongs to a notable old New England family, whose founder was Joseph Gold, born in London, England, who came to America when he was nineteen years old. According to family records, he served for seven years in the Revolutionary War, lived for a time in Northbury, Connecticut, and died in Roxbury, Vermont, in 1829. He … Read more

Biography of Rev. Linville J. Hall

For over half a century the Rev. Linville J. Hall devoted himself to bringing spiritual consolation to the soul-weary and those fearful of the after-life, for he was blessed with unusual sweetness of spirit and tactful sympathy. At the same time he was effective in the more militant side of a minister’s duties, in condemning evil stirringly and fearlessly wherever he found it, in offering a constructive life program, and in demonstrating by his own life all his preachments. His ministerial activities carried him to many localities throughout the United States, but his last years were passed in his native … Read more

Biography of Delos Thomas Pepin

For thirty years the Pepin family has maintained in Easthampton, Massachusetts, one of the largest and most energetic lumber businesses in that section of the State, a business now incorporated and under the able management of Delos Thomas Pepin, president, treasurer and general manager of the D. T. Pepin Lumber Company, Inc. The company has done much to build up the town of Easthampton, inspired always by the ideal of service and beauty. Some of the largest and most attractive public and private buildings in town were erected by Mr. Pepin and his associates. The father and grandfather of Delos … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A.C. Stevenson

Treasurer of the Springfield Tool Company, he is one of the younger generation of able business executives in the manufacturing center of New England. He was born May 7, 1892, the son of John Stevenson, Jr., a native of Glasgow, Scotland; and of Elizabeth (Carter) Stevenson, born in Virginia. Mr. Stevenson’s birthplace was Sharon, Pennsylvania, where he attended the public schools and a private school. This was followed by the preparatory course at St. Paul’s School, Concord, New Hampshire. He entered Yale University and was graduated in 1913 with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He engaged in the business … Read more

Biography of Hugh Cardinal Crawford

President, secretary and manager of the Springfield Tool Company, was born in Stafford, Connecticut, in 1893, the son of Herbert Merrill and Jennie (Cardinal) Crawford. The name of Crawford, represented in the United States and Canada by many men who have been conspicuous in almost every field of human endeavor, is of Scotch origin. wherever found, and although some of the immigrant ancestors of the name came to this country from the North of Ireland, and were of Scotch-Irish descent, the name was derived directly from Scotland. (I) John Crawford was the immigrant ancestor of the branch of the family … Read more

Biography of Chauncey P. Williams

CHAUNCEY P. WILLIAMS AMONG the noted men of Albany Chauncey P. Williams stands in the front rank as a banker and financier. He is a native of Connecticut – a state which has furnished so many of the enterprising pioneers of our own and other states of the Union. He was born at Upper Middletown (now Cromwell), Conn., on the 5th of March, 1817, the son of Josiah and Charity Shaler Williams. His early years were spent upon his father’s farm, where in summer his physical powers were trained to healthful development by the labors of the farm, and his … Read more

Biography of Zerah S. Westbrook

ZERAH S. WESTBROOK HON. Zera S. Westbrook, the present deputy comptroller of the state of New York, has an interesting and instructive history. As a state official he is at this time a temporary resident of Albany, his residence and home being at Amsterdam, N. Y. His career is one which illustrates in a striking manner, the rise, progress and development of a character such as only can be found in a land of free institutions, without the aid of the wealthy, titled, so called nobility. As will be seen in a brief review of his life, he has already … Read more

Biography of William L. Learned

WILLIAM L. LEARNED AN ALBANY jurist whose long and interesting career has reflected no little credit upon himself as well as upon the city of his adoption, is the Hon. William Law Learned, of the supreme court. He was born on the 24th of July, 1821, at New London, Connecticut, and is the son of Ebenezer Learned and Lydia Coit, his second wife. His ancestry is of English origin. His ancestors emigrated to this country at an early day, and settled in Charlestown, Mass. The first admission to the First church of Charlestown was that of his ancestor, William Learned, … Read more