Biography of Captain Alfred M. Parker

Captain Alfred M. Parker is a lineal descendant of Captain John Parker, who commanded a detachment of colonial troops at the eventful battle of Lexington during the war of the revolution. Among the children of his son Eben, who resided in Boston, was John, also a resident of the same city, who married Rebecca Young of Boston. Their children are: Horace B., a member of the firm of Parker, Holmes & Co., of Boston; Alfred M.., and two daughters, Isabella L., wife of George J. Tufts, and Ella J.

Alfred M. Parker was born October 26th, 1852, in Boston, where he resided until the age of twelve, meanwhile attending the public schools and laying the foundation for a substantial elementary education. The three succeeding years were spent in Medford, after which he removed to St. Louis, to familiarize himself with the boot and shoe trade. The firm with which he engaged managed two stores, and Captain Parker was connected in turn with both, finally transferring his relations to the more important, in which he was chief accountant. After a business connection of six years with this firm, he returned to Boston, and became travelling salesman for Messrs. Batchelder & Lincoln, a prominent wholesale boot and shoe house of that city. This engagement continued for a period of four years, when Putnam became his home. Here he purchased the business of Messrs. Houghton & Crandall, boot and shoe dealers, and has since that date been actively interested in this branch of trade. Under his judicious management the sales have largely increased, a wholesale and jobbing department having been added to the retail branch of the business.

Captain Parker has, since his settlement in Putnam; been identified with its improvement, and interested himself in the various projects having for their object the welfare of the community. He was a director and one of the original promoters of the Electric Light Company, and was chiefly instrumental in the erection of a drinking fountain in the center of the village. He is an active Mason, and senior warden of Quinebaug Lodge, F. & A. M. Of Putnam Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, he has been for two years the high priest. For four years Captain Parker has held the position of second lieutenant of Company G, Third regiment, Connecticut National Guards, located in Putnam, and received .promotion to the. office of aide-de-camp, with the rank of captain, on the staff of General Charles P. Graham, brigadier general, commanding the Connecticut National Guards. This promotion was the result of merit, so that he may be said in truth to have won his spurs, and with them the approbation and esteem of his commanding general.

Captain Parker is accustomed to seek relaxation from the cares of an increasing business in a hunting and fishing trip on the coast of Florida during the winter months. his own convenient and attractive yacht contributing greatly to this pleasure. He was married to Miss Anne M. Howard, of Bath, Me., who died in March, 1885.



Windham County CT,

History of Windham County, Connecticut, Bayles, Richard M.; New York: W.W. Preston, 1889. Additions and corrections © by

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