Biography of Albert Hutchison

ALBERT HUTCHISON. In the person of the subject of this sketch we have a living exemplification of the principles of success as wrought out by genuine industry and worth, having come to this county with but little of this world’s goods. Mr. Hutchison has here taken hold with his hands and his wise manipulation of resources that came before him, has placed him among the leading property owners of the county and his energy and enterprise, together with stanch integrity, have won for him the esteem and encomiums of his fellows, while the substantial proofs of the labor and care bestowed by him are encouraging to the younger men who may be starting in life’s battle for themselves.

To Samuel and Elizabeth (Moore) Hutchison, on October 6, 1859, was born in Fulton county, Illinois, a son, Albert. The father responded to the call of patriotism and gave his life in the defense of his country and sleeps in the grave of the honored and brave men who gave back to us at the cost of their blood the Union safe and without dismemberment. In 1864, the mother with her four little children removed to the Cumberland valley in Pennsylvania and remained for fourteen years when they migrated to Ellsworth county, Kansas, whence later our subject went to Custer county, Colorado, and in 1882 he came with teams to the Powder valley. He immediately went to work for the stockmen and at that business and on the farm he continued to labor with unremitting vigor for twelve years, when his thrift and economy had enabled him to lay by sufficient funds to purchase a fine farm, which he did, the estate lying three miles southwest from North Powder and consisting of two hundred and forty acres. It is well improved and since purchasing he has erected a fine large barn and an elegant modern dwelling. He is skilled in raising the fruits of the soil and in handling stock, both of which industries he prosecutes at the present time. He owns some fine cattle and horses and his farm is a picture of neatness and thrift, enterprise and progression being in evidence in every part.

On November 27, 1898, Mr. Hutchison married Miss Anna, daughter of John and Elizabeth Henderson, of Baker county, and to them have been born Myrtle E. and Ralph A. Fraternally Mr. Hutchison is associated with the Woodmen of the World at North Powder where he is esteemed and held in repute, and he is considered by all as one of the most progressive and leading agriculturists of the county and his painstaking labors and wise management have surely augmented the wealth of the county in no small degree, while the mead of his endeavors is evident in his substantial holdings.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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