Virginia Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Virginia county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing.
Roanoke City
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Roanoke City, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Rockbridge County
Hosted by Allen County Public Library
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Rockbridge County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Rockingham County
Hosted by Allen County Public Library
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Rockingham County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Russell County
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Russell County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Salem City
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Salem (City) County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Scott County
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Scott County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Shenandoah County
Hosted by Allen County Public Library
Following Cemeteries (hosted at Shenandoah County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Smyth County
Southampton County
Spotsylvania County
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Spotsylvania County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Stafford County
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Stafford County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Staunton City
Suffolk City
Surry County
Sussex County
Tazewell County
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Tazewell County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Virginia Beach City
Warren County
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Warren County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Washington County
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Washington County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Waynesboro City
Westmoreland County
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Westmoreland County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Williamsburg City
Winchester City
Wise County
Tombstone Inscriptions from Relocated Cemeteries
The dam impounding North Fork of Pound Reservoir is located on North Fork of Pound River, a distance of 184 miles above the mouth of Big Sandy River and 1.1 miles above the mouth of North Fork in Wise County, Virginia. Construction of the dam started in 1962. Cemetaries located above the dam, and in the impoundment areas were relocated to sites above the pool elevation subject to the desires of the nearest of kin. Data on these removals are included here. The nearest of kin living at the time of grave removal is indicated in each case. Cemeteries Relocated:
- Cane Patch Cemetery
- Cantrell Cemetery
- Church Cemetery
- Joe Short Cemetery
- Maynard Cemetery
- Mullins Cemetery
- Rutherford Cemetery
Following Cemeteries (hosted at Wise County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
Wise County Historical Inventory: family burying grounds
Record gives location of cemetery and in most cases inscriptions from tombstones in the cemetery. In some cases, only the oldest stones are listed. A history of the cemetery and notes on those buried there is given for most graveyards. This microfilm must be viewed at a local Family History center (FHC).
Alexander Hall Cemetery
Allen Powers Cemetery
Bad John Wright Cemetery
Baker Cemetery
Basil Mullins Cemetery
Billy Addington Cemetery
Billy Bond Cemetery
Billy Dotson Cemetery
Blaine Roberson Cemetery
Bobby Beverly Cemetery
Bolling Cemetery
Bond Cemetery
Brownlow Powers Cemetery
Charlie Gibson Cemetery
Church Cemetery
Clark Cemetery
Daniel Boggs Cemetery
Daniel Dotson Cemetery
Daniel Hoge Cemetery
Dave Lipps Cemetery
David Byrnes Cemetery
Doctor Haddon Cemetery
Doctor John Hillman Cemetery
Dotson Cemetery
Elbert Cantrell Cemetery
Eli Mullins Cemetery
Ellis Dean Cemetery
George Buchanan Cemetery
George Snodgrass Cemetery
George Wampler Cemetery
Gilliam Cemetery
Graville Carter Cemetery
Gray Cemetery
Hamilton Cemetery
Hamilton Cemetery, Esserville
Henry Hill Cemetery
Hillman Cemetery
Hozy John Bolling Cemetery
Ira Gilliam Cemetery
Isham Cox Cemetery
Isham Hall Cemetery
Jesse Austin Cemetery
Jill Hill Cemetery
Jim Baker Cemetery
Jim Black Gilley Cemetery
Jim Boy Bryand Cemetery
Jim Powers Cemetery
Jim Roberson Cemetery
Jim Venters Cemetery
Jimmie Cantrell Cemetery
Jinnie Cantrell Cemetery
Joe Stallard Cemetery
Joel Beveraly Cemetery
John Renfro Cemetery
John Stallard Cemetery
Kilbourn Cemetery
Levi Cantrell Cemetery
Lone grave [Milburn Boggs]
Lonesome Lige Mullins Cemetery
Mart Branham Cemetery
Mart Wright Cemetery
Mullens Cemetery
Needlehead John Bolling Cemetery
Nelce Hamilton Cemetery
Newt Mills Cemetery
Nicholas Horne Cemetery
Noah Mullins Cemetery
old Uncle Johnny Gilliam Cemetery
Rafe Kilgore Cemetery
Roberson Cemetery, Pound, Va.
Robinson Cemetery
Shurd Mullins Cemetery
Soward Cemetery
Spence Branham Cemetery
Standifer Cemetery
Three little graves
Vanover Cemetery
Wells Cemetery, Esserville, Va. (only those with birth dates before 1800 included)
Wick Nash Cemetery
Will Roberts Cemetery
William McNiel Cemetery
Win Wells Cemetery
Winn Wells Cemetery
Wise Cemetery, Wise, Wise, Va.
Wythe County
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
Wythe County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)
York County
Following Cemeteries (hosted at
York County, Virginia Tombstone Transcription Project)