Wm. Fraser, D.D., McLennan’s Brook; Died 1892. Dr. Fraser was born at McLennan’s Brook, May 19, 1808. He received his academic and theological education at Pictou Academy of which Dr. McCulloch was then the head. At the age of twenty-six he was sent as a missionary to Upper Canada, and a year later, was settled at Bond Head, Ontario, his first and only pastorate. Here he labored most faithfully for forty-six years until his retirement in 1881 when he removed to Barrie.
He was active in educational work; an earnest advocate of temperance and always a close attendant on church courts. In 1851 he was appointed clerk of the U. P. Synod; at the union of 1861 to the Joint Clerkship of the Canada Presbyterian Synod; and in 1875, to the Joint Clerkship of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. He continued in this office until 1892, in his 85th year.
Dr. Fraser was a man of calm, judicial spirit, excellent business qualities, unvarying industry and punctuality and always in perfect health till his latest years. He died on Christmas day, 1892. He was thrice married. In 1834 to Jane Geddie, sister of the Rev. John Geddie, by whom he had three children. Second, to Nancy McCurdy of Onslow, N. S., in 1844. Three sons of this marriage were Rev. J. B. Fraser, M. D., Annan, Ont., Rev. R. Douglas Fraser, D.D., Editor and Business Manager, Presbyterian Publications, Toronto; and W. H. Fraser, M.A., Professor of Spanish and Italian, University of Toronto. Miss Jane Wells Fraser, daughter of the Rev. R. D. Fraser, D.D., is assistant editor of the Presbyterian Publications.
Third, he married Maria James Nicholas of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and the children of this marriage were: George A. H. Fraser, M.A., Barrister, Denver, Colorado; and Miss Emma M. N. Fraser, M.A., Ph.D., Wheaton College, Norton, Mass.
Simon Fraser, McLennan’s Brook; Died 1912. He was a son of Alexander Fraser and Margaret Campbell, daughter of Alexander Campbell, Elder, McLennan’s Brook. He was a graduate of Free Church College, Halifax. He settled in New Brunswick for some time, but went to Texas where he spent the remainder of his ministry. He died in the seventy-eighth year of his age.
Alexander Campbell, McLennan’s Brook; Died 1908. He was born in 1855. His first pastorate was at Noel, 1887; the second, Merigomish, 1892. He died in the 53d year of his age. His death came most unexpectedly. Having gone to Noel to attend the funeral of a loyal supporter of the Presbyterian Church, he was stricken while in the pulpit, and in a short time passed away in the same pulpit in which he began his ministry.
“How beautiful it is for man to die,
Upon the walls of Zion! To be called
Like a watch worn and weary sentinel
To put his armour off and rest in heaven.”
Wm. Mchardy, McLennan’s Brook. Died while preparing for the ministry.
John F. Forbes, Blue Mountain; Died 1905. He was born in 1834; received his education in Halifax and in Princeton Seminary. He was ordained 1867, as pastor of Union Centre and Lochaber, where he labored for 19 years. In 1886 he accepted a call to Durham, and from there, 8 years later, to St. Andrew’s Church, Sydney, C. B. In all these charges he served with fidelity and success. He died in the 71st year of his age.
Adam G. Forbes, Blue Mountain. He came to Pictou when an infant; educated at the Free Church College, Halifax; his first charge was at Buctouche, N. B. From there he went to Ontario and some years later with a colony of his people, he went to No. Dakota, where he died in 1894.
Geo. M. Ross, B.A., Blue Mountain, North Honan, China.
David C. Ross, B.A., Blue Mountain; Lower Stewiacke, N. S.
Alex. L. Fraser, B.D., Blue Mountain, Great Village, N. S. Published three volumes of poems. “Sonnets and other Verses”, “At Life’s Windows”, “Fugitives”.
Hugh Miller, M.A., Garden of Eden; Glace Bay, C. B.
Samuel McIntosh, Garden of Eden; Deceased. Student for the ministry.
Rev. A. MacLean Sinclair, LL.D., Glenbard; Hopewell, N. S. Rev. A. Maclean Sinclair is the highest authority in Canada on the Gaelic language and literature, and owns one of the best Gaelic libraries on the continent. He is also recognized in the Old Country as an eminent Gaelic scholar and student. He is the author of “Clarsach Na Collie”, a collection of Gaelic hymns and songs, “Gaelic Bards”, from 1411 to 1825, “The Mac Bards”, two vols; “The Clan Gillean, or the History of the Maclean”. This is a large and handsome octavo volume, and is the standard work on the history of the Clan. He is a regular contributor to the Celtic Magazine, Edinburgh, and other periodicals. He is a grandson of John Maclean, the well known Gaelic poet. In 1907, he was appointed lecturer in the Gaelic Language and Literature in Dalhousie University.
James McGregor MacKay, East River St. Mary’s; Died 1911. His father was Alex. MacKay, one of the first settlers at East River St. Mary’s. He prosecuted his studies at West River Seminary, being one of Dr. Ross’ first students. In 1855 he was inducted into the charge of Parrsboro, which at that time had ten preaching stations, and was forty miles in length. In 1860 he was called to Economy and Five Islands where he remained for 18 years. His next charge was at Woodstock, N. B. In 1884 he accepted a call to Shediac. After 37 years of service he retired, in 1892, to New Glasgow, where he died in the 93d year of his age. His physical powers were remarkable. As a preacher he was evangelical; as a presbyter he was loyal to the Church; as a friend his hospitality was unfailing. It is noteworthy that he never missed a meeting of Synod; never had a month’s holiday, and, during his public ministry, there were only two Sabbaths on which he was unable to preach.
Samuel C. Gunn, D.D., East River St. Mary’s; Boston, Mass. For nearly twenty years minister of Scotch Church, Boston. Retired from the Ministry.
Wm. Gunn, East River St. Mary’s; Died 1900. Mr. Gunn was educated at Colgate University, N. Y., and was a pastor of the Baptist denomination. His first charge was at Springfield, N. Y. In 1878 he was appointed Chaplain of the Prison, Fort Madison, Iowa. For 20 years he served in this capacity, and accomplished a great work in the reformation of the inmates of the prison.
Adam Gunn, East River St. Mary’s; Died 1903. Mr. Gunn was pastor for 16 years at Gore and Kennetcook, N. S., and at Cardigan, P. E. I., 10 years. In 1902 he went to the Northwest, but in the following year he died.
A. D. Gunn, East River St. Mary’s; Died 1898. In 1883 he was called to Upper Stewiacke, where he labored for four and a half years, until failing health compelled him to resign. He was a brother of Rev. S. C. Gunn of Boston.
Duncan Cameron, East River St. Mary’s; Pittsburg, Pa. Rev. A. G. Cameron, B. Sc., Sylvania, Pa. and Rev. A. H. Cameron, M.A., Detroit, Mich., are cousins of Rev. Duncan Cameron.
Wm. A. Mason, B.A., East River St. Mary’s; Wetaskiwin, Alta.
John S. Clark, East River St. Mary’s; Minneapolis, Minn. Prof. of Latin, University of Minneapolis.
Hugh A. Robertson, D.D., Barney’s River; Erromanga, New Hebrides. Author, “Erromanga, the Martyr Isle”.
A. J. McKichan, Barney’s River; Winnipeg, Man. Retired from the Ministry.
A. D. Sutherland, Barney’s River; Fort Sill, Okla. Chaplain Field Artillery, United States Army.
L. A. MacLean, B.A., Barney’s River; Danville, Quebec.
Wm. Craigie, Barney’s River; Died 1890. Pastor, Baptist Church.
Alex. J. McLeod, Barney’s River; Denmark, N. S. Pastor, Baptist Church.
Wm. Gordon, Barney’s River. Pastor of the Methodist Church. He labored in California, where he died in 1904.
My ancestor, Angus Fraser, born 1766 Boleskine, Stratherrick, was discharged from Grant’s Fencible Regiment 1799. He was granted 100 acres on MacLennan’s Mountain, 1801 or 1802 and settled there with his wife Margaret (? )And 2 young children.