Ministers Born and Bred in New Glasgow

Last Updated on August 1, 2013 by Dennis

Peter G. McGregor, D.D., New Glasgow; Died in 1886. Dr. McGregor was the son of Rev. James McGregor, D.D. He studied Theology under Dr. McCulloch. In 1843 he was called to Poplar Grove Church, Halifax, where he was minister for twenty-five years. He was an excellent pastor and preacher. In 1868 he was appointed General Agent for the Church in Nova Scotia, the duties of which he discharged with fidelity and success.

John Forrest, D.D., LL.D., New Glasgow; Halifax, N. S.

George Sutherland, New Glasgow; Died in 1868. Mr. Sutherland was one of the first graduates of the Free Church Seminary, Halifax, and was settled first in Nova Scotia and afterwards in P. E. I., where he labored for a time. He went to New Zealand in 1886, and was called to Dunedin. In 1870 he was called to Sydney, Australia, where he labored until his death, which was instantaneous, as he was removing his outer clothing on his return from a congregational meeting.

J. A. F. Sutherland, New Glasgow; Winnipeg, Man.

Robert J. Cameron, New Glasgow; Died in 1879. Mr. Cameron was educated at Glasgow University. He was called to St. Andrew’s Church, St. John, N. B., in 1870, and labored there for six years. Resigning that charge, he removed to Scotland, where he obtained an important congregation, the duties of which, however, proved too great for his strength. He died at the Manse, Burnt Island, Scotland, in the thirty-sixth year of his age. Mrs. Cameron was a daughter of the Hon. James Fraser, New Glasgow.

A. H. Cameron, New Glasgow; Keremeos, B. C. A brother of the Rev. Robert J. Cameron.

Hugh W. Fraser, D.D., New Glasgow; Vancouver, B. C. Dr. Fraser studied in Manitoba College; was settled at Fort William, Ontario, and Holland, Manitoba; went to China, and returned from there to San Francisco, where he was a minister for a number of years. In 1904 he came to Vancouver, B. C.

Hugh R. Grant, B.A., New Glasgow; New Glasgow, N. S. General Secretary, Nova Scotia Temperance Alliance.

Frank L. Fraser, New Glasgow; Kennewick, Wash. Brother of the Rev. Dr. Fraser.

William Meikle, B.A., New Glasgow; Tuxford, Sask. Mr. Meikle, with the Rev. J. P. Gerrior, was for many years engaged in Evangelistic work.

William L. MaCrae, Abercrombie; Golden, B. C.

Donald M. Grant, New Glasgow; Cincinnati, Ohio.

Charles J. Cameron, New Glasgow; Vancouver, B. C.

John R. Fraser, New Glasgow; Avoca, N. Y.

James A. Fraser, B. A., New Glasgow; Pittsburg, Pa.

Alexander W. McLeod, New Glasgow; Summerland, B. C. Pastor, Baptist Church.

George MacDonald, New Glasgow; Baptist Church, U. S. A.

Samuel A. McDougall, New Glasgow; Chester Basin, N. S. Pastor, Baptist Church.

Fred A. Sullivan, New Glasgow; New Hampshire. Pastor, Methodist Church.

John Burns, came to New Glasgow when a lad; Died in 1851, aged 27 years.

James Burns, New Glasgow; Born in 1825; Died in 1907.

Wm. Henry Burns, D.D., New Glasgow; Evanston, Ill.

Mitchell Burns, who was a potter by trade, came with his wife, Ann Morrow, from the north of Ireland, in 1830 or 1831, and settled on what is now the John Connolly estate at Potter’s Brook, to which stream he gave the name. In 1847 the family removed to River John, where Mrs. Burns died in 1858, and Mr. Burns in 1871. They had a large and notable family of seven sons and four daughters. Three of the sons entered the Methodist ministry. John Burns died in early life at Sackville, N. B.

James Burns was educated at Sackville, N. B., served several churches in the Maritime Provinces, and later in Chicago, and Idaho, where he died in 1907. He was a member, at one time, of Dr. Roy’s Church. His daughter, Angeline, married Dr. Frederick Holmes, of San Diego, Cal. His eldest son, Jabez B. Burns, practices Dentistry in Poyette, Idaho. Another son, John Burns, is a Dentist in Oakland, Cal.

William H. Burns was born in 1840 in New Glasgow; graduated from the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. He is a member of the Rock River Conference, and spent most of his ministerial life in Chicago and vicinity. He married Miss Ann P. Foster, daughter of Rev. Caleb Foster, Aurora, Ill. He is the author of “The Higher Critic’s Bible; or, God’s Bible?” “The Crisis in Methodism”, and other books. His only son, William Foster Burns, is a graduate of Princeton University and Chicago Law School, and is a barrister in Chicago.

The eldest of the family, Stuart Burns, lived in New Glasgow; was a merchant in River John, but spent his later years as a druggist in Sydney, C. B., where he died. His son, Dr. W. F. Burns, born in River John, is now a practicing Dentist in Sydney, C. B. Anna Burns married William Perrin, farmer and tanner in River John. Their son, Dr. Albert M. Perrin, was born there, and is now practicing medicine in Yarmouth, N. S. Margaret Burns married George Langille, a mill owner in River John. Their son, M. K. Langille, is a Dentist in Truro, N. S.

Robert E. Burns was a real estate dealer in New York and San Francisco, Cal. He died in Portland, Ore. Bion, his son, is a Dentist in San Francisco. Charlotte Burns married Alexander McDonald, a ship builder, River John, who now lives in Victoria, B. C.

Samuel W. Burns, M.D., was born in New Glasgow, in 1836, is now practicing medicine in Shelburne, N. S. His eldest daughter, married Dr. Muir, Dentist, Shelburne. Thomas M. Burns, M.D., born in New Glasgow, 1838, practiced medicine in Shelburne, removed to Oakland, Cal., and died there. His son, Dr. Thomas M. Burns, is a Professor in the Denver Cross Medical College. Another son, Daniel C. Burns, is a lawyer and real estate dealer in Denver, Col.

Carrie N. Burns married C. S. Lane, Dentist of P. E. I. Their eldest son, Franklin S. Lane, was born there July 15, 1854. He lived in Pictou when a child, where his father practiced his profession. The family moved to California, where the son graduated from the University of California, in 1886. In 1889 he practiced law in San Francisco. From 1897 to 1902 he was a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission. In 1913 he was appointed Secretary of the Interior, in President Wilson’s Cabinet. Mr. Lane is a Democrat in politics and was his party’s candidate for mayor of San Francisco, for governor of the State and for the U. S. Senate. He is a man of fine personality and high character. For a score of years he has been a prominent figure in the public life of the Pacific Coast and is today one of the public men of mark and standing at Washington. George W. Lane, another son, practices law in San Francisco, Cal.
Frederick Lane, a third son, is a Dentist in San Francisco. The Rev. F. E. Barret, New Glasgow, N. S., pastor of the Methodist Church is a great grandson of Mitchell Burns.

MacPhie, John Peter. Pictonians at home and abroad; sketches of professional men and women of Pictou County its history and institutions. Boston: Pinkham Press. 1914.

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