Biography of Malcolm Campbell

The first merchant in Lucknow, was Malcolm Campbell, from Inverness-shire, Scotland, where he was born on the 4th of April, 1819. His parents were Donald and Ann (McGregor) Campbell. Malcolm was educated in the parish schools of his native town; aided his father on the farm until 1846, and then came to Canada, locating at first in the township of Blenheim, County of Oxford, where he taught school two years, and then kept a store one year. He sold out, went to Kirkwall, in the County of Wentworth, where he dealt in merchandise until 1859, when he settled at Lucknow. When he opened his store here, the country was almost a dense forest; and in twenty years he has seen this section of Huron and Bruce counties converted into a very thrifty agricultural district, and Lucknow become a smart village with more than a dozen merchants in different branches of business, and various manufactories. Mr. Campbell was not only the first, but is the leading merchant in the place, being in the general trade, and doing a highly remunerative business about $60,000 a year. His custom comes from all points of the compass, and in some directions from a great distance; and his reputation for honesty and fair dealing stands high.

With the exception of one year, Mr. Campbell has been postmaster since he first settled in Kirkwall, and has been a justice of the peace and an issuer of marriage licenses for fifteen or twenty years. He was in the council of Kinloss, and reeve of that township several times; was the first reeve of the village of Lucknow, and served three successive years, and then declined to serve longer.

Mr. Campbell is a Reformer, one of the leading men in the party in this part of Bruce county, and has been President of the County Reform Association.

He is a member of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church, a liberal supporter of religious and benevolent societies, and a worker in the Sunday school. He is a fine sample of “the honest Scotchman.”
In August, 1849, Miss Margaret Armstrong, of Kirkwall, was joined in wedlock with Mr. Campbell, and they have ten children living, and have buried two.



Ontario Canada,

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