Biography of James Cattermole, M.D.

Last Updated on August 6, 2012 by

One of the most experienced and skilful physicians and surgeons in the County of Middle-sex, Ontario, is James Cattermole, who has been in practice forty seven years. He is a native of Suffolk, England, son of James Cattermole, senior, and was horn October 13, 1807. His father was a farmer and belonged to a family of agriculturists, and landed proprietors of the County of Suffolk, whose record is traced back to the reign of “Good Queen Bess” or beyond.

At thirteen years of age our subject left home for London; received a fair literary education; at sixteen was apprenticed to a surgeon; was educated for his profession at Guy’s Hospital, and Grangers School; passed a medical examination in 1830; came out to Quebec in 1832, as surgeon of an emigrant ship; passed the medical board at Toronto; practised three years at Guelph; then returned to England, and was for fifteen years at Surreyside in the suburbs of London, having a large and successful practice.

In 1850 Dr. Cattermole again crossed the ocean, this time to the United States, going as far west as the Mississippi river; locating on its western shore at Fort Madison, Iowa. There he spent five years in the practice of his profession. The country was new, and not having good health he determined to try Canada once more. Before leaving he obtained the degree of M.D. from the University of St. Louis, Missouri.

Settling in London, in 1855, he is still found here, a well preserved man, and quite sprightly for one who has seen his seventy-two winters. He thoroughly understands the laws of health, and has evidently had strict regard for them, being robust in body and elastic in step, notwithstanding his professional life is necessarily one of no inconsiderable exposure.

Since the establishment of the City Hospital in London, Dr. Cattermole has held the post of consulting surgeon to that institution. Latterly he has limited himself almost entirely to office and consulting practice, and gynaecological surgery, being an expert in the last named branch.

He has refrained from accepting civil offices of any kind; has given his life to the study and practice of his profession, and hence his success and high standing. He keeps well read up in medical and surgical science; is a well informed man on general subjects and a pleasant converser.

He is a member of the Church of England, and has a high standing in the community, morally as well as professionally.

In May, 1850, Miss Maria Duttson, of Dover, England, became the wife of Dr. Cattermole, and they have lost two children and have three living. Caroline N. is the wife of Isaac Waterman, oil refiner, London; James Frederick is a medical student, an undergraduate of the University of Toronto, and Elizabeth is completing her education.



Ontario Canada,

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