Biography of Henry Michie

Last Updated on August 6, 2012 by

Henry Michie, the oldest merchant in Fergus, and one of the leading citizens of the place, was born in the parish of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, November 18, 1825. His father, James Michie, who was a farmer for many years, is still living, being about ninety years old. The mother, whose maiden name was Sophia Stuart, died a few years ago. Henry was educated at a parish school, and while securing his education, which was mainly during the winter season, he worked at farming, and as shepherd, teaching, also, two or three terms. In
1846 he came to Canada, and spent several years at London, learning the mercantile business with an uncle, John Michie, who was for years a leading man there among the merchants, and in the Free Church of Scotland.

In 1850 our subject came to Fergus, commenced business for himself as a general trader, and has continued to thus operate for nearly thirty years, he being the only man that was in trade here at that date. He has kept steadily along, contented to do a moderate and safe business. Before the advent of a railroad, he was accustomed to buy pork in bulk and hauling it, by teams, to Guelph; but the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway brought a market to the door of Fergus; some time ago, and as we write, the Credit Valley Railway is knocking at the doors of this village.

Mr. Michie is quite public spirited, and has a hand in local enterprises generally; was a member of the village council a number of years; has also been on the school board, and was reeve one term. He holds a lieutenant’s commission from Lord Dufferin, in the local militia; has been secretary-treasurer of St. Andrew’s Society, of Fergus, a long time, and holds the same offices in the Free (or Presbyterian) Church. He is a man of solid business qualities, and gives character to the community in which he resides.

Mr. Michie heartily supports the reform party, to which he has always belonged, and is one of those men who can give a reason for their political as well as religious belief.

June 3, 1869, Miss Annie Argo, daughter of Adam L. Argo, a prominent citizen of Fergus, was joined in wedlock with Mr. Michie, and he has three children living, and lost one daughter, also his wife, in May, 1878. She was a noble christian mother, and her loss was felt outside the family.



Ontario Canada,

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