Biographical Sketch of William M. Keith

The subject of this brief biographic sketch is a native of Dundee, Scotland, a son of Alexander and Helen (Roberts) Keith, and dates his birth September 17, 1841. He received a parish school education, including the classics; came to Canada West in 1859; taught public schools a short time in the counties of Bruce and Grenville; learned the printer’s trade at Prescott; started the Smith’s Falls Review, a Reform paper, afterwards called the News, in 1863, and conducted it until March, 1878, when he sold out. The year after starting the paper, he opened a book and fancy goods store, which he still keeps, and is doing a moderate and safe business.

Soon after settling in Smith’s Falls, Mr. Keith was elected clerk of the village, and held that office a dozen consecutive years; for the last seven years he has been clerk of the division court; has also been for a long period secretary-treasurer of the village school board, and is notary and commissioner, and United States consular agent. He is a careful, conscientious and strictly reliable man, and discharges all public business with dispatch and to the complete satisfaction of the people.

He is a Freemason and treasurer of St. Francis Lodge No. 24, Smith’s Falls.

On the 17th of August, 1865, Mr. Keith married Mary, daughter of George Sanderson, of Kemptville, county of Grenville, and they have six children. Mr. and Mrs. Keith are members of the Union Presbyterian church, Smith’s Falls, and both active in Sunday school and other christian work. Their hearts and hands are enlisted more or less in benevolent enterprises, in which they find faithful and efficient cooperation in their pleasant village.


Ontario Canada,

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