Biographical Sketch of Michael Flanagan

Last Updated on August 7, 2012 by

Michael Flangan, Kingston, clerk of Kingston for thirty-six years, is a native of Elphin, county of Roscommon, Ireland, dating his birth, September 28, 1823. His father was Loughlin Flanagan, a merchant; his mother, Margaret Murray. In his youth our subject spent five years in a diocesan school, receiving a good English and classical education; came to Canada in 1841, and settled in Kingston, residing here since that date. He was articled to Charles Stuart, barrister, and subsequently to Francis Manning Hill, of the same profession, serving meanwhile as assistant town clerk. In 1845 he was appointed town clerk, and the next year, when Kingston was incorporated, he became city clerk, which office he still holds. He is faithful and efficient in his duties, and commands the respect of the entire community. He was ex-officio clerk of police for some time, and for nineteen years clerk of the Recorder’s Court until it was abolished.
In politics Mr. Flanagan is a Conservative, very firm in his sentiments, but rather quiet; and is conscientious, holding his views of every kind, not from policy, but principle. He was reared in the Roman Catholic church, and venerates and adheres to the faith of his fathers.

Mr. Flanagan was married at Kingston, in 1846, to Miss Mary S. Boyd, a native of the county of Tyrone, Ireland, and they have nine children living and have buried two.



Ontario Canada,

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