Biographical Sketch of Martin O’Gara

Martin O’Gara, one of the leading barristers in Ottawa, was born in the county of Mayo, Ireland, October 28, 1836, being the son of Patrick O’Gara, a farmer. The maiden name of his mother was Catharine Duffy, Mr. O’Gara received a classical education in his native country; came to Canada in 1857; read law with Messrs. Mowat and Maclennan, barristers, Toronto, and was graduated LL.B., at the University of Toronto in 1861, being admitted to the Bar, and made a barrister the same year.

Mr. O’Gara settled at Ottawa, and has here been in steady practice nearly twenty years. He is the senior member of the firm of O’Gara, Lapiere and Lemon, who do an extensive law business in all its branches. Mr. O’Gara practices in all the courts of the Dominion. For a man of his. age, he is very thorough in his legal studies, and extensive in his attainments, and he is a growing man. He has a logical mind, reasons clearly and strongly, and is an excellent advocate.

He was appointed Police Magistrate in 1863, and still holds that office.

He was born and reared in the Roman Catholic church, and adheres to the faith of his forefathers.

In August 1864, Margaret, daughter of John Bowes, architect, Ottawa, became the wife of Mr. O’Gara, and they have seven children living and have lost one child.



Ontario Canada,

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