Biographical Sketch of George A. Kirkpatrick, M.P.

Last Updated on August 7, 2012 by

Among the sons of Thomas Kirkpatrick, a brief sketch of whom we have given in another article, George Airey, his fourth son, succeeded him in his position as member for Frontenac in the House of Commons. He was born in Kingston, in 1841, and was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, taking his degree in 1861. On his return to Canada, in the same year, he entered on the study of law with his father, and by his diligence and urbanity of manner quickly gained throughout the community a host of friends. His connection with the volunteer regiment of Frontenac, as well as his professional duties, brought him much before the sturdy yeomen of that electoral division, and pointed him out as a suitable candidate for its representation in Parliament, on the death of his father in 1870. On that occasion, as well as on several subsequent elections, he carried the county with large majorities, and has, by his diligent attention to his duties, already earned for himself the reputation of a useful legislator, before whom, probably, lie opportunities for serving his native country.

Mr. Kirkpatrick married in 1865, the daughter of the late Hon. John Macaulay. He was, however, deprived of her, by her early death in January 1877. Mr. Kirkpatrick already has taken in Kingston, the place long held by his father. He can wish no better example of fidelity to his duties than that left to him by him whom he has thus succeeded.



Ontario Canada,

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