1851 River Trent or Trent Port Canada Directory

A Thriving Village situated on the River Trent, in the Township of Murray, County of Northumberland, C. W., distant from Belleville, 12 miles usual stage fare, 2s. 6d. distant from Cobourg, 34 miles usual stage fare, 10s. Population about 1000. A steamer leaves daily in summer for Belleville and Kingston usual cabin fare to Kingston, 10s.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
BULL, GEORGE E., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, lumber and country produce.
BRADFORD, WILLIAM, book keeper.
BURTON, FRANCIS, baker and confectioner all kinds of confectionery wholesale and retail at moderate prices.
CRAIG, JAMES, book keeper and accountant.
CUMMING, JAMES, postmaster, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, liquors, lumber and country produce.
DAVIS, WILLIAM, collector of timber slide dues on the River Trent.
FORD, JACOB, hotelkeeper travellers will find this house comfortable, and the charges moderate.
FRANCIS, GEORGE, dealer in dry goods, groceries, liquors, hardware, lumber and country produce.
HAWLEY, ALBERT D. C., chemist and druggist, bookseller and stationer drugs, chemicals, dye stuffs, perfumery, school and miscellaneous books, stationery, &c.
HEAGENS, NATHANIEL, dealer in dry goods, groceries, liquors, hardware, crockery, country produce, &c.
HUBBELL, HENRY S., barrister and attorney at Iaw.
MACAULAY, W. J., general store dry goods, groceries, hardware, country produce, &c.
MACAULAY & HODGE, tanners, curriers, saddlers, and bootmakers.
MEYERS, ADAM H., barrister and attorney at law, M. P. P. for Northumberland.
MEYERS, CHARLES, architect, builder and contractor.
MURPHY, D. R., law student.
RANNEY, G. W., superintendent of public works on the River Trent.
ROBERTSON, JAMES, barrister and attorney at law.
SHEA, WILLIAM, tin and coppersmith, and dealer in stoves, wool, sheep skins, furs, grain, and country produce.
SIMMONS, JEREMIAH, temperance inn this is the only temperance house in the village, and travellers or permanent boarders Will find comfortable accommodations and charges moderate.
THOMSON, A. C., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, lumber, country produce, &c.
WEAVER, CYRUS, distillery cash paid for grain.
WEAVER, JOHN, hotelkeeper travellers will find good accommodations and charges moderate-conveyances are furnished when required.
Non Members
Allan, David, baker.
Baker, Guy C., carpenter and builder.
Barnhart, John, millwright.
Blair, John, carpenter and builder.
Bleasdell, Rev. Wm., Church of England.
Burton, Seth, carpenter and builder.
Clarke, Robert, carpenter and builder.
Cooke, John, blacksmith.
Coin, blacksmith.
Coffee, John. tailor.
Cooley. Samuel, general store.
Curley. P., grocer, and potash manufacturer.
Dean. William, chemist and druggist.
Fowler, Geo. J., blacksmith.
Fost, John, cooper
Forrest, Edward, cabinetmaker.
Gartshore, John, flour and saw mill.
Gothard, Francis, carpenter and builder.
Gothard, Joseph, carpenter and builder.
Goulette, Napoleon, shoemaker.
Hawley, Nelson, tanner, currier and shoemaker.
Hill, Asa J., tanner, currier, and bootmaker.
Keeler, John, blacksmith.
Lambert, Joseph, livery stablekeeper.
McDonald & Grey, carriagemakers.
Macauley, Jacob, lumber merchant.
Macauley, Denis G., tailor.
McElleran, Mrs., innkeeper.
Manning, Peter, shoemaker.
McGowan, Francis, shoemaker.
Marsh, Charles, saddler. &c.
Meyers, Henry, carpenter and builder.
Meyers, Elijah W., lumber merchant and general trader.
McMadden, Rev. Wm., Roman Catholic.
Monaghan, Patrick, shoemaker.
Majeau, Joseph, shoemaker.
Murphy, Arthur, bailiff of the division court.
National Loan Fund Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Companies of London, H. S. Hubbell agent.
Ostrom, Stephen. innkeeper.
Peterson, Joseph S., provincial surveyor.
Potter, James, carpenter and builder.
Quinlan, James, cabinetmaker.
Redmond, George W., general store.
Rice, H. S., carpenter and builder.
Rowe, N. C., sera, carpenter and builder.
Rowe, N. C., jun., carpenter and builder.
Robinson, James. distiller.
Sager, John, hotelkeeper.
Schratters, Charles, carriagemaker.
Simmons, James. carpenter and builder.
Simmons, Jeremiah, township clerk for Murray.
Summers, James, cooper.
Summers, Michael, blacksmith.
Strohn, John, W.. blacksmith.
Stewart. John, tailor.
Trent Road Company, A. H. Meyers, president,
H. S. Hubbell, secretary and treasurer this road extends from the mouth of the Trent to
Crook’s Rapids, a distance of 30 miles. West, James R., saddler.
Trent & Frankfort Road Company J. Brooks Crowe, president, Joseph S. Peterson, secretary and treasurer-this road will extend from the mouth of the Trent to Frankfort, a distance of 71 miles.
White, shoemaker.
Wooliver, Isaac, tailor.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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