1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Incorporated Companies

Last Updated on November 19, 2020 by Dennis

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Incorporated Companies
Quebec Gas Company
Board Of Directors Hon. William Walker, chairman;
T. Gibb, William Petry, W. Stevenson, W. Poston, James M’Kenzie, A. Laurie.
William Petry, treasurer;
Philip Peebles, engineer and manager;
William AIexander Curry, secretary;
Hon. Henry Black, counsel;
J. Greaves Clapham, notary;
Holt Ea. Irvine, solicitors.
Gas works, Place d’Orleans, Orleans wharf,

British North America Electric Telegraph Association
Alexander Gillespie, president.
Directors. Captain Boxer, C. Wurtele, H. LeMesurier, J. Gillespie, S. Wright, James Gibb, J. Munn.

Quebec And Richmond Railway
The Honorable R. E. Caron, president;
Captain W. Rhodes, vice-president.
Directors-James Bell Forsyth, Henry LeMesurier, Francois Real Angers, Thomas W. Lloyd, William Lampson, George H. Simard, David Ramsay Steuart, Robert N. Watts; M. P. P., George R. Foster, Richmond George B. Hall. E. P. Mackie, secretary; S. Lelievre, attorney.

Bankers-Quebec Bank, and Glynn, Halifax, Mills & Co., London.

Quebec Building Society
Officers for 1850
Jos. Morrie, president;
O. Robitaille, vice-president.
Directors. W. Petry, Chs. Alleyn, A. Lemoine, Eugene Chinic, Joseph Hamel, Dunbar Ross, C. P. Pelletier, P. Sheppard.
Treasurer And Secretary. W. Kimlin.
Legal Advisers. Chas. AIleyn, and J. M. Hudon.
Notaries. Josiah Hunt, and J. B. Pruneau.
Inspectors. Messrs. Simon Peters, and David Dussault.
Bankers. The Quebec Bank. Office, No. 4 St. George st., Upper Town.

Union Building Society
Directors: Weston Hunt, president;
W. S. Henderson, vice-president.
F. X. Paradis, J. A. Sewell, M. D., Daniel McGie, H. S. Anderson, W. Withall.
Bankers: Quebec Bank.
Solicitors: Messrs. Lelievre & Angers.
Notaries: Wm. Bignell, J. G. Clapham.
Inspectors: Messrs. G. Blaiklock & Joseph Archer.
Secretery and Treasurer: John Ross, Office, Clouett’s buildings, Mountain st.

People’s Building Society
C. N. Montizambert, president;
J. B. Frechette, vice-president;
Directors: Paul Lepper, E. DugaI, Louis Prevost, James O’Connell, Michl. Tessier.
Secretary And Treasurer, J. G. Irvine.
Legal Advisers: Casault & Langlois, Holt & Irvine.
Notaries: J. B. Trudelle, N. H. Bowen.
Inspectors: A. Fraser, C. Huot. Office, Fabrique st., Upper Town.

Quebec Turnpike Trust
Trustees James Gibb, chairman; A. C. Buchanan, L. T. M’Pherson, James Douglas, M. D., Joseph E. Deblois, Dr. Rowley, W. H. Lemoine, Daniel M’Callum, Hammond Gowen. John Porter, secretary; Louis Prevost, notary. Office, 38 St. Peter street.

Banks And Bank Agencies
Quebec Bank.
Established 1818.
Quebec Fire Office buildings, St. Peter st.
James Gibb, president;
William Petry, vice-president; L. B. Pinguet, W. H. Anderson, A. A. Parent, Weston Hunt, H. J. Noad. Thomas Gibb, George Alford, N. F. Belleau, John Jameson, Jeffrey Hale, W. S. Sewell.
Noah Freer, cashier;
Charles Gethings, assistant cashier;
Samuel Newton, accountant;
R. R. Barrett, discount clerk;
Thomas Mason, book-keeper;
James T, Wilson, paying teller;
James Bancroft, receiving teller;
Archibald Campbell, N. P. notary (since first establishment);
Hon. Henry Black, counsel;
D. Germain, messenger; F. Lefevre, porter.
At Montreal, Banque Du Peuple; New York, Maitland, Phelps & Co., Lon-don, Glynn, Mills & Co. Discounts Daily.

Montreal Branch Bank. Corner St. Peter and Arthur sts.
William Gunn, manager;
Charles W. Jones, accountant;
Caldwell Ashworth, assistant accountant;
James Meiklejohn, paying teller;
Mathew Stevenson, receiving teller;
Philip Lesueur, discount clerk;
W. B. Martin, clerk and messenger.
Hon. F. W. Primrose, solicitor;
L. T. Macpherson, notary.
This Bank draws on London, New York and Western Canada. Discounts Daily.

Quebec Savings Bank
Office, Quebec Fire Office buildings, St. Peter st.
Noah Freer, president
James Gibb, vice-president
Archibald Campbell, W. H., Anderson, Weston Hunt, Hammond Gowen, Julien Chouinard, Paul Lepper, G. H. Parke, J. B. Frechette, jun.
T. Gibb. Directors
J. Turnbull, secretary
R. R. Barrett, book-keeper
Open on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from 11 till 1 o’clock.

Quebec Provident And Savings’ Bank
Incorporated By Act 01′ Parliament.
Open Daily. Office, Freemasons’ hall, Buade st.
Jeffery Hale, president;
C. Wurtele, Hon. L. Massue, vice-presidents.
D. D. Young, John Musson, A. Laurie, A. M’Donald, M. Connolly, F. X Methot, J. Morrin, M. D., F. X. Paradis, H. S. Scott, T. H. Oliver.
R. Ellis, cashier;
G. Darveau, messenger;
Hon. F. W. Primrose, solicitor.

Bank Of British North America
Incorporated By Royal Charter.
Office, St. Peter street.
Local Board:
H. Burstall, James Dean, J. M. Fraser, James Gillespie, John Thomsen.
Robert Cassels, manager;
S. H. Ayers, first teller;
R. B. Clerk, clerk;
Josiah Hunt, notary;
W. W. Ranson, accountant;
Henry Murrell, second teller;
William Robinson, messenger;
Robert Ferguson, porter.
This bank draws on London and all the principal towns in Ireland and Scotland. Days of Discount, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Bank Of Upper Canada
Quebec Branch.
Clouett’s buildings, Buade st., U. T.
James F. Bradshaw, manager;
Robert Maxwell, teller;
John Brophy, messenger;
Dunbar Ross, M. P. P., solicitor;
John Greaves Clapham, notary.
This bank draws on London, Scotland and New York, and the branches and agencies in Canada West.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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