1851 Port Robinson Canada Directory

A Village situated on the Welland Canal, in the Township of Thorold, County of Welland, C. W. distant from St. Catharines, 12 miles, uual stage fare, 2s. 6d. usual steamboat fare to Buffalo, 5s. Population about 400.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
MURRAY, ANDREW, postmaster, collector of canal tolls and custom house officer.
Abbey, John & James E., ship builders.
Band, Robert & Co., flour mill.
Brooks Wilson, tinsmith and stove dealer.
Brown, Thomas, shoemaker.
Coleman, Dilly, innkeeper and stage owner.
Campbell, John & Co., shoemakers.
Crawford. E., tailor.
Coulter, Robert, saddler.
Donaldson, John & Co., plaster mill.
Dilke, F. H., druggist.
Elliott, William, painter.
Elliott, Andrew, butcher.
Elliott, Robert, general Store, and agent for the National Loan Fund Life Assurance Company.
Evans, E. & Co., potash factory.
Feener, Edward. tailor.
Griffiths, R. & Co., brick yard.
Grimes, J., tailor.
Hilton, Andrew & Co., broom makers.
Jakes, Dr. A.. physician, &e.
Jordan, George, innkeeper.
Kelly, D., tailor.
King, Dr. R. S.. physician, &c.
Lemons, John & Co., saw mill.
Mackay, Thomas, butcher.
Marshall, William, painter.
M’Copin, James. general store.
M’Farland, Duncan, commissioner of Queen’s Bench.
Pew, J. & J., blacksmiths.
Pease, Henry, wagon maker.
Powell, John S., general store, bakery, and livery stables.
Roberts, William, cabinetmaker.
Stuart, Charles, ink and sealing wax factory.
Timms, Henry W., innkeeper, coroner and township clerk.
Wallace, Robert, blacksmith.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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