1851 Port Hope Canada Directory

Last Updated on November 7, 2012 by

A Town situated on the shore of Lake Ontario, in the Township of Hope, County of Durham, C. W., distant from Kingston, 112 miles usual steamboat fare, 10s. usual stage fare, 32s. 6d. distant from Toronto, 65 miles usual steamboat fare, 10s.usual stage fare, 17s. 6d. Population about 2500.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Public Officers
Day, Thomas T., clerk of division court, Walton st.
Evatt, Francis, town clerk, Walton st.
Hughes, Charles, treasurer, Walton st.
Forbes, Henry, customs surveyor and clerk, Ward st.
M’Kibbin, James, revenue inspector, county Durham, Ward st.
North, James, high constable, Walton st.
Smart, David, postmaster, Ward st.
Smith, James, M. P. P., mayor of Port Hope.
Smith, E. P., crown Iands agent, Walton st.
Ward, Thomas, clerk of the peace, and judge surrogate court, Ward st.
Ward, G. C., registrar for Durham, Mill st.
Whitehead, M. F., collector of customs, and registrar surrogate court, Ward st.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
BAIRD, Rev. I., Baptist, Ridout st.
BEAMISH, FRANCIS, dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, and lumber merchant, Walton st.
BuRNHAM, WILLIAM, commission produce agent, and agent for American Mutual Life Assurance Company, Walton st.
CHALK, ROBERT, carriagemaker, and blacksmith, Cavan st. every description of vehicle made by R. C. is warranted good.
ELLIOTT, GEORGE, distiller and cattle dealer, Cavan st.
CRYSLER, CHARLES, & GORDON, dealers in groceries, china, glass, and provisions, and auctioneers, and commission merchants, Walton St. N.B. advances made on consignments.
FOSTER & CARSON, wholesale and retail dealers in groceries, liquors, glassware, crockery, &c., Walton st.
FURBY, WILLIAM, general printing office, Walton st.
GARNETT, WILLIAM, carpenter and builder, and planing and grooving mills, John St. plans, specifications, &c., for every description of building furnished.
GRAHAM, WILLIAM, innkeeper, and livery stables, Walton St. horses and conveyances
HASTINGS, T. W., North American hotel, and general stage agency, Walton St. a livery stable is attached to the premises, horses and carriages are furnished when required. N. B. This is a most comfortable and well arranged house. Ed.
HAY, MORICE, bookseller, stationer, Sunday school and tract depository, fire, life, and general commission agent, Walton st.
HOLLISTER, D. J., pumpmaker, Maitland St. the endless chain pump, with the latest improvements, manufactured to order, and put up in complete working order, also, force pumps, of the most approved description for sale.
HOOEY, WILLIAM, grocer, baker, and confectioner, Walton St. every article in the above lines of business constantly on hand and for sale, of the best quality, and upon reasonable terms.
HowELL, R. S., hoot and shoemaker, Walton St. ladies and gentlemen’s boots and shoes, of every description, made to order, in the most approved style, and upon moderate terms.
KIRCHHOFFER, N., barrister and attorney at law, Walton st.
M’DERMOT & WALSH, wholesale grocers, leather and commission merchants, Walton St. cash advances made on all descriptions of produce.
M’INTYRE, ROBERT, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors; provisions, and country produce, Walton st.
M’KIBBIN, JAMES, revenue inspector, County of Durham, Ward st.
M’LENNAN, M’LEOD & Co., importers of, and wholesale and retail dealers in, shelf and heavy hardware, Walton st
MACPHAIL, ALEXANDER, chemist and druggist, Walton St. every description of paints, oils, dye stuffs, perfumery, brushes, stationery, &c., constantly on hand, and for sale at reasonable prices.
MAGNAN, P. Z., dealer in dry goods, clothing, groceries, liquors, crockery, boots and shoes, and country produce, Walton st.
MAXWELL, HENRY & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, china, glass, &c., also manufacturers of pine lumber and saw millers, Walton st.
MIGHT, JOHN, saddler, harness, and trunkmaker, Ward St. every article in the line, of the best quality, constantly on hand, or made to order, upon moderate terms.
MURPHY, FRANCIS, auctioneer and broker, Walton St. advances made on consignments, and prompt returns of sales rendered.
METCALFE, T. W., importer of, and wholesale and retail dealer in, shelf and heavy hardware, Walton st.
NEWMAN, JOSEPH, baker and grocer, wholesale and retail, and dealer in country produce, Walton st.
PARSONS, WILLIAM, general smith, horseshoer, and farrier, Walton St. diseases of the feet in horses particularly attended to, and in most cases relief can be given, or a perfect cure effected.
PERRY, HORACE, watchmaker and jeweller, Walton St. clocks, watches, jewellery, fancy articles, and musical instruments for sale at moderate prices, repairs of all kinds executed, and engraving on copper and steel done to order.
PORT HOPE WATCHMAN, weekly paper, John Steele, editor, Walton st.
PORTER, ARCHIBALD, iron foundry, manufacturer of ploughs, waggons, stoves, and. blacksmithing establishment, Walton st.
PETCH, CHARLES, millwright and carpenter, Queen St. flouring, carding, fulling, and threshing mill machinery furnished, and mills fitted up, and put in complete working order.
ROBERTSON, ROBERT, wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, and groceries, Walton st.
ROSS, JOHN & Co., importers of foreign and British dry goods,. &c., and wholesale and retail clothing establishment, Walton st.
Russ ELL, W. F., cabinetmaker and upholsterer, Walton St. a superior stock of furniture, of the best quality, always on hand, or made to order, by good workmen, upon the lowest possible terms.
SHERIN, ROBERT, carriagemaker, Cavan st. every description of carriage used in the province manufactured of the best quality, and sold upon reasonable terms.
SMITH, R. D., cabinetmaker and upholsterer, Walton St. a good stock of furniture
always on hand, or made to order, of the best materials, and upon reasonable terms.
SMITH, JAMES & JOHN S., barristers and attorneys at law, Walton st.
STRONG, NORMAN, Ontario hotel, Ward St. travelers and boarders will find a comfortable house, convenient to the steamboat landing, and the charges moderate.
TYRE, GREENE, & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, and crockery, Walton st.
VINCENT, EDWIN, printer, Walton st.
WADDELL, ROBERT N., wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, and country produce, Walton st.
WILLCOCK, THOMAS, blacksmith and turner, Walton St. smith work of every description attended to, turning in metal and wrought iron in all its branches executed in the best style, upon moderate terms.
Non Members
Adams, John, bricklayer, King st.
Allen, O. P., carding and fulling mill, Cavan st.
Andrews, James M., president wharf and harbour company, and wharfinger.
Bain. James, carpenter and grocer, Ward st.
Baker, James, shoemaker, Queen st.
Barrett, William, jun., carriagemaker, turner, and smith, Cavan st,
Bates, John, brewery, John st.
Bates. John, dry goods, &c., Walton st.
Bell. P., shoemaker, Walton st.
Brown, James, baker, Walton st.
Burton, F. H., flour mills, and distiller, Cavan st.
Cassie, Rev. John, United Presbyterian.
Cawthorn, William B., watchmaker and jeweler, Walton st.
Carveth J., butcher, Walton st.
Cole, John, tannery, John st.
Cottingham, Samuel S., boarding house, Cavan st.
Curry, John, carpenter, Bramley St.
Elvins, Andrew, tailor, Walton st.
Evatt, Dr., John St.
Fogarty, John, boot and shoemaker, Walton st.
Fox, Phillip, Steam engine factory, and carpenter, and builder, John st.
Freeman, -, painter, Rice Lake road.
Gallagher, Joseph, grocer and baker, Walton st.
Gilchrist, Dr. John, John st.
Gilchrist. Dr. Hiram, Walton st.
Gillett, Hiram, dry goods store, Walton st.
Gillespie, David, grocer and tavern, Ward st.
Gilmour & Co., Port Hope flour mills, R. N. Waddell, agent.
Gray, H., hairdresSer, &c., Walton st.
Gwatkin, William, general store, Walton st.
Harvey & Hutton, grocers & saddlers, Walton st.
Hatton, John, storekeeper, Walton st.
Helms, John, ironfoundry, Mill st.
Hill. R., tailor, Cavan st.
Hewston, William, carpenter, Brown st.
Hewston, H., carpenter, Brown st.
Honor, Frederick, cabinetmaker, Maitland st.
Hughes, Charles. chemist & druggist, Walton st.
Knapp, F. A., bookbinder and music teacher Walton st.
Kitchen, W., butcher, Walton st.
Lee, William, carpenter and builder, John st.
Lees, John, bootmaker, Walton st.
Little, Thomas, boots and Shoes, Queen st.
Lonsdale, Stephen, carpenter, Walton st.
MCCarty, James, shoemaker & grocer, Walton st.
M’Dougall, J. N., bootmaker, &c.. Queen st, Marshall
Marshall, J., shoemaker, Walton St.
Marshall, N., grocer and cooper, Ridout st.
Mathers, John, tannery, John st.
Matthews & Allen, lastmakers and turners; Cavan at.
Matthews, William, wagon maker, Maitland st.
Nissan & Fogarty, painters, Walton st.
Misson, Richard, painter, Walton st.
Mitchell, Robert, carpenter, King st.
Mitchell, James, carpenter, King st.
Mitchell, William, carpenter, King st.
Montreal Telegraph, A. Pearkes, operator, Walton st.
Morgan, J., carriagemaker foundry, Cavan St.
Morton, John & Co., dry s, groceries, hardware, crockery, & country produce,
Walton t. Nelson, James, innkeeper and grocer, Mill st.
Orr, Robert, dry goods, Walton st.
Pearkes & Brodin, attorneys, Walton st.
Pearkes, Dr. George, Walton st.
Perry & Thatcher, booksellers and stationers. Walton st.
Pollard, Phillip, tin and coppersmith, John st.
Porter, John, boot and shoemaker, Queen st.
Quinlan, Cornelius, tin & coppersmith, Walton st .
Reynoldss, George, innkeeper, Julia st.
Reynolds, John, innkeeper. Ward st.
Roche, A., grocer, Charles st.
Roche., John R., provincial land surveyor, Ward.
Rowland, William, innkeeper, Walton st.
Rowland, James, innkeeper, Mill st.
Rowland & Gillespie, painters, Walton st.
Scott, JameS, barrister and attorney at law, Walton st.
Short, Rev. Jonathan, Church of England, King st.
Stuart. John, broker, accountant, and notary, Walton st.
Smith, Dr. William, Church st.
Spalding, John, brewery, Rice lake road.
Spry, Thomas, blacksmith, Cavan st.
Trick, Wm., mason and bricklayer, Baldwin st.
Truscott, -, painter, Maitland st.
Turner, T., dry goods store, Walton st.
Wadleigh, P. R., turner, Walton st.
Ward, John A., brewery, Springdale.
White, Michael, cooper, Cavan st.
Wright, Rev. Alexander, Episcopal Methodist.
Youdan, J., mason and bricklayer, Baldwin st.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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