1851 Paris Canada Directory

Last Updated on November 8, 2012 by

A flourishing Village, situated on the Grand River, in the Townships of Dumfries and Brantford, United Counties of Wentworth and Halton, C. W. distant from Brantford, 7 miles, from Dundas, 22 miles, from Galt, 13 miles, and from Hamilton, 26 miles usual stage fare from Hamilton, 5s. Population about 1800. The Village is divided by Smith’s Creek, into two parts, known as the Upper and Lower Village, and the addresses are given below accordingly, being designated by the letters U. V. or L. V.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
ALLCHIN, WHITLAW, & Co., iron founders and machinists, L. V.
BENNETT, DANIEL, carriage, wagon and sleighmaker, U. V.
BRADFORD, O. D., Union house, L. V. superior accommodation for travelers, and good yard and stabling attached to the premises.
CAPRON, HIRAM, J. P., town reeve, L. V.
CLODE, WILLIAM, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, glass and crockery, U. V.
CURRIE, JAMES & JOHN, butchers and victualers, L. V.
DAVIDSON, JAMES, dealer in dry goods groceries, hardware, glass and crockery ware, U. V.
FISHER, JAMES M., boot, shoe and leather store, U. V. keeps always on hand a good stock of boots and shoes, and executes all orders, in the latest and most fashionable style of workmanship, and of the best materials.
IRWIN, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, wines and liquors, hardware, glass and crockery ware, (J. V.
MACARTNEY, GEORGE, postmaster, and Paris flour mills, L. V.
MALTUS, ANDREW, cabinet and chairmaker, L. V. manufactures every description of cabinet ware and chairs of the best materials and workmanship, and upon moderate terms.
MILLER, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, glass and crockery, U. V.
MITCHELL, GEORGE, tailor and clothier, U. V. makes to order every description of gentlemen’s and youths’ clothing, ladies’ riding habits, &c.; upon moderate terms, and in the latest and most approved styles.
MORE, ROBERT, dealer in dry goods, groceries, wines and liquors, hardware, glass and crockery, L. V.
NIMMO, JAMES, agent for Gore Bank, U. V.
PENTON, JOHN A., conveyancer, clerk of division court, notary public, general and land agent, L. V.
PHILP, GUY, clothier and tailor. U. V.is always prepared to attend to orders in every department of his line of business upon moderate terms, and with promptitude and punctuality.
SCOTT, GEORGE L., & Co., chemists and druggists, L. V. paints, oils and dye stuffs of every description, stationery and school books constantly on hand.
SOWDON, SAMUEL, chemist and druggist, stationer and bookseller, L. V: paints, oils and dye stuffs in every variety a choice stock of perfumery, school books and stationery constantly on hand.
TAYLOR, WM. H., dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., L. V. keeps always on hand a good assortment of every article in his line of business, which he offers upon as moderate terms as any other house in the village.
TOTTEN, DANIEL, Paris woolen mills and manufactory, L. V. manufactures tweeds, plain cloth, cassimeres, flannels and blankets, which he furnishes upon as good terms as any other house in. the Province carding and cloth dressing done to order upon reasonable terms cash paid for wool in any quantity.
WHITLOW, CHARLES, new Paris flouring and plaster mills, L. V. cash paid for wheat, rye, corn, barley and pork.
WOLVERTON, ASA, lumber merchant and general contractor, U. V.
WOOD, THOMAS, merchant tailor and clothier, L. V. executes all orders in his line of business with neatness and dispatch, and upon the most moderate terms.
Non Members
Aikman, Richard S., general trader, U. V.
Allchin, William, wooden ware factory, L. V.
Arnold, Elijah, confectioner, L. V.
Batty, William, tin and iron plate worker, L. V.
Blackwood, Andrew, cooper, L. V.
Boyd, A., shoemaker, If. V.
Bullock, & Rhodes, painters and glaziers, L. V.
Calderwood, John, saddler and harnessmaker, L. V.
Capron, Walter, Iivery tables, L. V.
Caw, Rev. David, Church of Scotland.
Clarke, Thomas, tin and coppersmith, U. V.
Cleghorn, Rev. -, Baptist.
Clement, Rev. -, Wesleyan.
Currey, G. & Co., coopers, L. V.
Cooke, Dr., L. V.
Daly, T. M., general store, L. V.
Dixon, Dr., U. V.
Dutton, William, shoemaker, L. V.
Early, Gilbert, tin and coppersmith, L. V.
Farlow, William, watch and clockmaker, U. V.
Ferrell, Vanvoorhies, & Co., contractors on Great
Western Railroad, L. V.
Finlayson, Hugh, saddler and harnessmaker, U. V.
Finlayson & Co., tanners, L. V.
Fisher, Charles, boots, shoes and leather, U. V.
Fisher, Robert, boots and shoes, U. V.
Forbes, John, Victoria hotel, U. V.
Forsyth, E. P., tailor, U. V.
Isintroul & Co., coopers, L. V.
Graham, John, cooper, L. V.
Gray, George A., barrister at law, L. V.
Green, Patrick, Paris hotel, U. V.
Greenstreet, H. J., conveyancer, U. V.
Haviland, William, carpenter, U. V.
Huntly, John, Globe hotel, U. V.
Kirkpatrick, Robert, mansion house, U. V.
Laycock, James, cabinetmaker, L. V.
Laycock, Dr. H. S., L. V.
Leavens, Leander, saddler and harnessmaker, L. V.
Logan, Patrick, general trader, L. V.
Manson, William, cooper, L. V.
McCosh, Dr., U. V.
McCosh, John, baker and grocer, U. V.
Mitchell & Johnson, carriagemakers, and black-smiths, L. V.
Mitchell, James, fanning mill maker, L. V.
Naphegyi, Dr., beet root sugar factory, L. V.
Newcombe, R. & V., tailors, U. V.
Paris and Dundas Road Company,
James Nimmo, president,
James Pollock, sec. and treasurer.
Paris Star, weekly paper, office U. V.
Paris and Ayr Road Company, Asa Wolverton,
president, James Black, secretary, U. V.
Patton & Currey, distillers, & general store, L. V.
Robertson, James, tailor, U. V.
Roberts, John, baker, U. V.
Ruttan, Rev. Charles, Church of England.
Smith, John, innkeeper, L. V.
Smith, J. P., agent for marriage licenses, and commissioner for taking affidavits in Queen’s Bench, U. V.
Spence, G. innkeeper, U. V.
Spottiswood, Alexander, general trader, L. V.
Spratt, Thomas, boot and shoemaker.
Tennant, James, grocer and innkeeper, L. V.
Vincent, Rev. J., Congregationalist.
Waters, tinsmith, L. V.
Watts, Dr., L. V.
Young, William, shoemaker, U. V.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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