1851 Oakville Canada Directory

A Flourishing Village, situated on the shore of Lake Ontario, at the outlet of the 16 mile Creek, in the Township of Trafalgar, county of Halton, C. W., distant from Toronto, 25 miles, usual steamboat fare, 2s. 6d., distant from Hamilton, 20 miles, usual steamboat fare, 2s. 6d. Stage fare in winter, to Toronto or Hamilton, 3s. 9d. Population about 700.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
BEATTY, JAMES, general merchant.
DUFF, DAVID, cabinet and chair manufacturer.
GULLEDGE, HENRY, saddler and harnessmaker.
LEACH, ROBERT & Co., iron founders and machinists.
M’ALLISTER, P., general merchant.
MooRE, J. & Co., tin and coppersmiths, and stove warehouse.
OAKVILLE HOUSE, hotel and stage house, by Jesse Belyea.
REID, JAMES, general merchant and storage warehouse.
REYNOLDS, CHARLES, general merchant and storage warehouse.
ROMAIN, W. F., general merchant, forwarder, and agent for Life, Marine and Fire Assurance.
TERRY, JOHN, watchmaker and jeweler.
URQUHART, JOHN, chemist and druggist, and dealer in paints, oils, groceries, perfumery, &c.
WILLIAMS, J. W., general merchant, and township treasurer.
YOUNG & WHITE, cabinetmakers and upholsterers.
Non Members
Addison. D.. tailor.
Arnott, James, storekeeper.
Barnes. Jacob, machinist.
Bissett & Ray, boots and shoes.
Beardsley, B. C., attorney-at-law.
Brotherick, T., boots and shoes.
Calvin, James, painter.
Chisholm, R. K., postmaster and collector of customs.
Chisholm. John, flour mill.
Chisholm, George, reeve.
Davis, C.. temperance inn.
Denny, Rev. H., CongregationaIist.
Dennis, G., boots and shoes.
Fitzgerald, J., tailor.
Foreman, John, storekeeper.
Gilbert, W., waggonmaker.
Givens, Rev. S., Church of England.
Gunn, Dr., physician and surgeon.
Harris, T. S., clerk of division court, and storage warehouse.
Kelly, James, blacksmith.
M’Pherson & Crane, storage warehouse.
Nesbit, Rev. James, Free Church.
O’Reilly, Rev. Eugene, Roman Catholic.
Proudfoot, Alexander, storage warehouse.
Quin, M. P., storekeeper.
Randall, Jacob, shipbuilder.
Robinson, John, waggonmaker.
Simpson, Melancton, shipbuilder.
Steele, J., saddler.
Stinson, J., boots and shoes.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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