A Village situated in the Township of Norwich, County of Oxford, C. W.distant from Toronto, 95 miles, from Woodstock, 17 miles usual stage fare to Burford, 2s. 6d. Population about 450.
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
WHITNEY, B. S. & E., tin and coppersmiths, keep constantly on hand a good assortment of every article in their line of business, at very moderate prices.
Addison. William, cabinetmaker.
Anderson, Edward, shoemaker.
Avery, O., inspector of licenses.
Bailey, J., harnessmaker.
Barr & Co., iron founders.
Beard, Dr., J. L., physician and surgeon.
Bedford., Paul, innkeeper.
Bleakley, George, cabinetmaker.
Brown, R., innkeeper.
Carnaby, J. H., attorney at law, clerk of division court, and agent for National Loan Fund Life,
and Equitable Fire Assurance Companies.
Chapman, Rev., J. F., Methodist.
Cook, E. L., agent for marriage licenses.
Cook, Dr., E., physician and surgeon.
Cornell, H. J., general store.
Halligan, J. Tailor
Hand, T., bootmaker.
Hand, W., bootmaker.
Murphy, S., tailor.
Moore & Sutton, general store.
Morley, G. W., bootmaker.
Polden, William, blacksmith.
Scott, Robert, saleratus factory.
Steel, John, merchant and miller.
Smith, S., general store.
Stroud, -, innkeeper.
Thompson & Yates, tailors.
Wallace, Thomas, postmaster, merchant and distiller.