A Village situated in the Seigniory and County of Nicolet, C. E. distant from Montreal, 84 miles, here is a college here, in which 130 pupils are usually pursuing their studies.
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C,
CRESSE, E. L., notary public, &c..
Beaubien, Captain, J. P.
Beaubien, Amedee, notary public.
Beaubien, Captain Louis.
Beauchemin, Louis, general store.
Brassard, P., M. D.
Brassard, Major Victor.
Burgis, Rev. Henry, Church of England.
Chileas, Henry Alexander, postmaster.
Cresse, Luc Michel, notary, agent for the seignory.
David, George, notary public.
Bescoteau, Charles, boarding house.
Fortier, Rev. Louis Thomas, Roman Catholic.
Giroux, Charles, J. P., general store.
Gouin, David, hotelkeeper.
Hamelin, Hubert, general store.
Larocque, Bernabe, M. D.
Lecomte, Captain Joseph Ignace Rouillard, general store, notary public, and clerk of commissioners’ court.
Nourrit, Etienne Parmentier, P,
Proulx, George, commissioner of small causes.
Rousseau, Telesphore, general store.
Rousseau, Louis, general store.
Rousseau, Joseph Ovide, M. D.,
Rabat, dit St. Clair, M” miller.
Thurton, Miss V., general store.
Trudel, Captain M.