1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Ship Builder to Ventriloquist

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Ship Builder
Cantin, A., west end of St. Joseph st.

Ship Chandlers And Importers
GARTER & COWAN, general ship chandlers, grocers and provision dealers, 206 St. Paul st.
MULLINS, F. F., opposite the Quebec steamboat wharf, 67 Commissioners st. keeps on hand, anchors, chains, spikes, pitch, tar, rosin, varnish, patent tarred and manilla rope, oakum, marine canvass, duck, blocks, bunting and flags, oil cloths, copper, signal lamps, sail twine, caulking mallets and irons, paints and oils; also.
Charts,Compasses, Spy Glasses, Nautical Books, &C., agent for composition roller
hushing, all of which he offers at wholesale or retail upon very favorable terms.

Silversmiths And Platers
Bohle, P., Lagauchetiere, near St. Lawrence st.
Hicks. Charles H., 117 St. Lawrence st.
Bohle, Frs., 89 St. Lawrence st.
Morand, Paul. St. Amable lane.
FLECK, ALEXANDER, smith, machinist and agricultural implement maker, St.Peter st. BERTRAM, ALEXANDER, smith, farrier and horse shoer, corner of Lacroix and St. Mary st., opposite Dalhousie square.
JACKSON, JOHN, general blacksmith and horse shoer, 17 Bonaventure st.
MCWATTERS, JOHN, machinist, smith and patent weighing machine maker, Lemoine st. MCDONALD, JOHN, general black and ship smith, Common st.
MALONEY, JAMES, general smith, farrier and horse shoer, Haymarket square.
MASON, JAMES, horse shoer and farrier, corner of St. Urbain and Lagauchetiere st. PERRY, GEORGE, general smith and fire engine maker, 124 Craig st.
Ainslie, John, Haymarket square.
Barlow, Edward, blacksmith, 16 St. Joseph st.
Belair, J. P., St. Denis st.
Boulet, F., St. Antoine bridge.
Boyd & Wilson, St. John st.
Burnet, William, 34 St. Urbain st.
Chabot, Louis, 54 Bonaventure st.
Collin, P., 125 St. Lawrence st.
Curran, C. & J., 19 St. Maurice st
Dumas, N., 168 St. Joseph st
Duminie, C., 116 St. Mary st.
Dupuis, A., 13 St. Antoine st.
Dupuis. Charles, Montcalm st.
Faucher, James, 65 St. Mary st
Faucher, O., St. Antoine bridge,
Gordon, John, William st.
Goudreau, Isaie. 37 McGill st.
Grace, John, 52 Great St. James st.
Gulbault, Francois, Mignonne st.
Huneau, Joseph, 155 St. Joseph st.
Kannon, John, Wellington st.
Ladurantin, Victor. 147 St. Joseph st.
Lariveere, P., corner of St. Catherine and St.
Leveille, Joseph, St. Lawrence st.
McWatters, Thomas, 7 Recollet st.
Monro, Daniel, Lagauchetiere, near Voltigeur st.
Nicholson, R., & Co., 175 Craig st.
Palmer, A., William st.
Papin, Andre, head of Bleury st.
Perry, James, 124 Craig st.
Ratelle, J. B., Montcalm st.
Ryan, John, 56 Tolentin st.
Smallwell, James, 2 Hemline st.
Sutherland, J., corner of Chenneville and Vitre
Swinburne, George, 43 St. Lawrence st.
Therien, Toussaint, Dorchester, near St. Lawrence st.
Thompson, John, 48 St. Lawrence st.
Trudelle, J., 101 St. Joseph st.
Turnbull, John, George, near Wellington st
Villeneuve, P., corner of St. Catherine and German st.

Stucco Worker and Statuary
Catelli, Charles, 35 Notre Dame st.

Surgical Machinist And Truss Maker
Wanless, G., 11 St. Lawrence st.

Tallow Chandlers
CHRISTIE, WILLIAM, soap and candle factory, 14 St. Nicholas Tolentin st. the trade in city and country supplied with a good article, and on favorable terms. MATHEWSON, JOHN, & SON, corner of Inspector and William st., manufacturers of
candles, soap, lard, oil, &c. See card, page 242.
TAYLOR, SNARDON & Co., corner of Lagauchetiere and Hermine st., tallow chandlers and soap manufacturers the trade supplied upon very favorable terms.
Brennan, Patrick, corner Prince and William st.
Poitras, Louis, Wolfe st.
Brady & Darling, 62 St. Charles Borromee st.
Rogers, James, St. Elizabeth st.
Dollary, William, 20 Visitation st.
Sauvageau, A., & Co., Amherst st.
Maguire, Michael, 84 St. Lawrence st.
Watson, William, 80 St. Urbain st.
Megorian, James, cor. Craig and St. Constant st.

Tea and Coffee Warehouses
COCHRAN, SAMUEL, 109 Notre Dame st., importer of teas, coffees, sugars, wines, liquors, &c. See card, page M.
KER, JOHN, & Co., manufacturers of essence of coffee. See card, page 247.

Tin Plate Workers
HOLMES, SAMUEL, 79 St. Paul st., worker in tin, sheet iron and copper houses fitted up with hot air apparatus on a new and improved principle orders punctually attended to.
PROWSE, GEORGE F., 38 Great St. James st., tin plate, sheet iron, and copper smith.
RYAN, NICHOLAS, 6 St. Peter st. tin, sheet iron and copper ware of all kinds for sale low orders promptly attended to.
Belanger, B., College st.
Lamouche, Joseph, 23 St. Mary st.
Campbell, James, 48 St. Antoine st.
Lapierre, M., 169 St. Joseph st.
Dagenais, D,, 40 St. Mary st.
Lapierre, Louis, 57 St. Paul st.
Dednam, Thomas, 187 Notre Dame st.
Marcoux, J. B., Jacques Cartier sq.
Durocher, Thomas, 22 St. Lawrence st.
Moreau, Joseph, 177 St. Joseph, st.
Gillespie, James, 83 Craig st.
Pagnuello, Joseph, 10 Bonaventure st.
Giroux, Joseph, 135 Commissioners st.
Woodbury, T. E., & Co., 10 McGill st.

Tobacco And Cigar Stores
JOSEPH, 11., & Co., 144 St. Paul st., importers, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in tobacco, cigars, snuff, &c., &c.
KURCZYN, N. P. M., 31 McGill street, manufacturer of and wholesale and retail dealer in tobacco, cigars, snuff, &c., &c.
LEVEY, JoHN, 115 Notre Dame st., importer, manufacturer, and wholesale and retail dealer in tobacco, snuff, cigars, pipes, fancy articles, &c., &c.
ORR, JOHN, cigar divan, corner Notre Dame and St. Gabriel sts.-cigars of the very best brands always on hand.
RATTRAY, JAMES, & Co., 94 Notre Dame st., manufacturers, importers, and wholesale and retail dealers in tobacco, snuff, cigars, &c., &c.
Dubord, A., 77 St Paul st. & 99 St. Lawrence st.
Monaghan, William, corner Lagauchetiere and Wolfe st.
Durham, Duncan, 121 St. Paul st.
Grantham, James, Amherst st.
Papin, L. A., 117 St. Paul st.
McKey, Francis, 83 St. Paul St.
Villemain, Louis, Jacques Cartier sq.

Trunk Makers
DEAN, RoBERT, British trunk manufactory, first prize trunk maker, 154 Notre Dame st. a general assortment of trunks, valises, carpet bags, &c., &c., constantly for sale, of the best quality and upon reasonable terms. See card.
HIBBARD, W. R., trunk and lamp warehouse, 113 St Paul st. N.B. Trunks, valises, carpet bags, &c., in great variety at very low prices. Lamps of every description, wholesale and retail, on the mot reasonable terms.

McGUIRE, JoHN, 40 St. Charles Borromee st. round, oval and fancy turning of all kinds executed to order with accuracy and despatch, and upon moderate terms.
Bone, Thomas, 20 Bonaventure st.
Smith, Joseph, Haymarket square.
Donahoo, Bernard, 43 St. Lawrence st.
Williamson, Alexander, 14 St. Joseph St.
Quigg, Clinton, 4 St. George st.

Type Foundry
MONTREAL TYPE FOUNDRY, C. T. Palsgrave, proprietor, corner St. Helen and Lemoine ts. See card, page 245.

Umbrella Maker
McIver, Peter, 48 St. Joseph st.

Ventriloquist And Biologist
PALMER, DR. FRANCIS, 10 Notre Dame st., gives instructions in ventriloquism, electrobiology and natural magic phantasmagoria, electrifying apparatus, &c., repaired antique coins, paintings, &c., for sale.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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