1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Engravers to Furniture

Engravers And Lithographers
BOURNE, ADOLPHUS, engraver and lithographer, 120 St. Paul st.
MATHEWS, GEORGE, engraver on steel, copper and wood, and lithographer and printer, 19 Great St. James st.
WALKER, J. H., engraver on copper and wood, at John Lovell’s, St. Nicholas st.
Ireland, Thomas, 8 Great St. James st. Welch, J., wood engraver, 24 Great St. James st.
Rennie, John, 13 St. Francois Xavier st.

Exchange And Money Brokers
DORWIN, C., 201 St. Francois Xavier st. all kinds of foreign money, drafts, &c., bought and sold.
Fisher, Daniel, 22 St. Francois Xavier st.
J Smith, Ira G., 39 St. Francois Xavier st.
WARNER, GEORGE W., 20 St. Francois Xavier st. all kinds of foreign money bought and sold, commission agency business particularly attended to.
WEIR, WILLIAM, 174 St. Paul st. foreign money, drafts, &c., bought and sold.
WHEELER, GEORGE H., 37 St. Francois Xavier st. foreign money, drafts, &c., bought and sold, collections in all parts of Canada and the United States attended to.

Express Offices
CHENEY, Rice & Co., Boston and Canada express, George Bent, agent, 183 St. Paul st. See card, page 202.
PULLEN, VIRGIL & CO., New York, Montreal and Quebec express, George Bent, agent, 183 St. Paul st. See card, page 202.
SMITH, JOHN, New York, Toronto, Hamilton and London express, St. Joseph st.
PULLEN, VIRGIL & Co., No. 10 Wall street, New York.
CHENEY & Co., Court square, Boston.

Fancy Stores
CHAPPLE, ALFRED, 116 Notre Dame st. stationery, combs, brushes, paper hangings,
and fancy goods of every description, wholesale and retail, at low prices.
HOLLAND, E., 124 Notre Dame st., opposite the centre gate of the English Church,
imports fancy goods, toys, and paper hangings, all of which are offered, either
wholesale or retail, on favorable terms.
HOLLAND, GEORGE A., corner of Notre Dame and St. Francois Xavier sts., imports combs, fancy goods, paper hangings, looking glasses, toys, jewellery, &e., &c., which he offers wholesale or retail, on very reasonable terms.
NELSON & BUTTERS, wholesale dealers in fancy goods, clocks, combs, paper hangings,
&c., &c., and manufacturers, of corn brooms, and brushes, 22 M’Gill st.
SHARPLEY, R., importer of, and wholesale and retail dealer in every description of
fancy goods, stationery, &c., &c., 131 Notre Dame st. See card, page 204.
THOMSON, JOHN, Notre Dame st.fancy goods, stationery, perfumery, baskets, toys,
cheap music, umbrellas, cutlery, Scotch butter prints, &c., constantly on hand, and
for sale, wholesale and retail, at the lowest possible prices.
TRIGG, F., 122 Notre Dame st. a general stock of paper hangings, fancy articles, and toys of every description, for sale wholesale and retail, at very moderate prices.
Samuels, A., 169 Notre Dame st.

Fire Engine And Hose Factory.
PERRY, GEORGE, 124 Craig st.

Flour Merchants And Millers
Charlebois, P., Commissioners st.
GOULD, IRA, Montreal. Mills, canal basin, office, 123 Commissioners st.
JANES & OLIVER, flour merchants, Pointe-a-Calliere.
Latham, Richard, 28 St, Francois Xavier st.
M’DOUGALL, JAMES, canal mills, south side canal basin, office, 90 Commissioners st.
Renaud & Frere, 106 Foundling st.
Sauvageau, David, 49 Commissioners st.

Forwarding Merchants
BARNUM, WALKER & CO., forwarders and commission merchants, Common st. canal wharf
BENT, GEORGE, agent for Jason C. Peirce & Son, 183 St. Paul st.
BONTER, J., forwarder and commission merchant, Common st. canal wharf.
CLEMOW, F., & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, canal wharf.
COOTE, WILLIAM, & CO., forwarders and Custom-house agents, A. Gundlack, agent, 61 Commissioners st. and at St. Johns.
GLASSFORD, JAMES A., forwarder and commission merchant, Common st. canal basin, corner Grey Nun st.
GREGORY, S. E., & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, lower canal basin.
GUNDLACK, ALEXANDER, general forwarding agent, 61 Commissioners st.
HOOKER, HOLTON & CO., forwarders and commission merchants, Common st. canal wharf.
JoNEs, H., & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, Wellington st. canal basin.
KER, JoHN, forwarder and commission merchant, canal wharf.
Lapensee, V. R., Common st., canal wharf. Voligny & Sylvestre, Common st., canal wharf.
MACPHERSON, CRANE & CO., forwarders and commission merchants, Common st., near Dalhousie st.
MURRAY, DONALD, & Co., forwarders and commission merchants, Colborne st. canal basin. See card.
SEE, CHARLES H., forwarder and commission merchant, Common st. canal wharf.
SMITH, GEORGE, forwarder and commission merchant, Hanover st., Beaver Hall.
UNITED STATES & CANADA FORWARDING, Travis & Co., A. Gundlack, agent, 61 Commissioners st.
WALKER, JAMES A., forwarder and commission merchant, opposite canal basin.

Foundries And Machinists
BRUSH, GEORGE, EAGLE FOUNDRY, steam-engine and machine manufactory of all kinds, King, near Common st.
IRWIN, JAMES, Foundry, steam-engine, mill and machine manufactory of every description, Ann, near Wellington t.
LADD, C. P., lessee of the Montreal foundry and city works, William st., Griffintown. See card.
MONTREAL FOUNDRY AND CITY WORKS, William Rodden, proprietor, C. P. Ladd, manufacturer, William st.
REDMOND, JOHN, JAMES & FRANCIS, general ironfounders, machinists, and engine manufacturers, 2 St. Antoine st.
Pages & Co., Wellington st. between George and Molson, George, St. Mary’s foundry, St. Mary st. Prince sts. Sutherland, J., 27 Chenneville st.

English Coke, Lehigh Coals, and most articles wanted in the Trade
Hay Market Square, Montreal, has constantly on hand or makes to order, every description of Vehicle which is used in Canada, and having had an experience of 36 years in the Trade, in Montreal, during which time, he believes the carriages which he has built, have given entire satisfaction to his numerous Customers, he thinks it unnecessary to say more than that he is still to be found at his Old stand as above, and prepared to attend to the orders of his friends and the public as heretofore.

Furniture Stores, (New And Second Hand)
Leveillee, Joseph, 10 St. Mary st.
McCoy, John, sen., St. Lawrence st.
McGuire, Francis, St. Mary st.
Power, Maurice, 32 St. Mary st.
Skinner, William, St. Lawrence et.
Thompson, J. S.. 89 Craig st.
Wray, Joseph, 77 St. Lawrence st.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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