1851 Goderich Canada Directory

The County Town of the United Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, is situated in the Township of Goderich-distant from Toronto, 109 miles, from Hamilton, 101 miles, from Stratford, 44 miles, from Mitchell, 32 miles, from London, 59 miles usual stage fare to Mitchell, 6s. 3d. to Stratford, 8s. 9d. to Preston, 15s. to Galt, 15s. to Dundas, 18s. 9d. to Hamilton, 20s. and to London, 15s . Population about 1200.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies of Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
Bank of Upper Canada, John McDonald, agent.
British America, Fire and Marine Assurance Company, W. B. Rich, agent. Canada Life Assurance Company, James Watson, agent.
National Loan Fund. Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Companies, John Strachan, agent.
Provincial Mutual Fire Assurance Company, John Clark, agent.

Public Officers
Acland, A., judge of the county and surrogate courts.
Brown, George, county treasurer.
Cayley, Hon. William, M. P. P. for United Counties.
Chalk, William, warden of United Counties.
Clark, John, crown lands agent.
Galt, John, registrar of United Counties and collector of customs.
Hamilton, M., deputy clerk of the crown.
Kydd, Thomas, postmaster.
Lizars, Daniel, clerk of the peace.
McDonald, John, sheriff.
McDougal, Dr. Peter, coroner.
McQueen, Thomas, clerk of county court, and registrar of surrogate court.
Ritchie, D. H., clerk of county council.
Strachan, John, deputy registrar of the court of chancery.
Wallace, William, town reeve.
Widder, Charles, revenue inspector.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
BROWN, GEORGE, county treasurer.
CAMPBELL, JAMES, boot and shoe manufacturer.
CAMERON, MALCOLM, general merchant.
DONAGH, JOHN, Victoria hotel-travellers will find good accommodations and reasonable charges.
ELLIS, ROBERT, hotel keeper, Colborne hotel-has excellent accommodation for travellers, with good stabling.
FRASER, GEORGE, notary public, coroner, deputy sheriff and master in chancery.
GENTLES, JAMES, Huron hotel travellers will find a comfortable house and moderate charges.
HURON LOYALIST, newspaper, W. & E. Woodcock, publishers.
HURON SIGNAL, newspaper, Thomas M’Queen, editor.
LEWIS, IRA, barrister and attorney at law.
MCDONALD, JOHN, agent Bank of Upper Canada.
MCDONALD, JOHN, sheriff of the United Counties.
PARK, ROBERT, importer and general merchant.
PARSONS, BENJAMIN, general merchant, dispensing chemist, and dealer in dry goods, groceries, paints, oils and stationery.
STORY, WM., tinsmith and dealer in all kinds of stoves and hollowware glazing, paper hanging, bell hanging, &c.
STRACHAN, JOHN, barrister and attorney at law, deputy registrar of the court of chancery, and solicitor to the county council.
THORNHILL, E. E., ladies and gentlemen’s boot and shoemaker, from Sheffield, England, West t.
WATSON, JAMES, importer and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware and crockery.
WOODCOCK, W. & E., printers and publishers of the Huron Loyalist.

Non Subscribers
Acland, Arthur, judge of county court.
Adams, John, tailor.
Allen, John, innkeeper,
Bissett, James, carpenter and joiner.
Bissett. George, carpenter and joiner.
Chalk, William, warden.
Crabb, C., general merchant and forwarder.
Crabb, Mary Ann, general dealer.
Dickinson, J. P., printer.
Donaldson, James, boot and shoemaker.
Elwood, Rev. Edward, Church of England.
Fletcher, Rev. Charles, Free Church.
Galt, John, county registrar and inspector of licenses.
Gordon, Daniel, cabinetmaker.
Grace, W. E., general merchant.
Haldane, John, school teacher.
Hamilton, Morgan, M. D.
Hobson, George, innkeeper.
Horton, Horace, saddler and harness maker.
Horton, H., blacksmith.
Johnson, J., tavernkeeper.
Jones, Thomas Mercer, commissioner of Canada Company.
Kydd, Thomas, postmaster.
Lamontagne, S., chair and cabinetmaker.
Lewis, Ira, barrister at law.
Lizars, Daniel, clerk of the peace.
McDonald, John, carpenter, and lumber merchant.
McDougal, Peter, M. D., coroner.
McKid, Rev. Alexander, Church of Scotland.
McKay, Angus, tailor.
McLennan, Martin, carpenter and joiner.
McQueen, Thomas, clerk of county court, and editor of the Huron Signal.
Miller, Jacob L., tanner and boot and shoemaker.
Newman, Henry, baker and confectioner.
Nolan & Martin, wagon and carriage makers.
Rattenbury, Isaac, hotel keeper, British hotel.
Rich, W. B., insurance agent.
Ritchie, D. H., county clerk.
Ross, A., carpenter and joiner.
Schneider, Rev. P., Roman Catholic.
Seymour, M. B. & Co., general merchants.
Smith, William, tanner.
Stewart, John, barrister and attorney at law.
Stotes, William, saddler and harness maker.
Videau, George, blacksmith.
Wallace, William, carpenter and joiner.
Wallace, Alexander, watchmaker.
Watson, James, baker and confectioner.
Watson, D., attorney at law.
White, William M., general merchant.
Widder, Charles, inspector of licenses.
Wilson, Henry, inspector of licenses.
Young, Richard, boot and shoemaker.
Young, Richard, brewer.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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